Serve large files using web server with support for laravel
- Support Nginx, Apache, LiteSpeed, Lighttpd
- Automatic Server Type Detector
- Configurable
- Support Cache
- Set Extra Headers
- Compatible with Laravel
๐ If you find this project interesting, please consider supporting me on the open source journey
- PHP >=7.0.1
- FileInfo Extension
Install using composer:
composer require mostafaznv/php-x-sendfile
Don't need for Laravel 5.5+
'providers' => [
'aliases' => [
'Recaptcha' => Mostafaznv\PhpXsendfile\Facades\PhpXsendfile::class,
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Mostafaznv\PhpXsendfile\PhpXsendfileServiceProvider"
namespace App\Controllers;
use Mostafaznv\PhpXsendfile\PhpXsendfile;
class DownloadController
public function quickExample()
$path = '/files/Sample.mp4';
$xSendFile = new PhpXsendfile();
public function completeExample()
$path = '/files/Sample.mp4';
// or full path
$path = public_path('files/Sample.mp4');
// optional
$config = [
'server' => null,
'cache' => true,
'cache-control-max-age' => 2592000
// set extra headers (optional)
$headers = [
'Header-Name' => 'Header-Value' // header('Header-Name: Header-Value')
// set downloaded filename (optional, nullable)
$fileName = 'LargeVideoFile.mp4';
$xSendFile = new PhpXsendfile($config);
$xSendFile->setHeader($headers)->download($path, $fileName);
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use Mostafaznv\PhpXsendfile\Facades\PhpXsendfile; // or use PhpXsendfile;
class DownloadController extends Controller
public function quickExample()
$path = public_path('files/');
// or
public function completeExample()
$path = public_path('files/');
// set extra headers (optional)
$headers = [
'Header-Name' => 'Header-Value' // header('Header-Name: Header-Value')
// set downloaded filename (optional, nullable)
$fileName = 'LargeVideoFile.mp4';
PhpXsendfile::setHeader($headers)->download($path, $fileName);
Note: to change configuration in laravel, open config/x-sendfile.php and set your own configurations.
Key | Default | Type | Description |
server | null | string | with null value, package will detect server type automatically supported: Nginx, Apache, LiteSpeed, Lighttpd |
cache | true | boolean | enable/disable for caching response |
cache-control-max-age | 2592000 | integer | set maximum age of cache |
Argument Index | Argument Name | Default | Type | Description |
0 | file | string | relative (related to project index.php file) or absolute file path | |
1 | fileName | null | string | user defined file name |
Argument Index | Argument Name | Default | Example | Type | Description |
0 | headers | ['Header-Name' => 'Header-Value')] | array | Key-Value array. key is header name value is header value |
๐ If you find this project interesting, please consider supporting me on the open source journey
this package inspired by songlipeng2003's x-sendfile.
Refer to the Changelog for a full history of the project.
This software released under Apache License Version 2.0.
(c) 2020 Mostafaznv, All rights reserved.