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Flutter template using CLEAN architecture 🎯

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App name - Flutter

πŸ“– Project description

This project serves as a template project for Flutter applications. You can generate a new repository by clicking "Use this template" above.

πŸ”§ Setup and Installation

  1. Execute $ flutter doctor to verify installations.

  2. Execute $ pub get to pull project dependencies.

  3. Execute a run configuration of your choice:

    flutter run --flavor development -t lib/main_development.dart --dart-define-from-file=lib/config/dart_define_keys/dart_define_development_keys.json
    flutter run --flavor staging -t lib/main_staging.dart --dart-define-from-file=lib/config/dart_define_keys/dart_define_staging_keys.json`


⚠️ Running the Production Flavor

It is not recommended to run the production flavor directly from the IDE (VS Code or Android Studio) as it may be run by mistake. For ease and accuracy, it is advised to run flavors via the VS Code launch menu or the Android Studio Run menu instead.

To use the build runner, use this command:

dart run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs

🌲 Branches

  • main - Latest version in the app store.
  • develop - Default. Feature branches are merged in when complete and then deleted.

πŸ”— Useful links