In this example, we deploy NGINX Gateway Fabric, a simple gRPC web application, and then configure NGINX Gateway Fabric to route traffic to that application using GRPCRoute resources.
Follow the installation instructions to deploy NGINX Gateway Fabric.
Save the public IP address of NGINX Gateway Fabric into a shell variable:
Save the port of NGINX Gateway Fabric:
GW_PORT=<port number>
Create the two helloworld Deployments and Services:
kubectl apply -f helloworld.yaml
Check that the Pods are running in the
Namespace:kubectl -n default get pods
NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE grpc-infra-backend-v1-766c7d6788-rg92p 1/1 Running 0 12s grpc-infra-backend-v2-546f7c8d48-mjkkx 1/1 Running 0 12s
Save these pod names into variables:
POD_V1=<grpc-infra-backend-v1-xxxxxxxxxx-xxxxx> POD_V2=<grpc-infra-backend-v2-xxxxxxxxxx-xxxxx>
There are 3 options to configure gRPC routing. To access the application and test the routing rules, we will use grpcurl.
Create the Gateway and GRPCRoute resources:
kubectl apply -f exact-method.yaml
Test the Application:
grpcurl -plaintext -proto grpc.proto -authority -d '{"name": "exact"}' ${GW_IP}:${GW_PORT} helloworld.Greeter/SayHello
{ "message": "Hello exact" }
Clean up the Gateway and GRPCRoute resources:
kubectl delete -f exact-method.yaml
Create the Gateway and GRPCRoute resources:
kubectl apply -f hostname.yaml
Test the Application:
grpcurl -plaintext -proto grpc.proto -authority -d '{"name": "bar server"}' ${GW_IP}:${GW_PORT} helloworld.Greeter/SayHello
{ "message": "Hello bar server" }
To make sure this came from the correct server, we can check the application server logs:
kubectl logs ${POD_V1}
2024/04/29 09:26:54 server listening at [::]:50051 2024/04/29 09:28:54 Received: bar server
Now we'll send a request to
grpcurl -plaintext -proto grpc.proto -authority -d '{"name": "foo bar server"}' ${GW_IP}:${GW_PORT} helloworld.Greeter/SayHello
{ "message": "Hello foo bar server" }
This time, we'll check the POD_V2 logs:
kubectl logs ${POD_V2}
2024/04/29 09:26:55 server listening at [::]:50051 2024/04/29 09:29:46 Received: foo bar server
Clean up the Gateway and GRPCRoute resources:
kubectl delete -f hostname.yaml
Create the Gateway and GRPCRoute resources:
kubectl apply -f headers.yaml
Test the Application:
grpcurl -plaintext -proto grpc.proto -authority -d '{"name": "version one"}' -H 'version: one' ${GW_IP}:${GW_PORT} helloworld.Greeter/SayHello
{ "message": "Hello version one" }
To make sure this came from the correct server, we can check the application server logs:
kubectl logs ${POD_V1}
<...> 2024/04/29 09:30:27 Received: version one
Now we'll send a request with the header
version: two
grpcurl -plaintext -proto grpc.proto -authority -d '{"name": "version two"}' -H 'version: two' ${GW_IP}:${GW_PORT} helloworld.Greeter/SayHello
{ "message": "Hello version two" }
This time, we'll check the POD_V2 logs:
kubectl logs ${POD_V2}
<...> 2024/04/29 09:32:46 Received: version two
We'll send a request with the header
headerRegex: grpc-header-a
grpcurl -plaintext -proto grpc.proto -authority -d '{"name": "version two regex"}' -H 'headerRegex: grpc-header-a' ${GW_IP}:${GW_PORT} helloworld.Greeter/SayHello
{ "message": "Hello version two regex" }
Verify logs of
to ensure response is from the correct service.Finally, we'll send a request with the headers
version: two
andcolor: orange
grpcurl -plaintext -proto grpc.proto -authority -d '{"name": "version two orange"}' -H 'version: two' -H 'color: orange' ${GW_IP}:${GW_PORT} helloworld.Greeter/SayHello
{ "message": "Hello version two orange" }
Now check the POD_V1 logs again:
kubectl logs ${POD_V1}
<...> 2024/04/29 09:30:27 Received: version one 2024/04/29 09:33:26 Received: version two orange
Clean up the Gateway and GRPCRoute resources:
kubectl delete -f headers.yaml