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Pattern Matcher Examples

The AtomSpace is a knowledgebase: a collection of tools for working with (semantic) knowledge stored in a graph database. Querying the database is a basic building block, on top of which much of the rest is built.

The pattern matcher implements a graph query language (GQL) with a number of advanced features not found in ordinary graph databases. This directory contains examples of how to use these.

Perhaps the most novel aspect is that the queries themselves are also graphs, and so that they too can be stored in the knowledgebase. This in turn enables a kind of recursive query processing.

By storing queries as graphs, one can build a rule engine, by writing each rule as a query. The rule engine performs a "meta"-query, selecting appropriate rules, so as to chain them together. The rule engine in turn can serve as a foundation for inferencing, theorem- proving, logical deduction, common-sense reasoning, and the like. The axioms of natural deduction (of Hilbert systems) are themselves stored as graphs.

By storing each query as a graph, one can do inverse queries. So, for example, one can search for all queries that match a given "answer". This reverses the ordinary concept of queries: here, one knows the answer (it's some graph), and one is looking for questions that might deliver that answer (the questions are just other graphs).

Another important feature is that many Atomese Atoms are "active", and cause things to happen when executed. The pattern matcher is a natural place to trigger these. Thus, Atoms can lie dormant until a query causes them to run. This is particularly useful for interacting with external systems, to process sensor input and perform control (for example, to process input from robotic sensors or game-world inputs, and to then control the action of the robot or game-world character.)

The simplest example of an "active" link is the GreaterThanLink. As a knowledge-base, it is impossible to passively store all possible greater-than relationships between integers: there's a countable infinity of them. The GreaterThanLink, when triggered during a search, can procedurally (algorithmically) evaluate, on the spot, the relative order of two integers. The GreaterThanLink serves as an example of arbitrary computation that can be done "behind the scenes". However, (and this is the important part!) the "meaning" of greater-than is known a-priori. Thus, the reasoning engine can make logical deductions about what GreaterThanLink would have done, if it had been called. Thus, it is both declarative (asserting a fact) and active (returns an actual answer, if you ask it).

More complex examples include the arithmetic links: PlusLink and TimesLink, which can add an multiply numbers; the ValueOfLink, which can obtain numeric values, the FormulaPredicateLink, which can evaluate predicateds on inputs, and the GroundedPredicateNode, which can convert external stimuli into Atomese predicates.

These "active" link types can be composed to describe processing pipelines and systems that are both accessible to reasoning and learning (because they encode "knowledge" of the pipeline) and at the same time, these processing pipelines can actually "do" whatever it is they are wired up to do. One can imagine the Atoms as describing pipes or plumbing, and the values flowing through them as water flowing through the pipes. The AtomSpace holds the current configuration of the pipes; the query subsystem is used to edit and change the configuration; the values move through the configuration.


Please go through the first four or six or ten demos in the atomspace folder first. These will provide an introduction to the various features and functions in the AtomSpace itself. This will make the examples here much easier to understand.

Many of the examples assume that you are cutting and pasting from the example to the guile prompt. You might find it easier to bulk-load the example, (load-from-path "some-example.scm") and then bounce around inside of it.

Basic Examples

The first five examples provide a basic introduction to basic pattern matching.

  • satisfaction.scm -- Determining satisfiability of a query.
  • unify.scm -- Basic term unification.
  • glob.scm -- Matching multiple atoms at once.
  • choice.scm -- Using the ChoiceLink to explore alternatives.

Presence and Absence

Sometimes, one wants a query to match, only if some other sub-query does not. To find all graphs that do not have a certain subgraph in them. This requires testing for absence.

Normally, a query consists of a collection of "clauses", each of which must be matched. Any variables appearing in the clauses must have consistent groundings: the clauses are treated as an "inner join". Absence is handled in a very similar fashion: absent clauses are those which do not have a common grounding, which cannot be joined to the other (required) clauses.

(Cute factoid for the mathematically-inclined: this implies that the pattern matcher implements a form of "intuitionistic logic", or "constructivist logic" under the covers. Perhaps not a surprise: these are the logics of theorem-proving, in general.)

  • presence.scm -- Testing for presence of an Atom ("there-exists").
  • absent.scm -- Using the AbsentLink ("there-does-not-exist").
  • always.scm -- Testing if a clause always holds ("for-all").
  • group-by.scm -- Grouping results together ("local for-all").
  • recursive.scm -- Recursive pattern matching aka forward chaining.
  • value-of.scm -- Looking for high or low TruthValues.
  • dot-product.scm -- Numeric computations on query results.
  • query.scm -- Running queries in parallel.

Pattern Recognition

It is sometimes useful to invert a query. One might want to find all "questions" that provide a given "answer". This is accomplished with the pattern-recognizer, or DualLink. Given a graph without variables in it (a "ground term"), it can find all graphs that do have variables in them, that would have matched up, if aligned properly.

This inverted search for ungrounded patterns is very useful for building a rule engine. Given a rule-set, it allows one to figure out very quickly which rules can be chained together. Crudely speaking, one can think of the recognizer as being kind-of-like a RETE algorithm.

The DualLink is particularly useful for constructing stimulus-response ("SRAI") systems, such a chatbots, where an input utterance (the "stimulus") needs to be matched to any one of dozens of different chatbot responses, depending on the current chat topic and other knowledge.

  • recognizer.scm -- Implementing AIML with DualLink.


Types allow queries to be constrained so that only certain types of graphs are matched. For example, one might want to find all graphs that have a ConceptNode in one location, and a PredicateNode in a different one. In this case, one constrains the pattern variable to be of type "ConceptNode" or of type "PredicateNode".

More generally, one may want to define new types that are combinations of existing types: these are the type constructors. For example, one might want to find all "functions" that take certain "inputs" and produce certain "outputs", where the inputs and outputs are of a certain type. This can be achieved by the "function type" or "arrow type": a type constructor that builds function types.

Atomese implements a fairly complete type system. It provides all of the basic type constructors; the biggest missing piece is support for dependent types.

  • define.scm -- DefineLinks give names to sub-patterns.
  • type-signature.scm -- Using signatures and type constructors.

Virtual Links

Virtual links are links that require algorithmic support to make a decision. The primary example is GreaterThanLink. It is impossible to store all pairs of numbers such that the first is greater than the second. However, it is quite easy to run an algorithm to make the same determination. This is a "virtual link": it acts as if any given ordered pair of numbers was actually in the AtomSpace, even though it isn't, really. The pair is only "virtually" there, existing briefly, just long enough to perform the determination.

Any relation that might require an infinitely-large set to instantiate can be implemented as a virtual link. The pattern matcher knows how to join these together.

More precisely: A collection of clauses to be (collectively) satisfied can be thought of as a Cartesian product of those clauses. The "inner join", the need to have variables have common groundings during satisfaction means that not every possible element of the product can appear -- the join discards or filters away most members of the Cartesian product.

This is easy to do for ordinary graphs that "really" exist in the knowledgebase; its a good bit harder when the graph has virtual links in it. There is a potential combinatorial explosion: the Cartesian product can become huge, and one cannot afford to execute a virtual link on every potential combination. The pattern matcher takes steps to minimize that combinatorial explosion.

  • virtual.scm -- Using virtual links.

Interacting with External Systems

Atomese can be used to perform scripting to control external systems (e.g. robots) in response to external stimuli (e.g. sensory inputs). The scripts themselves are just collections of atoms, held in the AtomSpace, describing behaviors and processing pipelines. The "active" atom types can actually process data and perform actions, according to the current configuration. The missing link is getting data to and from the AtomSpace; this is provided by the GroundedPredicateNode and the GroundedSchemaNode, which interface to code written in python, scheme and C/C++, and can be used to import sensor data into the AtomSpace, as well as to control robots or game characters outside the AtomSpace.

  • gsn.scm -- When a match is found, call a callback.
  • gsn-truth.scm -- Altering TruthValues in a callback.
  • gpn.scm -- Callback decides: is there a match?
  • sequence.scm -- Using GPN's to execute a sequence of tasks.
  • condition.scm -- Actions taken can depend on preconditions.

State Machines

State machines are a popular control strategy for robots and other systems, and are an alternative to behavior trees (which were demonstrated in earlier examples).

The pattern matcher is powerful enough to write state machines without any further ado. The pattern matcher itself is implemented as a stack machine. As a result, it is fairly easy to implement state machines simply by writing down the transition graphs (transition functions) for them.

  • fsm-basic.scm -- A Deterministic Finite State Machine (FSM).
  • fsm-full.scm -- A generic deterministic FSM constructor.
  • fsm-mealy.scm -- A generic Mealy machine constructor.
  • markov-chain.scm -- A Markov chain (probabilistic FSM) based on fsm-full.

Filtering and Mapping

Given a set or vector or stream of Atoms, one might want to filter out only portions of that stream. This can be done with either PutLink or with FilterLink, the latter being more general. Given a stream or vector of Atoms, one might want to apply some transformation to that set. This can be done with FilterLink in combination with RuleLink. This somewhat resembles the filtering predicates and mapping functions found in srfi-1. The FilterLink is particularly interesting: it can be though of as an UnPutLink, to undo the effects of a PutLink, that is, to extract data.

These link types are similar to, but different from QueryLink, GetLink, BindLink and related. The QueryLink etal. apply their pattern operations to the entire AtomSpace, whereas the FilterLink applies it only to the provided set or vector or stream. So, conceptually related, but used in a different way.

The code base that implements FilterLink is disjoint from that for QueryLink, and so, although they are conceptually similar, there will be defacto differences, including bugs and supported features (e.g. handling of QuoteLinks.) Filtering is much (much!) easier than querying, as the list of candidates are presented directly to the filter. Filtering is also a kind-of one-sided unification, and thus simpler than full-fledged (symmetric) unification.

  • put-filter.scm -- Using PutLink to filter sets of atoms.
  • filter.scm -- Extracting and re-writing with FilterLink.
  • filter-value.scm -- Using FilterLink on data streams.
  • filter-strings.scm -- Matching specific StringValues in data streams.
  • vector-column.scm -- Packing float point data into vectors (for GPU's).

Unfinished examples

Some experiments that get complicated. And can't easily be done.

  • deduction-engine.scm -- a ProLog-like reasoning engine