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OpenFaaS Cloud

This is the experimental Helm Chart for installing OpenFaaS Cloud.

It is currently not recommended to use this chart directly, it is intended to be used as part of ofc-bootstrap to install OpenFaaS Cloud clusters.

This is mainly for configuration documentation for developers wishing to use this chart in ofc-bootstrap.


Parameter Description Default
ofBuilder.image The image used to the OpenFaaS Builder openfaas/of-builder:0.8.0
ofBuilder.replicas The number of replicas for the OpenFaaS Builder deployment 1
buildKit.image The Buildkit image used by OpenFaaS Cloud moby/buildkit:v0.6.2
buildKit.privileged If the buildKit container should run in privilaged mode true
edgeAuth.image The edge-auth image for OpenFaaS Cloud openfaas/edge-auth:0.8.0
edgeAuth.replicas Number of replicas of edge-auth to run 1
edgeAuth.enableOauth2 If OAuth2 is enabled in the installation true
edgeAuth.oauthProvider The OAuth provider, github or gitlab github
edgeAuth.oauthProviderBaseURL The OAuth2 base URL, required if using gitlab as OAuth2 provider ""
edgeAuth.clientId The client ID provided by your OAuth provider ""
edgeAuth.writeDebug If Debug logging is enabled in edge-auth false
edgeRouter.image The container image for the OpenFaaS Cloud edge-router openfaas/edge-router:0.7.4
tls.enabled If we are using TLS, certificated provided by LEtsEncrypt true The email for the LetsEncrypt TLS certificates. Required if TLS is enabled
tls.issuerType The LetsEncrypt issuer to use, either staging or prod staging
tls.dnsService The DNS provider for your domain, one of route53, digitalocean, cloudflare or clouddns digitalocean
tls.route53.region The AWS Region for the DNS api calls eu-west-1
tls.route53.accessKeyID The Acces Key ID for route53, required if using route53 and ambientCredentials is false ``
tls.route53.ambientCredentials If true, this will instruct cert-manager to use an ambient credentials provider, if configured (such as kube2iam) false If using Cloudflare for DNS set this to your Cloudflare email ``
tls.clouddns.projectID If using Clouddns set this to your project ID ``
ingress.class The ingress class used for ingress. Set to traefik if using traefik for ingress for example nginx
ingress.maxConnections The max connections allowed for OpenFaaS Cloud Functions ``
ingesss.requestsPerMinute The max requests per minute when using nginx for the inress class 600
customers.url The public URL to a customers file, it should be unformatted with 1 username per line ""
customers.customersSecret If set to ture we use a secret for our customers list rather than a public URL false
global.rootDomain The root domain for this OFC installation ""
global.enableECR Set to true is using ECR as our container registry rather than Docker Hub false
global.imagePullPolicy The policy for pulling OFC images, Allways or IfNotPresent for example IfNotPresent
global.coreNamespace The namespace for the core OFC components openfaas
global.functionsNamespace The namespace for the User Functions openfaas-fn
global.httpProbe The setting to detemine is we are using http probe or exec probe. Istio users may wish to set this to fale doe example. true
networkPolicies.enabled The setting to turn on/off the deployment of the OFC Network policies true