This is the experimental Helm Chart for installing OpenFaaS Cloud.
It is currently not recommended to use this chart directly, it is intended to be used as part of ofc-bootstrap
to install OpenFaaS Cloud clusters.
This is mainly for configuration documentation for developers wishing to use this chart in ofc-bootstrap
Parameter | Description | Default |
ofBuilder.image |
The image used to the OpenFaaS Builder |
openfaas/of-builder:0.8.0 |
ofBuilder.replicas |
The number of replicas for the OpenFaaS Builder deployment |
1 |
buildKit.image |
The Buildkit image used by OpenFaaS Cloud |
moby/buildkit:v0.6.2 |
buildKit.privileged |
If the buildKit container should run in privilaged mode |
true |
edgeAuth.image |
The edge-auth image for OpenFaaS Cloud |
openfaas/edge-auth:0.8.0 |
edgeAuth.replicas |
Number of replicas of edge-auth to run |
1 |
edgeAuth.enableOauth2 |
If OAuth2 is enabled in the installation |
true |
edgeAuth.oauthProvider |
The OAuth provider, github or gitlab |
github |
edgeAuth.oauthProviderBaseURL |
The OAuth2 base URL, required if using gitlab as OAuth2 provider |
"" |
edgeAuth.clientId |
The client ID provided by your OAuth provider |
"" |
edgeAuth.writeDebug |
If Debug logging is enabled in edge-auth |
false |
edgeRouter.image |
The container image for the OpenFaaS Cloud edge-router |
openfaas/edge-router:0.7.4 |
tls.enabled |
If we are using TLS, certificated provided by LEtsEncrypt |
true | |
The email for the LetsEncrypt TLS certificates. Required if TLS is enabled | |
tls.issuerType |
The LetsEncrypt issuer to use, either staging or prod |
staging |
tls.dnsService |
The DNS provider for your domain, one of route53, digitalocean, cloudflare or clouddns |
digitalocean |
tls.route53.region |
The AWS Region for the DNS api calls |
eu-west-1 |
tls.route53.accessKeyID |
The Acces Key ID for route53, required if using route53 and ambientCredentials is false |
`` |
tls.route53.ambientCredentials |
If true, this will instruct cert-manager to use an ambient credentials provider, if configured (such as kube2iam) |
false | |
If using Cloudflare for DNS set this to your Cloudflare email |
`` |
tls.clouddns.projectID |
If using Clouddns set this to your project ID |
`` |
ingress.class |
The ingress class used for ingress. Set to traefik if using traefik for ingress for example |
nginx |
ingress.maxConnections |
The max connections allowed for OpenFaaS Cloud Functions |
`` |
ingesss.requestsPerMinute |
The max requests per minute when using nginx for the inress class |
600 |
customers.url |
The public URL to a customers file, it should be unformatted with 1 username per line |
"" |
customers.customersSecret |
If set to ture we use a secret for our customers list rather than a public URL |
false |
global.rootDomain |
The root domain for this OFC installation |
"" |
global.enableECR |
Set to true is using ECR as our container registry rather than Docker Hub |
false |
global.imagePullPolicy |
The policy for pulling OFC images, Allways or IfNotPresent for example |
IfNotPresent |
global.coreNamespace |
The namespace for the core OFC components |
openfaas |
global.functionsNamespace |
The namespace for the User Functions |
openfaas-fn |
global.httpProbe |
The setting to detemine is we are using http probe or exec probe. Istio users may wish to set this to fale doe example. |
true |
networkPolicies.enabled |
The setting to turn on/off the deployment of the OFC Network policies |
true |