This is the single point of entry for all HTTP requests for OpenFaaS Cloud. When deployed it sits in front of the gateway to translate DNS entries to function paths.
- sub-domain mapping
- authz via OAuth 2.0 for protected URL routes via #145
The convention is that a username
becomes a sub-domain and the first part of the HTTP path becomes the function the user sees in a URL. At the gateway both parts are combined in the function name: username-function
Username: alexellis (Git user) Function: kubecon-tester
Deployed function: alexellis-kubecon-tester
User-facing proxy address:
Gateway address: http://gateway:8080/function/alexellis-kubecon-tester
The value upstream_url
should point to an OpenFaaS API Gateway
upstream_url= port=8081 go run main.go
Test it:
curl -H "Host:" localhost:8081/kubecon-tester
TAG=0.7.5 make build push
Note: on Kubernetes change
If you wish to bypass authentication you can run the router auth an auth_url of the echo
function deployed via the stack.yml
# As a container
docker rm -f edge-router
docker run \
-e upstream_url=http://gateway:8080 \
-e auth_url=http://echo:8080 \
-p 8081:8080 \
--network=func_functions \
--name edge-router \
-d openfaas/edge-router:$TAG
# Or as a service
docker service rm edge-router
docker service create --network=func_functions \
--env upstream_url=http://gateway:8080 \
--env auth_url=http://echo:8080 \
--publish 8081:8080 \
--name edge-router \
-d openfaas/edge-router:$TAG