Test PHP 8.4 and set 8.5 as experimental
Test PHP 8.4 and set 8.5 as experimental
Add PHPStan strict rules
Add PHPStan strict rules
Pull request merge
Add Psalm files to .gitattributes
Add Psalm files to .gitattributes
Refactor ShapeFileTest's shapes provider
Refactor ShapeFileTest's shapes provider
Rename variable to use camelcase format
Rename variable to use camelcase format
Remove shpFile check in ShapeFile::loadRecords()
Remove shpFile check in ShapeFile::loadRecords()
Bump phpmyadmin/coding-standard version to 4.0
Bump phpmyadmin/coding-standard version to 4.0
Bump PHP minimum version to 8.1
Bump PHP minimum version to 8.1
Add tests with dbase ext for PHP 8.4
Add tests with dbase ext for PHP 8.4