This script is provided as-is without any warranty. Use it at your own risk. The author is not responsible for any damage caused by the use or misuse of this script. Before running the script, ensure that you understand its functionality and customize it according to your specific requirements. Always review and test the script in a safe environment before deploying it to production. Additionally, make sure to comply with all applicable laws and regulations when using this script. By using this script, you agree to these terms.
One or more of the storechain services gets stopped from time to time and node owners have to manualy run the official restart command to get the node backup. This script will monitor the services automatically and run the restart if any of the service is not available
This solution uses Pm2 Api in javascript code
it's assumed you already have the storage chain node installed and running normal and pm2 on your server runs only storechain node services. If you have a personal service not storechain, that service all also be restarted.
Ubuntu 12 , Debian 12 with default storage chain setup.
This script will be executed by cronjob. Cronjobs will require absolute path for pm2. For this reason, you will need to modify the in the following location
Login to your server using ssh
change directory
cd /root
Download the monitor installer
Set installer to be executable
chmod +x
Run the installer
- Downloads the installer to root director
- Creates folder storechain_service_monitor/
- Download the monitor bot
- Create cronjob to check node status every 5 mins and auto restart
- Modifies cd /root/storagechainnode-linux/ and change pm2 to absolute path
nano /root/storechain_service_monitor/restarts.log
nano /root/storechain_service_monitor/runner.log
At this point, your node will run 100% and auto restart if it turns red. You don't need to do anything.
If this script helped you, please buy me a coffee π