This is for building linux binary wheels. So "pip install pygame-ce" works on linux.
The manylinux1 tag (see PEP 513) refers to a specific set of core library minimum versions, which most recent desktop Linux distros have. To ensure that our libraries are ABI-compatible with these core libraries, we build on an old Linux distribution in a docker container.
manylinux is an older linux with a fairly compatible ABI, so you can make linux binary wheels that run on many different linux distros.
- #310
The basic idea is that we build the pygame dependencies, and then bundle them up in a .whl file. We make base images containing the dependencies (but not pygame itself), so that we can rebuild pygame without building all the dependencies every time.
This is easiest on a Linux machine with the Docker daemon running. To get the prebuilt base images with pygame dependencies:
make pull-x64 # 64 bit, or make pull-x86 # 32 bit, or make pull # Both
Then build the wheels:
make wheels-x64 # 64 bit, or make wheels-x86 # 32 bit, or make wheels # both
The wheels will be created in a directory called wheelhouse
If you have changed the files in docker_base
, e.g. to add or update
dependencies, you will need to rebuild the Docker base images:
make base-image-x64 # 64 bit, or make base-image-x86 # 32 bit, or make base-images # both
Below are instructions on using a vagrant virtual machine, so we can build the wheels from mac, windows or linux boxes.
These aren't meant to be copypasta'd in. Perhaps these can be worked into a script later:
# You should be in the base of the pygame repo when you run all this. $ pwd /home/jblogs/pygame # Download many megabytes of ubuntu. mkdir vagrant.xenial64 cd vagrant.xenial64 vagrant init ubuntu/xenial64 # edit your Vagrantfile to add /vagrant_pygame synced folder. # You pygame folder is next to your vagrant config.vm.synced_folder "../pygame", "/vagrant_pygame" # now start vagrant. vagrant up vagrant ssh # now we are on the vagrant ubuntu host # We set up docker following these instructions for ubuntu-xenial # sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get remove docker docker-engine sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl software-properties-common # Now edit /etc/hosts so it has a first line with the hostname ubuntu-xenial in it. # Otherwise docker does not start. # localhost ubuntu-xenial # makes a /etc/hosts.bak in case something breaks. sudo sed -i".bak" '/ localhost/s/$/ ubuntu-xenial/' /etc/hosts curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add - sudo apt-get update sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] $(lsb_release -cs) stable" sudo apt-get install docker-ce # check that it runs. sudo docker run hello-world # We should have been in our python package clone root directory before we ran vagrant ssh cd /vagrant_pygame # We need to be able to run docker as the ubuntu user. sudo usermod -aG docker ubuntu sudo usermod -aG docker $USER # now log out of vagrant. Need to reload it because docker. exit vagrant reload vagrant ssh # now we can start docker. Should be started already. sudo service docker start cd /vagrant_pygame/buildconfig/manylinux-build # To make the base docker images and push them to docker hub do these commands. # Note, these have already been built, so only needed if rebuilding dependencies. # #make base-images #make push # We use the prebuilt docker images, which should be quicker. make wheels # List the wheels we've built ls -la wheelhouse # Testing export SDL_AUDIODRIVER=disk export SDL_VIDEODRIVER=dummy python3.5 -m venv anenv35 . ./anenv35/bin/activate pip install wheelhouse/pygame-*cp35-cp35m-manylinux1_x86_64.whl python -m pygame.tests --exclude opengl,music # Now upload all the linux wheels to pypi. # Make sure your PYPI vars are set. See # Note you will need to increment the version in first. cd .. mkdir -p dist rm -f dist/*.whl cp buildconfig/manylinux-build/wheelhouse/*.whl dist/ pip install twine twine upload dist/*.whl --user=pygameci
To be able to run bash:
docker run --name manylinux2010_base_x86_64 -it pygame/manylinux2010_base_x86_64 docker run --name manylinux2010_base_i686 -it pygame/manylinux2010_base_i686
docker run --name manylinux1_base_x86_64 -it pygame/manylinux1_base_x86_64 docker run --name manylinux1_base_i686 -it pygame/manylinux1_base_i686
To copy the config.log file off there into a SDL2-2.0.12/config.log locally:
docker run pygame/manylinux1_base_i686 tar -c -C /sdl_build SDL2-2.0.12/config.log | tar x
Maybe these need adding?
- vulkan, via mesa?