H2O artifacts are published in Maven Central. The artifacts are available via this query.
- core functionaly of H2O platform including K/V store, M/R framework, networkingh2o-algos
- basic set of algorithms (GLM, GBM, DeepLeaning,...)h2o-app
- H2O standalone application launcherh2o-web
- H2O web UI called Steamh2o-scala
- Scala API
All published artifacts share the same version enforced by
parent project. See file gradle.properties
which contains version definition.
For publishing gradle nexus pluging is used (see https://github.com/bmuschko/gradle-nexus-plugin).
It publishes artifacts into:
- Local maven repository
- Sonatype snapshot repository
- Sonatype release repository
To publish artifacts into local Maven repository type:
gradle install
To publish artifacts into local Maven repository stored under build/repo
gradle publish
To publish artifacts into remote Sonatype Release repository please type:
gradle -DdoRelease publish
To upload artifacts into remote repository the file ~/.gradle/gradle.properties
has to contains your Sonatype credentials
oss-releases.username=<your Sonatype username>
oss-releases.password=<your Sonatype password>
Sonatype release repository requires signed artifacts.
Hence it is necessary to provide GNUPG key reference into~/.gradle/gradle.properties
or via command line correspond -P
signing.keyId=<Your Key Id>
signing.password=<Your Public Key Password>
signing.secretKeyRingFile=<Path To Your Key Ring File>
To import H2O public key, please use:
gpg2 --keyserver hkp://pool.sks-keyservers.net --recv-keys 539BAEFF
The published artifacts are available at https://oss.sonatype.org.
They need manual approval and propagation to maven central.
Please use OSS credentials to log into OSS (http://oss.sonatype.org/), select Staging Repositories item, select ai.h2o
repository (verify open date), then close the repository and propagate into Maven Cenral.
The artifacts should be available via Maven central in a few minutes. To check them please use the following search link: http://search.maven.org/#search%7Cga%7C1%7Cai.h2o
To release, approve and propagate H2O artifacts into Maven central automatically please type:
gradle -PdoRelease release
task has the same requirements aspublish
task described above
In release Jenkins job, please setup environment and call the make-dist.sh
Should i use
command from my machine orgradlew
command provided by the project?- Use
command since it will download expected (and supported) gradle version for you.
- Use
How can I run a specific task (i.e., test)?
./gradlew test
How can I run a specific task on a particular project?
./gradlew :h2o-scala:test
How can I run gradle daemon by default?
- Put
into your~/.gradle/gradle.properties
- Put
How can I run gradle without daemon?
./gradlew --no-daemon
How can I open h2o-dev project in Idea?
- Open project via selecting top-level
- Open project via selecting top-level
How can I work offline with gradle?
- Run gradle with
command line parameter, for example:./gradlew --offline test
- Run gradle with
How can I pass a parameter to gradle build?
- Specify parameter with
option on gradle command line, for example:./gradlew -Pdisable.java6bytecode.gen=true install
- Specify parameter with