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288 lines (175 loc) · 12.9 KB


SlevomatCodingStandard.Classes.BackedEnumTypeSpacing 🔧

  • Checks number of spaces before : and before type.

Sniff provides the following settings:

  • spacesCountBeforeColon: the number of spaces before :.
  • spacesCountBeforeType: the number of spaces before type.

SlevomatCodingStandard.Classes.ClassConstantVisibility 🔧

In PHP 7.1+ it's possible to declare visibility of class constants. In a similar vein to optional declaration of visibility for properties and methods which is actually required in sane coding standards, this sniff also requires declaring visibility for all class constants.

Sniff provides the following settings:

  • fixable: the sniff is not fixable by default because we think it's better to decide about each constant one by one, however you can enable fixability with this option.
const FOO = 1; // visibility missing!
public const BAR = 2; // correct


Disallows long classes. This sniff provides the following settings:

  • includeComments (default: false): should comments be included in the count.
  • includeWhitespace (default: false): should empty lines be included in the count.
  • maxLinesLength (default: 250): specifies max allowed function lines length.

SlevomatCodingStandard.Classes.ClassMemberSpacing 🔧

Sniff checks lines count between different class members, e.g. between last property and first method.

Sniff provides the following settings:

  • linesCountBetweenMembers: lines count between different class members

SlevomatCodingStandard.Classes.ClassStructure 🔧

Checks that class/trait/interface members are in the correct order.

Sniff provides the following settings:

  • groups: order of groups. Use multiple groups in one <element value=""> to not differentiate among them. You can use specific groups or shortcuts.
  • methodGroups: custom method groups. Define a custom group for special methods based on their name, annotation, or attribute.

List of supported groups: uses, enum cases, public constants, protected constants, private constants, public properties, public static properties, protected properties, protected static properties, private properties, private static properties, constructor, static constructors, destructor, magic methods, invoke method, public methods, protected methods, private methods, public final methods, public static final methods, protected final methods, protected static final methods, public abstract methods, public static abstract methods, protected abstract methods, protected static abstract methods, public static methods, protected static methods, private static methods

List of supported shortcuts: constants, properties, static properties, methods, all public methods, all protected methods, all private methods, static methods, final methods, abstract methods

<rule ref="SlevomatCodingStandard.Classes.ClassStructure">
		<property name="methodGroups" type="array">
			<element key="phpunit before" value="setUp, @before, #PHPUnit\Framework\Attributes\Before"/>

		<property name="groups" type="array">
			<element value="uses"/>

			<element value="enum cases"/>

			<!-- Public constants are first, but you don't care about the order of protected or private constants -->
			<element value="public constants"/>
			<element value="constants"/>

			<!-- You don't care about the order among the properties. The same can be done with "properties" shortcut -->
			<element value="public properties, protected properties, private properties"/>

			<!-- Constructor is first, then all public methods, then protected/private methods and magic methods are last -->
			<element value="constructor"/>

			<!-- PHPUnit's before hooks are placed before all other public methods using a custom method group regardless their visibility -->
			<element value="phpunit before"/>
			<element value="all public methods"/>
			<element value="methods"/>
			<element value="magic methods"/>

SlevomatCodingStandard.Classes.ConstantSpacing 🔧

Checks that there is a certain number of blank lines between constants.

Sniff provides the following settings:

  • minLinesCountBeforeWithComment: minimum number of lines before constant with a documentation comment or attribute
  • maxLinesCountBeforeWithComment: maximum number of lines before constant with a documentation comment or attribute
  • minLinesCountBeforeWithoutComment: minimum number of lines before constant without a documentation comment or attribute
  • maxLinesCountBeforeWithoutComment: maximum number of lines before constant without a documentation comment or attribute


Disallows usage of constructor property promotion.

SlevomatCodingStandard.Classes.DisallowLateStaticBindingForConstants 🔧

Disallows late static binding for constants.

SlevomatCodingStandard.Classes.DisallowMultiConstantDefinition 🔧

Disallows multi constant definition.

SlevomatCodingStandard.Classes.DisallowMultiPropertyDefinition 🔧

Disallows multi property definition.

SlevomatCodingStandard.Classes.DisallowStringExpressionPropertyFetch 🔧

Disallows string expression property fetch $object->{'foo'} when the property name is compatible with identifier access.

SlevomatCodingStandard.Classes.EmptyLinesAroundClassBraces 🔧

Enforces one configurable number of lines after opening class/interface/trait brace and one empty line before the closing brace.

Sniff provides the following settings:

  • linesCountAfterOpeningBrace: allows to configure the number of lines after opening brace.
  • linesCountBeforeClosingBrace: allows to configure the number of lines before closing brace.

SlevomatCodingStandard.Classes.EnumCaseSpacing 🔧

Checks that there is a certain number of blank lines between enum cases.

Sniff provides the following settings:

  • minLinesCountBeforeWithComment: minimum number of lines before enum case with a documentation comment or attribute
  • maxLinesCountBeforeWithComment: maximum number of lines before enum case with a documentation comment or attribute
  • minLinesCountBeforeWithoutComment: minimum number of lines before enum case without a documentation comment or attribute
  • maxLinesCountBeforeWithoutComment: maximum number of lines before enum case without a documentation comment or attribute


Disallows using public properties.

This sniff provides the following setting:

  • checkPromoted (default: false): will check promoted properties too.
  • allowReadonly (default: false): will allow readonly properties.

SlevomatCodingStandard.Classes.MethodSpacing 🔧

Checks that there is a certain number of blank lines between methods.

Sniff provides the following settings:

  • minLinesCount: minimum number of blank lines
  • maxLinesCount: maximum number of blank lines

SlevomatCodingStandard.Classes.ModernClassNameReference 🔧

Reports use of __CLASS__, get_parent_class(), get_called_class(), get_class() and get_class($this). Class names should be referenced via ::class constant when possible.

Sniff provides the following settings:

  • enableOnObjects: Enable ::class on all objects. It's on by default if you're on PHP 8.0+

SlevomatCodingStandard.Classes.ParentCallSpacing 🔧

Enforces configurable number of lines around parent method call.

Sniff provides the following settings:

  • linesCountBefore: allows to configure the number of lines before parent call.
  • linesCountBeforeFirst: allows to configure the number of lines before first parent call.
  • linesCountAfter: allows to configure the number of lines after parent call.
  • linesCountAfterLast: allows to configure the number of lines after last parent call.

SlevomatCodingStandard.Classes.PropertyDeclaration 🔧

  • Checks that there's a single space between a typehint and a property name: Foo $foo
  • Checks that there's no whitespace between a nullability symbol and a typehint: ?Foo
  • Checks that there's a single space before nullability symbol or a typehint: private ?Foo or private Foo
  • Checks order of modifiers

Sniff provides the following settings:

  • modifiersOrder: allows to configure order of modifiers.
  • checkPromoted: will check promoted properties too.
  • enableMultipleSpacesBetweenModifiersCheck: checks multiple spaces between modifiers.

SlevomatCodingStandard.Classes.PropertySpacing 🔧

Checks that there is a certain number of blank lines between properties.

Sniff provides the following settings:

  • minLinesCountBeforeWithComment: minimum number of lines before property with a documentation comment or attribute
  • maxLinesCountBeforeWithComment: maximum number of lines before property with a documentation comment or attribute
  • minLinesCountBeforeWithoutComment: minimum number of lines before property without a documentation comment or attribute
  • maxLinesCountBeforeWithoutComment: maximum number of lines before property without a documentation comment or attribute

SlevomatCodingStandard.Classes.RequireAbstractOrFinal 🔧

Requires the class to be declared either as abstract or as final.

SlevomatCodingStandard.Classes.RequireConstructorPropertyPromotion 🔧

Requires use of constructor property promotion.

This sniff provides the following setting:

  • enable: either to enable or not this sniff. By default, it is enabled for PHP versions 8.0 or higher.

SlevomatCodingStandard.Classes.RequireMultiLineMethodSignature 🔧

Enforces method signature to be split to more lines so each parameter is on its own line.

Sniff provides the following settings:

  • minLineLength: specifies min line length to enforce signature to be split. Use 0 value to enforce for all methods, regardless of length.

  • minParametersCount: specifies min parameters count to enforce signature to be split.

  • includedMethodPatterns: allows to configure which methods are included in sniff detection. This is an array of regular expressions (PCRE) with delimiters. You should not use this with excludedMethodPatterns, as it will not work properly.

  • excludedMethodPatterns: allows to configure which methods are excluded from sniff detection. This is an array of regular expressions (PCRE) with delimiters. You should not use this with includedMethodPatterns, as it will not work properly.

SlevomatCodingStandard.Classes.RequireSelfReference 🔧

Requires self for local reference.

SlevomatCodingStandard.Classes.RequireSingleLineMethodSignature 🔧

Enforces method signature to be on a single line.

Sniff provides the following settings:

  • maxLineLength: specifies max allowed line length. If signature fit on it, it's enforced. Use 0 value to enforce for all methods, regardless of length.

  • includedMethodPatterns: allows to configure which methods are included in sniff detection. This is an array of regular expressions (PCRE) with delimiters. You should not use this with excludedMethodPatterns, as it will not work properly.

  • excludedMethodPatterns: allows to configure which methods are excluded from sniff detection. This is an array of regular expressions (PCRE) with delimiters. You should not use this with includedMethodPatterns, as it will not work properly.


Reports use of superfluous prefix or suffix "Abstract" for abstract classes.


Reports use of superfluous prefix or suffix "Interface" for interfaces.


Reports use of superfluous suffix "Exception" for exceptions.


Reports use of superfluous suffix "Error" for errors.


Reports use of superfluous suffix "Trait" for traits.

SlevomatCodingStandard.Classes.TraitUseDeclaration 🔧

Prohibits multiple traits separated by commas in one use statement.

SlevomatCodingStandard.Classes.TraitUseSpacing 🔧

Enforces configurable number of lines before first use, after last use and between two use statements.

Sniff provides the following settings:

  • linesCountBeforeFirstUse: allows to configure the number of lines before first use.
  • linesCountBeforeFirstUseWhenFirstInClass: allows to configure the number of lines before first use when the use is the first statement in the class.
  • linesCountBetweenUses: allows to configure the number of lines between two use statements.
  • linesCountAfterLastUse: allows to configure the number of lines after last use.
  • linesCountAfterLastUseWhenLastInClass: allows to configure the number of lines after last use when the use is the last statement in the class.

SlevomatCodingStandard.Classes.UselessLateStaticBinding 🔧

Reports useless late static binding.