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1 | ID | Title | URL | Is Premium | Acceptance % | Difficulty | Frequency % |
2 | 45 | Jump Game II | /problems/jump-game-ii | N | 38.6% | Medium | 2.74369%; |
3 | 84 | Largest Rectangle in Histogram | /problems/largest-rectangle-in-histogram | N | 42.2% | Hard | 4.36497%; |
4 | 113 | Path Sum II | /problems/path-sum-ii | N | 56.7% | Medium | 6.11241%; |
5 | 124 | Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum | /problems/binary-tree-maximum-path-sum | N | 38.5% | Hard | 55.1145%; |
6 | 146 | LRU Cache | /problems/lru-cache | N | 40.5% | Medium | 9.22568%; |
7 | 200 | Number of Islands | /problems/number-of-islands | N | 56.4% | Medium | 0.647529%; |
8 | 224 | Basic Calculator | /problems/basic-calculator | N | 41.2% | Hard | 6.9489%; |
9 | 227 | Basic Calculator II | /problems/basic-calculator-ii | N | 42.2% | Medium | 8.30495%; |
10 | 239 | Sliding Window Maximum | /problems/sliding-window-maximum | N | 46.6% | Hard | 5.36568%; |
11 | 273 | Integer to English Words | /problems/integer-to-english-words | N | 29.9% | Hard | 14.2547%; |
12 | 286 | Walls and Gates | /problems/walls-and-gates | Y | 60.3% | Medium | 79.3587%; |
13 | 289 | Game of Life | /problems/game-of-life | N | 66.8% | Medium | 12.7734%; |
14 | 297 | Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree | /problems/serialize-and-deserialize-binary-tree | N | 55.0% | Hard | 9.54524%; |
15 | 317 | Shortest Distance from All Buildings | /problems/shortest-distance-from-all-buildings | Y | 42.9% | Hard | 45.085%; |
16 | 329 | Longest Increasing Path in a Matrix | /problems/longest-increasing-path-in-a-matrix | N | 52.2% | Hard | 32.9884%; |
17 | 463 | Island Perimeter | /problems/island-perimeter | N | 69.5% | Easy | 3.85414%; |
18 | 542 | 01 Matrix | /problems/01-matrix | N | 44.2% | Medium | 2.06569%; |
19 | 1730 | Shortest Path to Get Food | /problems/shortest-path-to-get-food | Y | 54.1% | Medium | 25.847%; |
20 | 556 | Next Greater Element III | /problems/next-greater-element-iii | N | 34.1% | Medium | 23.7017%; |
21 | 588 | Design In-Memory File System | /problems/design-in-memory-file-system | Y | 48.8% | Hard | 28.1036%; |
22 | 658 | Find K Closest Elements | /problems/find-k-closest-elements | N | 46.8% | Medium | 3.20533%; |
23 | 694 | Number of Distinct Islands | /problems/number-of-distinct-islands | Y | 60.6% | Medium | 9.97549%; |
24 | 735 | Asteroid Collision | /problems/asteroid-collision | N | 44.4% | Medium | 16.5273%; |
25 | 428 | Serialize and Deserialize N-ary Tree | /problems/serialize-and-deserialize-n-ary-tree | Y | 65.5% | Hard | 14.4526%; |
26 | 778 | Swim in Rising Water | /problems/swim-in-rising-water | N | 59.7% | Hard | 40.167%; |
27 | 826 | Most Profit Assigning Work | /problems/most-profit-assigning-work | N | 44.5% | Medium | 52.657%; |
28 | 827 | Making A Large Island | /problems/making-a-large-island | N | 44.7% | Hard | 21.1567%; |
29 | 838 | Push Dominoes | /problems/push-dominoes | N | 57.0% | Medium | 14.4526%; |
30 | 859 | Buddy Strings | /problems/buddy-strings | N | 29.1% | Easy | 78.3953%; |
31 | 875 | Koko Eating Bananas | /problems/koko-eating-bananas | N | 52.2% | Medium | 13.323%; |
32 | 886 | Possible Bipartition | /problems/possible-bipartition | N | 48.4% | Medium | 16.2667%; |
33 | 1029 | Two City Scheduling | /problems/two-city-scheduling | N | 64.7% | Medium | 6.22837%; |
34 | 1102 | Path With Maximum Minimum Value | /problems/path-with-maximum-minimum-value | Y | 53.3% | Medium | 21.1567%; |
35 | 1166 | Design File System | /problems/design-file-system | Y | 62.0% | Medium | 100%; |
36 | 1143 | Longest Common Subsequence | /problems/longest-common-subsequence | N | 58.8% | Medium | 7.07254%; |
37 | 1235 | Maximum Profit in Job Scheduling | /problems/maximum-profit-in-job-scheduling | N | 51.2% | Hard | 53.2867%; |
38 | 1268 | Search Suggestions System | /problems/search-suggestions-system | N | 66.5% | Medium | 17.364%; |
39 | 1293 | Shortest Path in a Grid with Obstacles Elimination | /problems/shortest-path-in-a-grid-with-obstacles-elimination | N | 45.6% | Hard | 6.96025%; |
40 | 1359 | Count All Valid Pickup and Delivery Options | /problems/count-all-valid-pickup-and-delivery-options | N | 62.9% | Hard | 23.3867%; |
41 | 1347 | Minimum Number of Steps to Make Two Strings Anagram | /problems/minimum-number-of-steps-to-make-two-strings-anagram | N | 77.4% | Medium | 75.7557%; |
42 | 1472 | Design Browser History | /problems/design-browser-history | N | 76.1% | Medium | 5.32059%; |
43 | 1779 | Find Nearest Point That Has the Same X or Y Coordinate | /problems/find-nearest-point-that-has-the-same-x-or-y-coordinate | N | 67.2% | Easy | 29.6362%; |
44 | 1790 | Check if One String Swap Can Make Strings Equal | /problems/check-if-one-string-swap-can-make-strings-equal | N | 45.6% | Easy | 10.2289%; |
45 | 2065 | Maximum Path Quality of a Graph | /problems/maximum-path-quality-of-a-graph | N | 57.7% | Hard | 43.3548%; |
46 | 2444 | Count Subarrays With Fixed Bounds | /problems/count-subarrays-with-fixed-bounds | N | 43.0% | Hard | 24.8608%; |