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1 | ID | Title | URL | Is Premium | Acceptance % | Difficulty | Frequency % |
2 | 1 | Two Sum | /problems/two-sum | N | 49.1% | Easy | 24.3305%; |
3 | 2 | Add Two Numbers | /problems/add-two-numbers | N | 39.8% | Medium | 3.37471%; |
4 | 3 | Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters | /problems/longest-substring-without-repeating-characters | N | 33.8% | Medium | 5.5627%; |
5 | 4 | Median of Two Sorted Arrays | /problems/median-of-two-sorted-arrays | N | 35.3% | Hard | 14.6613%; |
6 | 5 | Longest Palindromic Substring | /problems/longest-palindromic-substring | N | 32.4% | Medium | 6.93231%; |
7 | 6 | Zigzag Conversion | /problems/zigzag-conversion | N | 43.2% | Medium | 1.27382%; |
8 | 7 | Reverse Integer | /problems/reverse-integer | N | 27.2% | Medium | 0.965464%; |
9 | 8 | String to Integer (atoi) | /problems/string-to-integer-atoi | N | 16.6% | Medium | 0.692281%; |
10 | 9 | Palindrome Number | /problems/palindrome-number | N | 52.9% | Easy | 5.46529%; |
11 | 10 | Regular Expression Matching | /problems/regular-expression-matching | N | 28.2% | Hard | 4.88739%; |
12 | 11 | Container With Most Water | /problems/container-with-most-water | N | 54.3% | Medium | 4.51408%; |
13 | 12 | Integer to Roman | /problems/integer-to-roman | N | 61.5% | Medium | 8.54213%; |
14 | 13 | Roman to Integer | /problems/roman-to-integer | N | 58.2% | Easy | 26.5603%; |
15 | 14 | Longest Common Prefix | /problems/longest-common-prefix | N | 40.8% | Easy | 9.08803%; |
16 | 15 | 3Sum | /problems/3sum | N | 32.3% | Medium | 1.28795%; |
17 | 16 | 3Sum Closest | /problems/3sum-closest | N | 46.1% | Medium | 2.77288%; |
18 | 17 | Letter Combinations of a Phone Number | /problems/letter-combinations-of-a-phone-number | N | 55.7% | Medium | 6.68347%; |
19 | 19 | Remove Nth Node From End of List | /problems/remove-nth-node-from-end-of-list | N | 40.0% | Medium | 1.06183%; |
20 | 20 | Valid Parentheses | /problems/valid-parentheses | N | 40.6% | Easy | 9.06313%; |
21 | 21 | Merge Two Sorted Lists | /problems/merge-two-sorted-lists | N | 61.9% | Easy | 3.97405%; |
22 | 22 | Generate Parentheses | /problems/generate-parentheses | N | 71.9% | Medium | 0.866999%; |
23 | 23 | Merge k Sorted Lists | /problems/merge-k-sorted-lists | N | 48.5% | Hard | 7.35112%; |
24 | 25 | Reverse Nodes in k-Group | /problems/reverse-nodes-in-k-group | N | 53.7% | Hard | 1.68437%; |
25 | 26 | Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array | /problems/remove-duplicates-from-sorted-array | N | 50.9% | Easy | 1.33073%; |
26 | 28 | Find the Index of the First Occurrence in a String | /problems/find-the-index-of-the-first-occurrence-in-a-string | N | 37.6% | Medium | 3.20366%; |
27 | 29 | Divide Two Integers | /problems/divide-two-integers | N | 17.3% | Medium | 5.57004%; |
28 | 31 | Next Permutation | /problems/next-permutation | N | 37.2% | Medium | 17.9756%; |
29 | 32 | Longest Valid Parentheses | /problems/longest-valid-parentheses | N | 32.7% | Hard | 1.76199%; |
30 | 33 | Search in Rotated Sorted Array | /problems/search-in-rotated-sorted-array | N | 38.7% | Medium | 0.498979%; |
31 | 34 | Find First and Last Position of Element in Sorted Array | /problems/find-first-and-last-position-of-element-in-sorted-array | N | 41.6% | Medium | 0.736503%; |
32 | 35 | Search Insert Position | /problems/search-insert-position | N | 42.0% | Easy | 3.17841%; |
33 | 37 | Sudoku Solver | /problems/sudoku-solver | N | 56.8% | Hard | 9.62193%; |
34 | 38 | Count and Say | /problems/count-and-say | N | 51.3% | Medium | 8.87456%; |
35 | 39 | Combination Sum | /problems/combination-sum | N | 67.8% | Medium | 1.7661%; |
36 | 41 | First Missing Positive | /problems/first-missing-positive | N | 36.6% | Hard | 2.63386%; |
37 | 42 | Trapping Rain Water | /problems/trapping-rain-water | N | 58.8% | Hard | 18.9844%; |
38 | 43 | Multiply Strings | /problems/multiply-strings | N | 38.8% | Medium | 10.3448%; |
39 | 45 | Jump Game II | /problems/jump-game-ii | N | 38.6% | Medium | 6.13919%; |
40 | 46 | Permutations | /problems/permutations | N | 74.9% | Medium | 1.81001%; |
41 | 48 | Rotate Image | /problems/rotate-image | N | 70.1% | Medium | 1.74654%; |
42 | 49 | Group Anagrams | /problems/group-anagrams | N | 66.5% | Medium | 5.0783%; |
43 | 50 | Pow(x, n) | /problems/powx-n | N | 32.8% | Medium | 4.44478%; |
44 | 51 | N-Queens | /problems/n-queens | N | 63.1% | Hard | 2.53843%; |
45 | 53 | Maximum Subarray | /problems/maximum-subarray | N | 50.1% | Medium | 6.27142%; |
46 | 54 | Spiral Matrix | /problems/spiral-matrix | N | 43.8% | Medium | 5.09298%; |
47 | 55 | Jump Game | /problems/jump-game | N | 38.5% | Medium | 3.03034%; |
48 | 56 | Merge Intervals | /problems/merge-intervals | N | 46.0% | Medium | 23.5663%; |
49 | 57 | Insert Interval | /problems/insert-interval | N | 38.0% | Medium | 25.3153%; |
50 | 60 | Permutation Sequence | /problems/permutation-sequence | N | 43.8% | Hard | 4.88739%; |
51 | 62 | Unique Paths | /problems/unique-paths | N | 62.3% | Medium | 21.4373%; |
52 | 63 | Unique Paths II | /problems/unique-paths-ii | N | 39.1% | Medium | 4.70743%; |
53 | 64 | Minimum Path Sum | /problems/minimum-path-sum | N | 60.7% | Medium | 16.1104%; |
54 | 66 | Plus One | /problems/plus-one | N | 43.4% | Easy | 6.43556%; |
55 | 68 | Text Justification | /problems/text-justification | N | 36.8% | Hard | 70.6621%; |
56 | 69 | Sqrt(x) | /problems/sqrtx | N | 37.1% | Easy | 0.560444%; |
57 | 70 | Climbing Stairs | /problems/climbing-stairs | N | 51.8% | Easy | 1.32549%; |
58 | 71 | Simplify Path | /problems/simplify-path | N | 39.2% | Medium | 7.24461%; |
59 | 72 | Edit Distance | /problems/edit-distance | N | 52.7% | Hard | 7.59696%; |
60 | 74 | Search a 2D Matrix | /problems/search-a-2d-matrix | N | 47.0% | Medium | 1.47331%; |
61 | 75 | Sort Colors | /problems/sort-colors | N | 57.4% | Medium | 0.718889%; |
62 | 76 | Minimum Window Substring | /problems/minimum-window-substring | N | 40.7% | Hard | 1.33231%; |
63 | 78 | Subsets | /problems/subsets | N | 74.0% | Medium | 0.955598%; |
64 | 79 | Word Search | /problems/word-search | N | 39.8% | Medium | 13.0224%; |
65 | 83 | Remove Duplicates from Sorted List | /problems/remove-duplicates-from-sorted-list | N | 49.9% | Easy | 1.98047%; |
66 | 84 | Largest Rectangle in Histogram | /problems/largest-rectangle-in-histogram | N | 42.2% | Hard | 1.79968%; |
67 | 88 | Merge Sorted Array | /problems/merge-sorted-array | N | 45.8% | Easy | 2.76704%; |
68 | 90 | Subsets II | /problems/subsets-ii | N | 55.4% | Medium | 1.72231%; |
69 | 91 | Decode Ways | /problems/decode-ways | N | 32.3% | Medium | 3.20535%; |
70 | 92 | Reverse Linked List II | /problems/reverse-linked-list-ii | N | 45.4% | Medium | 2.39388%; |
71 | 94 | Binary Tree Inorder Traversal | /problems/binary-tree-inorder-traversal | N | 73.1% | Easy | 1.27061%; |
72 | 95 | Unique Binary Search Trees II | /problems/unique-binary-search-trees-ii | N | 51.6% | Medium | 4.74891%; |
73 | 97 | Interleaving String | /problems/interleaving-string | N | 37.1% | Medium | 6.82312%; |
74 | 100 | Same Tree | /problems/same-tree | N | 56.4% | Easy | 2.46403%; |
75 | 101 | Symmetric Tree | /problems/symmetric-tree | N | 53.0% | Easy | 0.785294%; |
76 | 104 | Maximum Depth of Binary Tree | /problems/maximum-depth-of-binary-tree | N | 73.2% | Easy | 1.93751%; |
77 | 105 | Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal | /problems/construct-binary-tree-from-preorder-and-inorder-traversal | N | 60.8% | Medium | 1.5566%; |
78 | 112 | Path Sum | /problems/path-sum | N | 47.7% | Easy | 4.3885%; |
79 | 114 | Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List | /problems/flatten-binary-tree-to-linked-list | N | 61.2% | Medium | 2.72788%; |
80 | 115 | Distinct Subsequences | /problems/distinct-subsequences | N | 43.8% | Hard | 4.24416%; |
81 | 118 | Pascal's Triangle | /problems/pascals-triangle | N | 69.3% | Easy | 1.62648%; |
82 | 121 | Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock | /problems/best-time-to-buy-and-sell-stock | N | 54.4% | Easy | 3.76146%; |
83 | 122 | Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II | /problems/best-time-to-buy-and-sell-stock-ii | N | 63.4% | Medium | 1.11367%; |
84 | 123 | Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock III | /problems/best-time-to-buy-and-sell-stock-iii | N | 44.9% | Hard | 3.10022%; |
85 | 125 | Valid Palindrome | /problems/valid-palindrome | N | 43.7% | Easy | 1.67016%; |
86 | 127 | Word Ladder | /problems/word-ladder | N | 36.7% | Hard | 2.11139%; |
87 | 128 | Longest Consecutive Sequence | /problems/longest-consecutive-sequence | N | 48.9% | Medium | 25.0534%; |
88 | 130 | Surrounded Regions | /problems/surrounded-regions | N | 36.1% | Medium | 4.71921%; |
89 | 131 | Palindrome Partitioning | /problems/palindrome-partitioning | N | 62.5% | Medium | 2.29584%; |
90 | 134 | Gas Station | /problems/gas-station | N | 45.1% | Medium | 2.44256%; |
91 | 135 | Candy | /problems/candy | N | 40.8% | Hard | 27.5703%; |
92 | 136 | Single Number | /problems/single-number | N | 70.1% | Easy | 1.07571%; |
93 | 137 | Single Number II | /problems/single-number-ii | N | 57.9% | Medium | 3.36066%; |
94 | 139 | Word Break | /problems/word-break | N | 45.5% | Medium | 4.28208%; |
95 | 143 | Reorder List | /problems/reorder-list | N | 51.2% | Medium | 3.48299%; |
96 | 146 | LRU Cache | /problems/lru-cache | N | 40.5% | Medium | 24.5937%; |
97 | 149 | Max Points on a Line | /problems/max-points-on-a-line | N | 21.8% | Hard | 4.83103%; |
98 | 150 | Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation | /problems/evaluate-reverse-polish-notation | N | 44.1% | Medium | 27.5369%; |
99 | 151 | Reverse Words in a String | /problems/reverse-words-in-a-string | N | 31.8% | Medium | 1.21147%; |
100 | 152 | Maximum Product Subarray | /problems/maximum-product-subarray | N | 34.9% | Medium | 2.00778%; |
101 | 154 | Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array II | /problems/find-minimum-in-rotated-sorted-array-ii | N | 43.4% | Hard | 8.34194%; |
102 | 162 | Find Peak Element | /problems/find-peak-element | N | 46.2% | Medium | 8.85613%; |
103 | 169 | Majority Element | /problems/majority-element | N | 63.9% | Easy | 3.50834%; |
104 | 173 | Binary Search Tree Iterator | /problems/binary-search-tree-iterator | N | 69.2% | Medium | 10.3125%; |
105 | 175 | Combine Two Tables | /problems/combine-two-tables | N | 73.1% | Easy | 1.05635%; |
106 | 176 | Second Highest Salary | /problems/second-highest-salary | N | 36.6% | Medium | 1.36031%; |
107 | 181 | Employees Earning More Than Their Managers | /problems/employees-earning-more-than-their-managers | N | 68.6% | Easy | 1.91001%; |
108 | 188 | Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock IV | /problems/best-time-to-buy-and-sell-stock-iv | N | 38.0% | Hard | 14.0183%; |
109 | 190 | Reverse Bits | /problems/reverse-bits | N | 52.4% | Easy | 1.85117%; |
110 | 193 | Valid Phone Numbers | /problems/valid-phone-numbers | N | 26.0% | Easy | 11.1879%; |
111 | 198 | House Robber | /problems/house-robber | N | 48.8% | Medium | 5.45705%; |
112 | 200 | Number of Islands | /problems/number-of-islands | N | 56.4% | Medium | 36.4491%; |
113 | 202 | Happy Number | /problems/happy-number | N | 54.4% | Easy | 4.779%; |
114 | 203 | Remove Linked List Elements | /problems/remove-linked-list-elements | N | 44.9% | Easy | 2.26763%; |
115 | 205 | Isomorphic Strings | /problems/isomorphic-strings | N | 42.6% | Easy | 4.37451%; |
116 | 206 | Reverse Linked List | /problems/reverse-linked-list | N | 72.5% | Easy | 0.294422%; |
117 | 207 | Course Schedule | /problems/course-schedule | N | 45.4% | Medium | 11.0656%; |
118 | 208 | Implement Trie (Prefix Tree) | /problems/implement-trie-prefix-tree | N | 61.0% | Medium | 6.29315%; |
119 | 210 | Course Schedule II | /problems/course-schedule-ii | N | 48.0% | Medium | 28.6869%; |
120 | 211 | Design Add and Search Words Data Structure | /problems/design-add-and-search-words-data-structure | N | 43.0% | Medium | 13.9054%; |
121 | 212 | Word Search II | /problems/word-search-ii | N | 36.9% | Hard | 8.23628%; |
122 | 213 | House Robber II | /problems/house-robber-ii | N | 40.7% | Medium | 8.38084%; |
123 | 215 | Kth Largest Element in an Array | /problems/kth-largest-element-in-an-array | N | 65.8% | Medium | 0.996325%; |
124 | 217 | Contains Duplicate | /problems/contains-duplicate | N | 61.3% | Easy | 3.1631%; |
125 | 219 | Contains Duplicate II | /problems/contains-duplicate-ii | N | 42.3% | Easy | 1.61023%; |
126 | 224 | Basic Calculator | /problems/basic-calculator | N | 41.2% | Hard | 18.0101%; |
127 | 226 | Invert Binary Tree | /problems/invert-binary-tree | N | 73.3% | Easy | 0.634364%; |
128 | 229 | Majority Element II | /problems/majority-element-ii | N | 44.2% | Medium | 2.46403%; |
129 | 231 | Power of Two | /problems/power-of-two | N | 45.7% | Easy | 1.15335%; |
130 | 234 | Palindrome Linked List | /problems/palindrome-linked-list | N | 49.6% | Easy | 1.38697%; |
131 | 236 | Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree | /problems/lowest-common-ancestor-of-a-binary-tree | N | 58.1% | Medium | 1.3408%; |
132 | 237 | Delete Node in a Linked List | /problems/delete-node-in-a-linked-list | N | 75.3% | Medium | 1.51185%; |
133 | 238 | Product of Array Except Self | /problems/product-of-array-except-self | N | 64.7% | Medium | 0.620338%; |
134 | 239 | Sliding Window Maximum | /problems/sliding-window-maximum | N | 46.6% | Hard | 22.4669%; |
135 | 242 | Valid Anagram | /problems/valid-anagram | N | 62.8% | Easy | 0.867297%; |
136 | 252 | Meeting Rooms | /problems/meeting-rooms | Y | 57.1% | Easy | 32.712%; |
137 | 253 | Meeting Rooms II | /problems/meeting-rooms-ii | Y | 50.5% | Medium | 50.7493%; |
138 | 261 | Graph Valid Tree | /problems/graph-valid-tree | Y | 46.9% | Medium | 8.37933%; |
139 | 268 | Missing Number | /problems/missing-number | N | 61.7% | Easy | 1.54801%; |
140 | 273 | Integer to English Words | /problems/integer-to-english-words | N | 29.9% | Hard | 6.52672%; |
141 | 278 | First Bad Version | /problems/first-bad-version | N | 43.0% | Easy | 13.7415%; |
142 | 282 | Expression Add Operators | /problems/expression-add-operators | N | 39.2% | Hard | 44.5673%; |
143 | 283 | Move Zeroes | /problems/move-zeroes | N | 61.4% | Easy | 2.0397%; |
144 | 287 | Find the Duplicate Number | /problems/find-the-duplicate-number | N | 59.1% | Medium | 0.869687%; |
145 | 295 | Find Median from Data Stream | /problems/find-median-from-data-stream | N | 51.5% | Hard | 15.5257%; |
146 | 297 | Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree | /problems/serialize-and-deserialize-binary-tree | N | 55.0% | Hard | 12.0062%; |
147 | 299 | Bulls and Cows | /problems/bulls-and-cows | N | 48.7% | Medium | 24.9903%; |
148 | 300 | Longest Increasing Subsequence | /problems/longest-increasing-subsequence | N | 51.6% | Medium | 13.9181%; |
149 | 301 | Remove Invalid Parentheses | /problems/remove-invalid-parentheses | N | 47.1% | Hard | 18.2875%; |
150 | 302 | Smallest Rectangle Enclosing Black Pixels | /problems/smallest-rectangle-enclosing-black-pixels | Y | 58.2% | Hard | 33.8681%; |
151 | 304 | Range Sum Query 2D - Immutable | /problems/range-sum-query-2d-immutable | N | 52.2% | Medium | 5.22255%; |
152 | 306 | Additive Number | /problems/additive-number | N | 30.9% | Medium | 15.4225%; |
153 | 310 | Minimum Height Trees | /problems/minimum-height-trees | N | 38.5% | Medium | 4.40001%; |
154 | 315 | Count of Smaller Numbers After Self | /problems/count-of-smaller-numbers-after-self | N | 42.8% | Hard | 20.0453%; |
155 | 316 | Remove Duplicate Letters | /problems/remove-duplicate-letters | N | 44.6% | Medium | 9.73519%; |
156 | 317 | Shortest Distance from All Buildings | /problems/shortest-distance-from-all-buildings | Y | 42.9% | Hard | 39.79%; |
157 | 322 | Coin Change | /problems/coin-change | N | 41.6% | Medium | 2.82175%; |
158 | 323 | Number of Connected Components in an Undirected Graph | /problems/number-of-connected-components-in-an-undirected-graph | Y | 62.1% | Medium | 8.37933%; |
159 | 326 | Power of Three | /problems/power-of-three | N | 45.2% | Easy | 1.57113%; |
160 | 328 | Odd Even Linked List | /problems/odd-even-linked-list | N | 60.3% | Medium | 4.63797%; |
161 | 329 | Longest Increasing Path in a Matrix | /problems/longest-increasing-path-in-a-matrix | N | 52.2% | Hard | 51.6937%; |
162 | 332 | Reconstruct Itinerary | /problems/reconstruct-itinerary | N | 41.0% | Hard | 18.1361%; |
163 | 334 | Increasing Triplet Subsequence | /problems/increasing-triplet-subsequence | N | 42.7% | Medium | 17.0065%; |
164 | 336 | Palindrome Pairs | /problems/palindrome-pairs | N | 35.2% | Hard | 7.14118%; |
165 | 337 | House Robber III | /problems/house-robber-iii | N | 53.9% | Medium | 5.49687%; |
166 | 340 | Longest Substring with At Most K Distinct Characters | /problems/longest-substring-with-at-most-k-distinct-characters | Y | 47.8% | Medium | 8.4456%; |
167 | 341 | Flatten Nested List Iterator | /problems/flatten-nested-list-iterator | N | 61.6% | Medium | 19.6032%; |
168 | 343 | Integer Break | /problems/integer-break | N | 55.4% | Medium | 6.37721%; |
169 | 344 | Reverse String | /problems/reverse-string | N | 76.2% | Easy | 0.551991%; |
170 | 346 | Moving Average from Data Stream | /problems/moving-average-from-data-stream | Y | 77.1% | Easy | 8.11566%; |
171 | 347 | Top K Frequent Elements | /problems/top-k-frequent-elements | N | 64.8% | Medium | 4.52929%; |
172 | 349 | Intersection of Two Arrays | /problems/intersection-of-two-arrays | N | 70.3% | Easy | 3.35321%; |
173 | 353 | Design Snake Game | /problems/design-snake-game | Y | 39.1% | Medium | 23.1186%; |
174 | 354 | Russian Doll Envelopes | /problems/russian-doll-envelopes | N | 38.3% | Hard | 24.0566%; |
175 | 359 | Logger Rate Limiter | /problems/logger-rate-limiter | Y | 75.5% | Easy | 89.1067%; |
176 | 362 | Design Hit Counter | /problems/design-hit-counter | Y | 68.4% | Medium | 14.4703%; |
177 | 365 | Water and Jug Problem | /problems/water-and-jug-problem | N | 36.7% | Medium | 11.5012%; |
178 | 366 | Find Leaves of Binary Tree | /problems/find-leaves-of-binary-tree | Y | 80.1% | Medium | 94.5424%; |
179 | 373 | Find K Pairs with Smallest Sums | /problems/find-k-pairs-with-smallest-sums | N | 38.3% | Medium | 13.4079%; |
180 | 377 | Combination Sum IV | /problems/combination-sum-iv | N | 52.1% | Medium | 4.49433%; |
181 | 379 | Design Phone Directory | /problems/design-phone-directory | Y | 51.0% | Medium | 23.8443%; |
182 | 380 | Insert Delete GetRandom O(1) | /problems/insert-delete-getrandom-o1 | N | 52.0% | Medium | 12.0344%; |
183 | 383 | Ransom Note | /problems/ransom-note | N | 57.6% | Easy | 0.894648%; |
184 | 384 | Shuffle an Array | /problems/shuffle-an-array | N | 57.7% | Medium | 11.1374%; |
185 | 388 | Longest Absolute File Path | /problems/longest-absolute-file-path | N | 46.5% | Medium | 25.1732%; |
186 | 392 | Is Subsequence | /problems/is-subsequence | N | 49.0% | Easy | 2.37528%; |
187 | 393 | UTF-8 Validation | /problems/utf-8-validation | N | 45.2% | Medium | 36.1453%; |
188 | 394 | Decode String | /problems/decode-string | N | 57.6% | Medium | 47.2787%; |
189 | 395 | Longest Substring with At Least K Repeating Characters | /problems/longest-substring-with-at-least-k-repeating-characters | N | 44.8% | Medium | 5.28852%; |
190 | 399 | Evaluate Division | /problems/evaluate-division | N | 59.6% | Medium | 5.76183%; |
191 | 400 | Nth Digit | /problems/nth-digit | N | 34.1% | Medium | 16.7075%; |
192 | 403 | Frog Jump | /problems/frog-jump | N | 43.1% | Hard | 10.3448%; |
193 | 410 | Split Array Largest Sum | /problems/split-array-largest-sum | N | 53.3% | Hard | 16.9739%; |
194 | 412 | Fizz Buzz | /problems/fizz-buzz | N | 68.9% | Easy | 7.60262%; |
195 | 413 | Arithmetic Slices | /problems/arithmetic-slices | N | 65.1% | Medium | 7.52828%; |
196 | 417 | Pacific Atlantic Water Flow | /problems/pacific-atlantic-water-flow | N | 54.0% | Medium | 14.7638%; |
197 | 418 | Sentence Screen Fitting | /problems/sentence-screen-fitting | Y | 35.6% | Medium | 58.1446%; |
198 | 419 | Battleships in a Board | /problems/battleships-in-a-board | N | 74.7% | Medium | 51.2423%; |
199 | 420 | Strong Password Checker | /problems/strong-password-checker | N | 14.3% | Hard | 17.7415%; |
200 | 424 | Longest Repeating Character Replacement | /problems/longest-repeating-character-replacement | N | 51.5% | Medium | 4.49433%; |
201 | 438 | Find All Anagrams in a String | /problems/find-all-anagrams-in-a-string | N | 49.0% | Medium | 1.65131%; |
202 | 442 | Find All Duplicates in an Array | /problems/find-all-duplicates-in-an-array | N | 73.4% | Medium | 2.33407%; |