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1 | ID | Title | URL | Is Premium | Acceptance % | Difficulty | Frequency % |
2 | 5 | Longest Palindromic Substring | /problems/longest-palindromic-substring | N | 32.4% | Medium | 0.673115%; |
3 | 41 | First Missing Positive | /problems/first-missing-positive | N | 36.6% | Hard | 2.0305%; |
4 | 42 | Trapping Rain Water | /problems/trapping-rain-water | N | 58.8% | Hard | 1.40677%; |
5 | 45 | Jump Game II | /problems/jump-game-ii | N | 38.6% | Medium | 1.86165%; |
6 | 56 | Merge Intervals | /problems/merge-intervals | N | 46.0% | Medium | 4.28042%; |
7 | 84 | Largest Rectangle in Histogram | /problems/largest-rectangle-in-histogram | N | 42.2% | Hard | 3.01638%; |
8 | 91 | Decode Ways | /problems/decode-ways | N | 32.3% | Medium | 2.48923%; |
9 | 98 | Validate Binary Search Tree | /problems/validate-binary-search-tree | N | 31.8% | Medium | 0.856114%; |
10 | 121 | Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock | /problems/best-time-to-buy-and-sell-stock | N | 54.4% | Easy | 0.428822%; |
11 | 199 | Binary Tree Right Side View | /problems/binary-tree-right-side-view | N | 61.2% | Medium | 2.4292%; |
12 | 238 | Product of Array Except Self | /problems/product-of-array-except-self | N | 64.7% | Medium | 1.03973%; |
13 | 339 | Nested List Weight Sum | /problems/nested-list-weight-sum | Y | 82.2% | Medium | 16.3168%; |
14 | 354 | Russian Doll Envelopes | /problems/russian-doll-envelopes | N | 38.3% | Hard | 10.372%; |
15 | 423 | Reconstruct Original Digits from English | /problems/reconstruct-original-digits-from-english | N | 51.3% | Medium | 55.3438%; |
16 | 435 | Non-overlapping Intervals | /problems/non-overlapping-intervals | N | 49.9% | Medium | 3.94491%; |
17 | 502 | IPO | /problems/ipo | N | 44.9% | Hard | 60.973%; |
18 | 691 | Stickers to Spell Word | /problems/stickers-to-spell-word | N | 46.3% | Hard | 100%; |
19 | 875 | Koko Eating Bananas | /problems/koko-eating-bananas | N | 52.2% | Medium | 13.8045%; |
20 | 994 | Rotting Oranges | /problems/rotting-oranges | N | 52.5% | Medium | 4.80973%; |