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1 | ID | Title | URL | Is Premium | Acceptance % | Difficulty | Frequency % |
2 | 1 | Two Sum | /problems/two-sum | N | 49.1% | Easy | 1.85744%; |
3 | 2 | Add Two Numbers | /problems/add-two-numbers | N | 39.8% | Medium | 1.03085%; |
4 | 3 | Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters | /problems/longest-substring-without-repeating-characters | N | 33.8% | Medium | 1.62719%; |
5 | 4 | Median of Two Sorted Arrays | /problems/median-of-two-sorted-arrays | N | 35.3% | Hard | 6.65872%; |
6 | 5 | Longest Palindromic Substring | /problems/longest-palindromic-substring | N | 32.4% | Medium | 5.42826%; |
7 | 6 | Zigzag Conversion | /problems/zigzag-conversion | N | 43.2% | Medium | 16.2917%; |
8 | 13 | Roman to Integer | /problems/roman-to-integer | N | 58.2% | Easy | 7.0562%; |
9 | 14 | Longest Common Prefix | /problems/longest-common-prefix | N | 40.8% | Easy | 2.42741%; |
10 | 15 | 3Sum | /problems/3sum | N | 32.3% | Medium | 2.55068%; |
11 | 19 | Remove Nth Node From End of List | /problems/remove-nth-node-from-end-of-list | N | 40.0% | Medium | 1.66266%; |
12 | 20 | Valid Parentheses | /problems/valid-parentheses | N | 40.6% | Easy | 1.78525%; |
13 | 21 | Merge Two Sorted Lists | /problems/merge-two-sorted-lists | N | 61.9% | Easy | 0.9437%; |
14 | 22 | Generate Parentheses | /problems/generate-parentheses | N | 71.9% | Medium | 3.01226%; |
15 | 28 | Find the Index of the First Occurrence in a String | /problems/find-the-index-of-the-first-occurrence-in-a-string | N | 37.6% | Medium | 2.9455%; |
16 | 33 | Search in Rotated Sorted Array | /problems/search-in-rotated-sorted-array | N | 38.7% | Medium | 1.73362%; |
17 | 35 | Search Insert Position | /problems/search-insert-position | N | 42.0% | Easy | 1.31264%; |
18 | 42 | Trapping Rain Water | /problems/trapping-rain-water | N | 58.8% | Hard | 2.91613%; |
19 | 46 | Permutations | /problems/permutations | N | 74.9% | Medium | 2.8619%; |
20 | 48 | Rotate Image | /problems/rotate-image | N | 70.1% | Medium | 2.75928%; |
21 | 49 | Group Anagrams | /problems/group-anagrams | N | 66.5% | Medium | 4.82587%; |
22 | 50 | Pow(x, n) | /problems/powx-n | N | 32.8% | Medium | 10.2512%; |
23 | 54 | Spiral Matrix | /problems/spiral-matrix | N | 43.8% | Medium | 3.13498%; |
24 | 56 | Merge Intervals | /problems/merge-intervals | N | 46.0% | Medium | 8.87295%; |
25 | 62 | Unique Paths | /problems/unique-paths | N | 62.3% | Medium | 6.58454%; |
26 | 75 | Sort Colors | /problems/sort-colors | N | 57.4% | Medium | 2.49767%; |
27 | 77 | Combinations | /problems/combinations | N | 66.2% | Medium | 8.34091%; |
28 | 88 | Merge Sorted Array | /problems/merge-sorted-array | N | 45.8% | Easy | 1.62568%; |
29 | 90 | Subsets II | /problems/subsets-ii | N | 55.4% | Medium | 5.98388%; |
30 | 92 | Reverse Linked List II | /problems/reverse-linked-list-ii | N | 45.4% | Medium | 8.31716%; |
31 | 98 | Validate Binary Search Tree | /problems/validate-binary-search-tree | N | 31.8% | Medium | 3.93406%; |
32 | 121 | Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock | /problems/best-time-to-buy-and-sell-stock | N | 54.4% | Easy | 1.98507%; |
33 | 130 | Surrounded Regions | /problems/surrounded-regions | N | 36.1% | Medium | 7.74397%; |
34 | 132 | Palindrome Partitioning II | /problems/palindrome-partitioning-ii | N | 33.6% | Hard | 20.0186%; |
35 | 136 | Single Number | /problems/single-number | N | 70.1% | Easy | 1.68469%; |
36 | 146 | LRU Cache | /problems/lru-cache | N | 40.5% | Medium | 3.74057%; |
37 | 152 | Maximum Product Subarray | /problems/maximum-product-subarray | N | 34.9% | Medium | 3.18275%; |
38 | 167 | Two Sum II - Input Array Is Sorted | /problems/two-sum-ii-input-array-is-sorted | N | 60.0% | Medium | 5.71977%; |
39 | 189 | Rotate Array | /problems/rotate-array | N | 39.2% | Medium | 4.99064%; |
40 | 198 | House Robber | /problems/house-robber | N | 48.8% | Medium | 2.3663%; |
41 | 202 | Happy Number | /problems/happy-number | N | 54.4% | Easy | 2.04237%; |
42 | 217 | Contains Duplicate | /problems/contains-duplicate | N | 61.3% | Easy | 2.1463%; |
43 | 226 | Invert Binary Tree | /problems/invert-binary-tree | N | 73.3% | Easy | 2.204%; |
44 | 234 | Palindrome Linked List | /problems/palindrome-linked-list | N | 49.6% | Easy | 4.8188%; |
45 | 236 | Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree | /problems/lowest-common-ancestor-of-a-binary-tree | N | 58.1% | Medium | 4.6584%; |
46 | 242 | Valid Anagram | /problems/valid-anagram | N | 62.8% | Easy | 3.01329%; |
47 | 287 | Find the Duplicate Number | /problems/find-the-duplicate-number | N | 59.1% | Medium | 3.02159%; |
48 | 345 | Reverse Vowels of a String | /problems/reverse-vowels-of-a-string | N | 49.7% | Easy | 8.36479%; |
49 | 347 | Top K Frequent Elements | /problems/top-k-frequent-elements | N | 64.8% | Medium | 2.75668%; |
50 | 348 | Design Tic-Tac-Toe | /problems/design-tic-tac-toe | Y | 57.6% | Medium | 38.8708%; |
51 | 355 | Design Twitter | /problems/design-twitter | N | 36.8% | Medium | 26.1558%; |
52 | 362 | Design Hit Counter | /problems/design-hit-counter | Y | 68.4% | Medium | 26.6375%; |
53 | 394 | Decode String | /problems/decode-string | N | 57.6% | Medium | 5.93528%; |
54 | 424 | Longest Repeating Character Replacement | /problems/longest-repeating-character-replacement | N | 51.5% | Medium | 9.18934%; |
55 | 443 | String Compression | /problems/string-compression | N | 48.9% | Medium | 14.4532%; |
56 | 539 | Minimum Time Difference | /problems/minimum-time-difference | N | 56.3% | Medium | 51.5036%; |
57 | 595 | Big Countries | /problems/big-countries | N | 73.3% | Easy | 2.48917%; |
58 | 678 | Valid Parenthesis String | /problems/valid-parenthesis-string | N | 33.9% | Medium | 20.5859%; |
59 | 692 | Top K Frequent Words | /problems/top-k-frequent-words | N | 56.9% | Medium | 44.7636%; |
60 | 695 | Max Area of Island | /problems/max-area-of-island | N | 71.7% | Medium | 5.74851%; |
61 | 704 | Binary Search | /problems/binary-search | N | 55.1% | Easy | 1.25302%; |
62 | 835 | Image Overlap | /problems/image-overlap | N | 64.0% | Medium | 68.1082%; |
63 | 863 | All Nodes Distance K in Binary Tree | /problems/all-nodes-distance-k-in-binary-tree | N | 62.1% | Medium | 14.6715%; |
64 | 967 | Numbers With Same Consecutive Differences | /problems/numbers-with-same-consecutive-differences | N | 57.1% | Medium | 41.7138%; |
65 | 977 | Squares of a Sorted Array | /problems/squares-of-a-sorted-array | N | 71.9% | Easy | 9.51621%; |
66 | 1047 | Remove All Adjacent Duplicates In String | /problems/remove-all-adjacent-duplicates-in-string | N | 70.4% | Easy | 8.10937%; |
67 | 1207 | Unique Number of Occurrences | /problems/unique-number-of-occurrences | N | 70.9% | Easy | 10.3511%; |
68 | 1307 | Verbal Arithmetic Puzzle | /problems/verbal-arithmetic-puzzle | N | 34.8% | Hard | 100%; |
69 | 1351 | Count Negative Numbers in a Sorted Matrix | /problems/count-negative-numbers-in-a-sorted-matrix | N | 75.2% | Easy | 12.9167%; |
70 | 2023 | Number of Pairs of Strings With Concatenation Equal to Target | /problems/number-of-pairs-of-strings-with-concatenation-equal-to-target | N | 72.9% | Medium | 84.7128%; |