This package is an easy way to create a user for a ci/cd workflow. Just setup your project as usual and create a new user by firing a cli-command.
First things first, so require the package:
composer require spresnac/laravel-create-user-cli
Now, register the new command within your app\Console\Kernel.php
protected $commands = [
This package is very simple to use, open up your console and type
php artisan user:create
When using it within some kind of continous deployment, use the parameter and options to get fully automated like
php artisan user:create "user_name" "user_email" "user_password" --force
One can get help with
php artisan help user:create
This is an overview of all result codes you can handle in ci environements:
Code | Description |
0 | all good π |
1 | The user with this data is already existing and was not overwritten. Use the --force option to overwrite the user. |
2 | There is a user exisiting with this data and there was a problem updating this database record. |
5 | You should not get this code. If you do, you may have not provided all data correct. |
Start the tests like standard with
composer test-ci
or with
... have fun ;)