CLI tooling for creating, publishing, and installing TLE packages.
Note that this tooling is primarily intended for package authors. There is a WIP TLE package that will be pre-installed in the database (or installed via this CLI) that will be the main way end-users fetch packages into their database. For example:
Once the dbdev
TLE is installed
select dbdev.install('math', '0.0.1');
Where the dbdev
CLI functions as a backup solution for installing packages when requirements for the dbdev
TLE are not met (no pgsql-http)
dbdev install --connection 'postgresql://...' --package 'math' --version '0.0.1'
As a package author, I want to:
- install extensions from a local directory into a database
- sign up for an account with a package index
- publish extensions to a package index
As an end user, I want to:
- install the TLE that enables remotely installing packages from the dbdev package index
- install extensions from a package index into a database (a backup solution the dbdev TLE is not available in the database)
- uninstall extensions from a database
Usage: dbdev [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>
install Install a package to a database
uninstall Uninstall a package from a database
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
signup Create a user account
publish Upload a package to the package index
-d, --debug Turn debugging information on
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
Install a package to a database
Usage: dbdev install [OPTIONS] --connection <CONNECTION>
-c, --connection <CONNECTION> PostgreSQL connection string
-p, --package <PACKAGE> Package name on package index
--path <PATH> From local directory
-h, --help Print help
Uninstall a package from a database
Usage: dbdev uninstall --connection <CONNECTION> --package <PACKAGE>
-c, --connection <CONNECTION> PostgreSQL connection string
-p, --package <PACKAGE> Package name on dbdev package index
-h, --help Print help
Create a user account
Usage: dbdev signup <HANDLE>
<HANDLE> PostgreSQL connection string
-h, --help Print help
The user is additionally prompted for an email address and password during signup. Packages can not be uploaded to an account until the email address is confirmed.
Upload a package to the package index
Usage: dbdev publish
-h, --help Print help
Publishes the current directory's TLE package to the package index.