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Example Runners on MIG Container VM that support Docker Workflows


This example shows how to deploy a runner that supports Docker Workflows on GCE Container VM.

Steps to deploy this example

  • Step 1: Build the example runner image using Google Cloud Build. Alternatively, you can also use a prebuilt image or build using a local docker daemon.
$ gcloud config set project $PROJECT_ID
$ gcloud services enable
$ gcloud builds submit --config=cloudbuild.yaml
  • Step 2: Create terraform.tfvars file with the necessary values.

Access tokens require repo scope for private repos and public_repo scope for public repos. GitHub Apps must have the administration permission to use this API. Authenticated users must have admin access to the repository to use this API.

More info can be found here.

project_id = "your-project-id"
image      = "your-image-registry/image:tag"
gh_token   = "your-github-token"
repo_url   = ""
repo_name  = "your-repo-name"
repo_owner = "owner"
  • Step 3: Create the infrastructure.
$ terraform init
$ terraform plan
$ terraform apply


Name Description Type Default Required
gh_token Github token that is used for generating Self Hosted Runner Token string n/a yes
image The github runner image string n/a yes
project_id The project id to deploy Github Runner MIG string n/a yes
repo_name Name of the repo for the Github Action string n/a yes
repo_owner Owner of the repo for the Github Action string n/a yes
repo_url Repo URL for the Github Action string n/a yes


Name Description
mig_instance_group The instance group url of the created MIG
mig_name The name of the MIG