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TMC5160 Driver for Go (TinyGo)

This repository provides a Go-based driver for the TMC5160 stepper motor driver, implemented for both SPI and UART communication modes. The driver allows you to easily interface with the TMC5160 to configure and control stepper motors.

Table of Contents


To use the TMC5160 driver, you'll need to have TinyGo installed. You can install TinyGo by following the official installation guide.


  • machine: To interface with hardware on platforms like Raspberry Pi, STM32, etc.
  • TinyGo: A Go compiler for embedded systems.

Add the module

import ""

Communication Modes

The TMC5160 supports two communication modes for controlling the motor:

SPI Mode

To communicate with the TMC5160 in SPI mode, you'll need to configure the SPI bus and the chip-select (CS) pin. This allows full-speed communication between your microcontroller and the TMC5160. SPI Setup

In SPI mode, you must configure the SPI interface on your microcontroller. Here's how to set up SPI communication for the TMC5160.

spi := machine.SPI1
csPin := machine.GPIO13
SCK:       machine.GPIO10,
SDI:       machine.GPIO11,
SDO:       machine.GPIO12,
Frequency: 5000000,
Mode:      3,
LSBFirst:  false,

csPin.Configure(machine.PinConfig{Mode: machine.PinOutput})

Sending Commands via SPI

The driver supports reading and writing registers using the SPIComm interface, which is initialized with the configured SPI bus and CS pins

comm := tmc5160.NewSPIComm(*spi, csPins)
driver := tmc5160.NewTMC5160(comm, driverIndex)
driver.WriteRegister(tmc5160.GCONF, value)


Alternatively, you can use UART mode to communicate with the TMC5160. UART mode is useful for cases where SPI is not available or when the TMC5160 is used in multi-driver configurations with limited SPI pins. UART Setup

In UART mode, you will need to configure the UART interface with the appropriate baud rate and settings:

uart := machine.UART0
    BaudRate: 115200,

Sending Commands via UART

The UART communication is handled through the UARTComm struct, which wraps the UART interface.

comm := tmc5160.NewUARTComm(uart, 0x01)
driver := tmc5160.NewTMC5160(comm, 0)
driver.WriteRegister(tmc5160.GCONF, 0x01)

Usage Example

Here’s a simple example of how to use the TMC5160 driver with SPI and UART modes:

// Connects to SPI1 on a RP2040 (Pico)
package main

import (


func main() {
	// Step 1. Setup your protocol.  SPI setup shown below
	spi := machine.SPI1
		SCK:       machine.GPIO10,
		SDI:       machine.GPIO11,
		SDO:       machine.GPIO12,
		Frequency: 12000000, // Upto 12 MHZ is pretty stable. Reduce to 5 or 6 Mhz if you are experiencing issues
		Mode:      3,
		LSBFirst:  false,
	// Step 2. Set up all associated Pins
	csPin0 := machine.GPIO13
	csPin0.Configure(machine.PinConfig{Mode: machine.PinOutput})
	enn0 := machine.GPIO18
	enn0.Configure(machine.PinConfig{Mode: machine.PinOutput})

	// csPins is a map of all chip select pins in a multi driver setup.
	//Only one pin csPin0 mapped to "0"is shown in this example, but add more mappings as required
	csPins := map[uint8]machine.Pin{0: csPin0}
	//bind csPin to driverAdddress
	driverAddress := uint8(0) // Let's assume we are working with driver at address 0x01
	// Step 3. Bind the communication interface to the protocol
	comm := tmc5160.NewSPIComm(*spi, csPins)
	// Step 4. Define your stepper like this below
	//stepper := tmc5160.NewStepper(angle , gearRatio  vSupply  rCoil , lCoil , iPeak , rSense , mSteps, fclk )
	stepper := tmc5160.NewDefaultStepper() // Default Stepper should be used only for testing.
	// Step 5. Instantiate your driver
	driver := tmc5160.NewDriver(

	// Setting and getting mode
	rampMode := tmc5160.NewRAMPMODE(comm, driverAddress)
	err := rampMode.SetMode(tmc5160.PositioningMode)
	if err != nil {
	mode, err := rampMode.GetMode()
	if err != nil {
		println("Error getting mode:", err)
	} else {
		println("Current Mode:", mode)

	// Read GCONF register
	GCONF := tmc5160.NewGCONF()
	gconfVal, err := driver.ReadRegister(tmc5160.GCONF)
	// Uppack the register to get all the bits and bytes of the register
	//E.g. MultiStepFlit is retrieved from the GCONF register
	println("GCONF:MultiStepFlit:", GCONF.MultistepFilt)

Reading and Writing Registers

You can easily read and write registers using the WriteRegister and ReadRegister methods:

// Write a value to a register
err := driver.WriteRegister(tmc5160.GCONF, 0x01)
if err != nil {
    fmt.Println("Error writing register:", err)

// Read a register
value, err := driver.ReadRegister(tmc5160.GCONF)
if err != nil {
    fmt.Println("Error reading register:", err)
} else {
    fmt.Println("Read value from GCONF:", value)

API Reference

NewSPIComm(spi *machine.SPI, csPins map[uint8]machine.Pin) *SPIComm

Creates a new SPI communication interface for the TMC5160.

NewUARTComm(uart machine.UART, address uint8) *UARTComm

Creates a new UART communication interface for the TMC5160.

NewTMC5160(comm RegisterComm, address uint8) *TMC5160

Creates a new instance of the TMC5160 driver.

WriteRegister(register uint8, value uint32) error

Writes a value to the specified register.

ReadRegister(register uint8) (uint32, error)

Reads a value from the specified register.


This project is licensed under the MIT License