🌟 DataFormsJS 🌟 A minimal JavaScript Framework, standalone React and Web Components, and JSX Compiler for rapid development of high quality websites and single page applications.
Feb 21, 2025 - JavaScript
Handlebars is a simple templating language. It uses a template and an input object to generate HTML or other text formats. Handlebars templates look like regular text with embedded Handlebars expressions. Handlebars is largely compatible with Mustache templates. In most cases it is possible to swap out Mustache with Handlebars and continue using your current templates. A handlebars expression is a "{{", some contents, followed by a "}}". When the template is executed, these expressions are replaced with values from an input object.
🌟 DataFormsJS 🌟 A minimal JavaScript Framework, standalone React and Web Components, and JSX Compiler for rapid development of high quality websites and single page applications.
🚀 A Multi-Page Application base on webpack and babel. webpack搭建基于ES6,支持模板的多页面项目
E-Learning Management System App - Stack: Node.js, Express, MongoDB
D3js plugin to support templating engines as Handlebars, Mustache, Twitter Hogan, Mozilla Nunjucks, LinkedIn Dust, doT, Underscore, Template7, EJS, Vash, ART, Swig, Wiskers and probably others.
A file directory-based automated multi-page build plugin that supports HTML templates using Handlebars. 基于文件目录的Vite自动化多页面构建插件,支持使用 Handlebars 的 HTML 模板。
Formula 1 Championship Predictor
CLI tool to generate and append to various files for Kirby3 CMS using Plop.js
A full stack project with every single bit of weather information about the city-state-country you are looking for .
A customer management and inventory management system with invoice billing functions using the "Model-View-Controller" concept
Full Stack Game of Thrones Website that follows MVC Paradigm and utilizes MySQL and REST APIs
Read and write JSON files to (my) S3 using presigned urls (needs an account). To write to your own S3, fork this code, edit constants in `scratchpad.js`, and specify the right env vars in your presigned url lambda
N8 Tech Blog is a full-stack CMS-style blog site where developers can publish their blogs and add comments on others. Users can also view all their posts and comments they've made along with having access of updating/deleting their posts/comments from their dashboard.
Generate PDFs from HTML, CSS and Handlebars with NodeJS and Puppeteer
Un pequeno ejercicio para guardar algunas recomendaciones de Restaurantes de Jinotepe.
A template for tests of Svelte on Koa+Handlebars+Webpack project packed into Docker
The Washington Post Scraper is an application that allows the user to scrape articles from the Washington Post website and save a reference to them.
Converts handlebars code with partials or(and) layout to html
Group project, full stack web app ecommerce site for a fake pizza and pies restaurant.
A place for Luther College students to buy and sell textbooks
Created by Yehuda Katz
Released February 15, 2011