A highly extensible Rust-based meta-framework designed for building decoupled and maintainable applications.
Nov 20, 2024 - Rust
The publish-subscribe pattern (short: pubsub) is an event handling and messaging pattern where the consumer subscribes to the provider, which in return can then publish a message that can be picked up and processed by each subscribed consumer.
A highly extensible Rust-based meta-framework designed for building decoupled and maintainable applications.
Plugin.Maui.MessagingCenter provides a drop-in compatible replacement for the deprecated .NET MAUI MessagingCenter.
JavaScript implementation of the Publish/Subscribe pattern with TypeScript support.
Quoridor game implementation integrated with a versatile and reusable AI agent for solving two-player board games
JObserve is a replacement for the legacy java observer package, with support for object attributes and attribute listeners.
Demos using popular frameworks or architectures, based on dotnet.
A simple blockchain network implementation in JavaScript.
This repo contains a simple in memory publish subscribe message queue in Python which delivers messages based on the priority of the subscribers and handles them in different thread pool.
This is an implementation of a MineSweeper in java created for the lecture "Einführung in die Software-Entwicklung".
Minimalistic proof of concept for event-driven architecture (EDA) using NATS
Learning advanced deep-dive Javascript while building minimalistic real-world functional projects while leveraging dev best practices with modern vanilla Javascript - ES6 features
Using RabbitMQ in C#.
Lightweight and easy-to-use module for using Publish-Subscribe pattern in golang
Released 1987