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Queues on cue: low-latency persistent blocking queues, processors, and graphs via Chronicle Queue


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Queues on cue: low-latency persistent blocking queues, processors, and graphs via Chronicle Queue.

For when distributed systems like Kafka are too much, durable-queue is not enough, and both are too slow.

Chronicle Queue is a broker-less queue framework that provides microsecond latencies (sometimes less) when persisting data to disk. Tape is an excellent wrapper around Chronicle Queue that exposes an idiomatic Clojure API, but does not provide blocking or persistent tailers.

Cues extends both to provide:

  1. Persistent blocking queues, persistent tailers, and appenders
  2. Processors for consuming and producing messages
  3. Simple, declarative graphs for connecting processors together via queues
  4. Brokerless, fault-tolerant exactly-once message delivery
  5. Message metadata
  6. Microsecond latencies (sometimes even less)
  7. Zero-configuration defaults
  8. Not distributed

By themselves, the blocking queues are similar to what durable-queue provides, just one or more orders of magnitude faster. They also come with an API that aligns more closely with the persistence model: you get queues, tailers, and appenders, and addressable, immutable indices that you can traverse forwards and backwards.

The processors and graphs are meant to provide a dead-simple version of the abstractions you get in a distributed messaging system like Kafka. But there are no clusters to configure, no partitions to worry about, and it is several orders of magnitude faster.

Ultimately the goals of Cues are fairly narrow: a minimal DSL for connecting message processors into graphs using persistent queues in a non-distributed environment.

Use Cases

Cues could be used for:

  • Robust, persistent, low-latency communication between threads or processes
  • Anywhere you might use clojure.core.async but require a persistent model
  • Prototyping or mocking up a distributed architecture

To give you a sense of how it scales, from the Chronicle Queue FAQ:

Our largest Chronicle Queue client pulls in up to 100 TB into a single JVM using an earlier version of Chronicle Queue.

As for message limits:

The limit is about 1 GB, as of Chronicle 4.x. The practical limit without tuning the configuration is about 16 MB. At this point you get significant inefficiencies, unless you increase the data allocation chunk size.


The Cues API could be grouped into two categories: primitives and graphs.

The low-level primitives are easy to get started with, but can be tedious to work with once you start connecting systems together.

You could just as easily start with the higher-level graph abstractions that hide most of the boiler-plate, but then you might want to circle back at some point to understand the underlying mechanics.

  1. Installation
  2. Quick Start
  3. Primitives: Queues, Tailers, and Appenders
  4. Processors and Graphs
  5. Errors and Exactly Once Message Delivery
  6. Queue Configuration
  7. Queue Metadata
  8. Utility Functions
  9. Runway: Developing Stateful Systems
  10. Data Serialization
  11. Java 11 & 17
  12. Chronicle Queue Analytics (disabled by default)


Just add the following dependency in your deps.edn:

io.zalky/cues {:mvn/version "0.2.1"}

If you do not already have SLF4J bindings loaded in your project, SLF4J will print a warning and fall back on the no-operation (NOP) bindings. To suppress the warning, simply include the nop bindings explicitly in your deps:

org.slf4j/slf4j-nop {:mvn/version "2.0.6"}

Java compatibility: Chronicle Queue targets LTS Java releases 8, 11, and 17. See the additional notes on running Chronicle Queue on Java 11 & 17.

Quick Start

It is really easy to get started with queue primitives:

(require '[cues.queue :as q])

(def q (q/queue ::queue-id))
(def a (q/appender q))
(def t (q/tailer q))

(q/write a {:x 1})
;; =>

(q/read!! t)
;; =>
{:x 1}

But connecting queues into a system is also straightforward:

(defmethod q/processor ::inc-x
  [process {msg :input}]
  {:output (update msg :x inc)})

(defmethod q/processor ::store-x
  [{{db :db} :opts} {msg :input}]
  (swap! db assoc (:x msg) msg)

(defonce example-db
  (atom nil))

(defn example-graph
  "Connect processors together using ::source and ::tx queues."
  {:id         ::example
   :processors [{:id ::source}
                {:id  ::inc-x
                 :in  {:input ::source}
                 :out {:output ::tx}}
                {:id   ::store-x
                 :in   {:input ::tx}
                 :opts {:db db}}]})

(def g
  (-> (example-graph example-db)

(q/send! g ::source {:x 1})
(q/send! g ::source {:x 2})

;; Messages propagate asynchronously through the graph... then:

;; =>
{2 {:x 2}
 3 {:x 3}}

;; Inspect the queues that particpate in the graph:
(q/all-graph-messages g)
;; =>
{::source ({:x 1} {:x 2})
 ::tx     ({:x 2} {:x 3})}

A similar example graph is defined in the namespace. To try it, clone this repo and run the following from the project root:

clojure -X:server:repl

Or if you're on Java 11 or 17:

clojure -X:server:repl:cues/j17

Then connect your REPL and try the following:

user> (require '[cues.repl :as repl])
user> (q/send! (repl/graph) {:x 1})
user> (q/all-graph-messages (repl/graph))
{  (), ({:x 1}),     ({:x 2, :q/meta {:tx/t 83464099463168}})}

The rest of this document just covers these two APIs in more detail.

Primitives: Queues, Tailers, and Appenders

Cues takes the excellent primitives offered by the Tape library and extends them to provide blocking and a couple of other features.

Queues couldn't be easier to create:

(require '[cues.queue :as q])

(def q (q/queue ::queue-id))

The ::queue-id id uniquely identifies this queue throughout the system and across restarts. Anywhere you call (q/queue ::queue-id) it will return an object that references the same queue data.

You can then append messages to the queue with an appender (audible gasp!):

(def a (q/appender q))

(q/write a {:x 1})
;; =>

(q/write a {:x 2})
;; =>

All messages are Clojure maps. Once the message has been written, cues.queue/write returns its index on the queue. Both the index and the message are immutable. There is no way to update a message once it has been written to disk.

To read the message back you use a tailer:

(def t (q/tailer q))

(q/read t)
;; =>
{:x 1}

Tailers are stateful: each tailer tracks its position on the queue that it is tailing. You can get the current unread index of the tailer:

(q/index t)
;; =>

When it consumes a message from the queue, the tailer advances to the next index:

(q/read t)
;; =>
{:x 2}

(q/index t)
;; =>

This tailer is now one index ahead of the last message that we wrote at 83313775607809. Note that while indices are guaranteed to increase monotonically, there is no guarantee that they are contiguous. In general you should avoid code that tries to predict future indices on the queue.

Since we have already read two messages there will be no message at the tailer's current index. If we try another read with this tailer, it will return nil, without advancing:

(q/read t)
;; =>

This is because cues.queue/read is non-blocking.

We can use cues.queue/read!! to do a blocking read, which will block the current thread until a message is available at the tailer's index. Let's do this in another thread so that we can continue using the REPL:

(def f (future
         (let [t (q/tailer q)]
           (while true
             (let [msg (q/read!! t)]
               ;; blocks until there is something to read
               (println "message:" (:x msg)))))))
;; prints
message: 1
message: 2

Notice that we created a new tailer in the future thread. This is because unlike queues, tailers cannot be shared across threads. An error will be thrown if you attempt to read with the same tailer in more than one thread.

Also notice the loop immediately printed the first two messages on the queue. This is because by default all new tailers will start at the beginning of the queue (we'll see how to change this next). After reading the first two messages, the tailer blocked on the third iteration of the loop.

We can continue adding messages to the queue using the appender:

(q/write a {:x 3})
;; =>
;; prints
message: 3

(q/write a {:x 4})
;; =>
;; prints
message: 4

And Voila! We are using ultra-low latency, persistent messaging to communicate between threads. How fast is it?

(require '[criterium.core :as b])

 (q/write a {:x 1}))

"Evaluation count : 865068 in 6 samples of 144178 calls.
             Execution time mean : 690.932746 ns
    Execution time std-deviation : 7.290161 ns
   Execution time lower quantile : 683.505105 ns ( 2.5%)
   Execution time upper quantile : 698.417843 ns (97.5%)
                   Overhead used : 2.041010 ns"

 (do (q/write a {:x 1})
     (q/read!! t)))

"Evaluation count : 252834 in 6 samples of 42139 calls.
             Execution time mean : 2.389696 µs
    Execution time std-deviation : 64.305722 ns
   Execution time lower quantile : 2.340823 µs ( 2.5%)
   Execution time upper quantile : 2.466880 µs (97.5%)
                   Overhead used : 2.035620 ns"

Quite fast. Of course it will always depend to a large extent on the size of the messages you are serializing.

Cues tailers have two other tricks up their sleeves:

  1. Persistence: like queues, tailers can also be persistent. If you pass a tailer an id at creation, then that tailer's current index will persist with that queue across runtimes:

    (q/tailer q ::tailer-id)

    Without an id, this tailer would restart from the beginning of the queue q every time you launch the application.

  2. Unblocking: you can additionally pass a tailer an unblock atom. If the value of the atom is ever set to true, then the tailer will no longer block on reads:

    (let [unblock (atom nil)]
      (q/tailer q ::tailer-id unblock)

    This would typically be used to unblock and dispose of blocked threads.

Finally there is another blocking read function, cues.queue/alts!! that given a list of tailers, will complete at most one read from the first tailer that has a message available. alts!! returns a two element tuple: the first element is the tailer that was read from and the second element is the message that was read:

(q/alts!! [t1 t2 t3])
;; => t2 was the first with a message
[t2 {:x 1}]

Additional Queue Primitive Functions

Before moving on, let's cover a few more of the low level functions for working directly with queues, tailers and appenders.

Instead of moving :forward along a queue, you can change the direction of a tailer:

(q/set-direction t :backward)

You can move a tailer to either the start or end of a queue:

(q/to-start t)

(q/to-end t)

You can move a tailer to a specific index:

(q/to-index t 83313775607810)
;; =>

(q/read t)
;; =>
{:x 3}

And you can get the last index written to a queue, either from the queue or an associated appender:

(q/last-index q)
;; =>

(q/last-index a)   ; appender associated with q
;; =>

Recall that cue.queue/index gets the current unread index of a tailer. Instead you can get the last read index for a tailer:

(q/index t)
;; =>

(q/last-read-index t)
;; =>

You can also read a message from a tailer without advancing the tailer's position:

(q/index t)
;; =>

(q/peek t)
;; =>
{:x 4}

(q/index t)
;; =>

Finally, while tailers are very cheap, they do represent open resources on the queue. You should close them once they're no longer needed or it can add up over time.

To this end, you can either call q/close-tailer! directly on the tailer, or use a scoped tailer constructor:

(q/with-tailer [tailer queue]

This gives you a new tailer on the given queue that will be closed when the with-tailer block exits scope.

Processors and Graphs

While the queue primitives are easy to use, they can be tedious to work with when combining primitives into systems. To this end, Cues provides two higher-level features:

  1. Processor functions
  2. A graph DSL to connect processors together via queues


Processors are defined using the cues.queue/processor multimethod:

(defmethod q/processor ::inc-x
  [process {msg :input}]
  {:output (update msg :x inc)})

(defmethod q/processor ::store-x
  [{{db :db} :opts} {msg :input}]
  (swap! db assoc (:x msg) msg)

Each processor method has two arguments. The first argument, process, is a roll-up of the processor's execution context and all the resources that the processor may need to handle messages. We'll return to this in the following sections.

The other argument is a map of input messages. Each message is stored at an input binding, and there can be more than one message in the map. In the ::inc-x processor, a single input message is bound to :input.

Typically a processor will then take the input messages, and return one or more output messages in an output binding map. Here, ::inc-x binds the output message to :output. In contrast, you'll notice that ::store-x returns nil, not a binding map. The next section will explain why ::inc-x and ::store-x are different in this respect.

Otherwise that's really all there is to processors.


The Cues graph DSL matches processor bindings to queues, and connects everything together into a graph:

(defn example-graph
  {:id         ::example
   :processors [{:id ::source}
                {:id  ::inc-x
                 :in  {:input ::source}
                 :out {:output ::tx}}
                {:id   ::store-x
                 :in   {:input ::tx}
                 :opts {:db db}}]})

Both the top level graph and every processor in the :processors catalog requires a unique :id.

By default the processor :id is used to dispatch to the q/processor method. However because each :id must be unique, you can also use the :fn attribute to dispatch to a different method from the :id:

{:id  ::unique-id-1
 :fn  ::inc-x
{:id  ::unique-id-2
 :fn  ::inc-x

The keys in the :in and :out maps are always processor bindings and the values are always queue ids.

Taking ::inc-x as an example:

{:id  ::inc-x
 :in  {:input ::source}
 :out {:output ::tx}}

Here the input messages from the ::source queue are bound to :input, and output messages bound to :output will be placed on the ::tx queue.

Similarly for ::store-x, input messages from the ::tx queue are bound to :input:

{:id   ::store-x
 :in   {:input ::tx}
 :opts {:db db}}

However, notice that there are no output queues defined for ::store-x. Instead ::store-x takes the input messages and transacts them to the db provided via :opts:

(defmethod q/processor ::store-x
  [{{db :db} :opts} {msg :input}]
  (swap! db assoc (:x msg) msg)

If you're familiar with Kafka, ::store-x would be analogous to a Sink Connector. Essentially this is an exit node for messages from the graph.

You can also define processors similar to Kafka Source Connectors. This would be the third processor in the catalog:

{:id ::source}

A processor with no :in or :out is considered a source. The :id is also the queue on which some external agent will deposit messages.

However before we can send messages to the source, we need to construct and start the graph:

(defonce example-db
  (atom nil))

(def g
  (-> (example-graph example-db)

Now we can send! our message:

(q/send! g ::source {:x 1})

You can simplify things for users of the graph by setting a default source:

(defn example-graph
  {:id         ::example
   :source     ::source
   :processors [{:id ::source}

Now a user of the graph can send messages without having to specify the source:

(q/send! g {:x 1})

The message will then move through the queues and processors in the graph until it is deposited in the example-db atom by the ::store-x sink:

;; =>
{2 {:x 2}}   ; :x was incremented by ::inc-x

;; get all the messages in the graph, each key is a queue
(q/all-graph-messages g)
;; =>
{::source ({:x 1})
 ::tx     ({:x 2})}

You can stop all the graph processors using:

(q/stop-graph! g)

And close the graph and all its associated queues and tailers:

(q/close-graph! g)

Finally, we've already seen that we can use the :opts attribute to pass options and resources to specific processors. However, we can pass a general systems map to all processors in the graph via the :system attribute:

(defn example-graph
  [db connection path]
  {:id         ::example
   :system     {:connection connection
                :path       path}
   :processors [{:id   ::processor
                 :in   {:input ::queue-in}
                 :out  {:output ::queue-out}
                 :opts {:db db}}

(defmethod q/processor ::processor
  [{{db :db}                  :opts
    {:keys [connection path]} :system} {msg :input}]

Topic and Type Filters

Cues provides an additional layer of control over how your messages pass through your graph: topic and type filters.

Here is a processor with a type filter:

{:id    ::store-x
 :types :q.type/doc
 :in    {:in ::tx}}

This processor will only handle messages whose :q/type attribute is :q.type/doc:

;; yes
{:q/type :q.type/doc
 :attr   1
 :q/meta {...}}

;; no
{:q/type  :q.type/control
 :control :stop
 :q/meta  {...}}

;; no
{:x 1}

Similarly, we can define topic filters:

{:id     ::db.query/processor
 :topics #{:db.topic/query
 :in     {:in  ::source}
 :out    {:out ::tx}}

This processor will only handle messages whose :q/topics map contains a truthy value for at least one of the topics:

;; yes
{:q/topics {:db.topic/query [{:some [:domain :query]}]}
 :q/meta   {...}}

;; yes
{:q/topics           {:db.topic/control true}
 :msg.control/signal :stop
 :msg/description    "context"
 :q/meta             {...}}

;; no
{:q/topics {:db.topic/write {:doc {:name "doc" :description "description"}
            :db.topic/log   true}
 :q/meta   {...}}

;; no
{:x 1}

The :q/topic values in messages can be arbitrary data.

Of course if you require some other kind of filtering besides what type and topics provides, you can always pass in your own filters via processor :opts, and perform filtering in the processor function yourself:

{:id   ::processor
 :in   {:in  ::source}
 :out  {:out ::tx}
 :opts {:my-filter :category}}

(defmethod q/processor ::processor
  [{{:keys [my-filter]} :opts} {msg :in}]
  (when (predicate? my-filter msg)


There are several variations of processors besides sources and sinks.

Join processors take messages from multiple queues, blocking until all queues have a message available. They then write a single message to one output queue:

{:id  ::join-processor
 :in  {:source  ::source
       :control ::control}
 :out {:output ::tx}}

There is an alts!! variation of a join processor that will take the first message available from a set of input queues.

{:id   ::alts-processor
 :alts {:s1 ::crawler-old
        :s2 ::crawler-new
        :s3 ::crawler-experimental}
 :out  {:output ::tx}}

Fork processors write messages to multiple queues:

{:id  ::fork-processor
 :in  {:input ::source}
 :out {:tx  ::tx
       :log ::log}}

Message delivery on fork output queues is atomic, and exactly once semantics will apply. However, not all output messages will appear on their respective output queues at the same time.

Join/forks or alts/forks both read from multiple input queues and deliver to multiple output queues:

{:id  ::join-fork-processor
 :in  {:source  ::source
       :control ::control}
 :out {:tx  ::tx
       :log ::log}}
{:id  ::alt-fork-processor
 :alt {:source  ::source
       :control ::control}
 :out {:tx  ::tx
       :log ::log}}

You can conditionally write to different output queues based on which bindings you return:

(defmethod q/processor ::join-fork-conditional
  [process msgs]
  (let [n   (transduce (map :x) + (vals msgs))
        msg {:x n}]
    {:even (when (even? n) msg)
     :odd  (when (odd? n) msg)}))

You can also dynamically compute input and output bindings based on the processor definition, which is available in the first argument of the processor under the :config attribute:

(defmethod q/processor ::broadcast
  ;; Broadcast to all the output bindings of the processor.
  [process in-msgs]
  (let [out-msgs     (compute-out-msgs in-msgs)
        out-bindings (keys (:out (:config process)))]
    (zipmap out-bindings (repeat out-msgs))))

Once you have connected a set of processors together into a graph, you can inspect the topology of the graph directly:

(q/topology g)
;; =>
{:nodes #{::store-x ::source ::inc-x}
 :deps  {:dependencies
         {::store-x #{::inc-x}
          ::inc-x   #{::source}}
         {::inc-x  #{::store-x}
          ::source #{::inc-x}}}}

And compute properties of the topology:

(require '[cues.deps :as deps])

(deps/transitive-dependencies (q/topology g) ::store-x)
;; =>
#{::source ::inc-x}

There's a number of topology functions available in cues.deps. This namespace provides everything that com.stuartsierra/dependency does, but extends functionality to support disconnected graphs.

There's also a couple of helper functions in cues.util for merging and re-binding processor catalogs:

{:processors (-> (util/merge-catalogs cqrs/base-catalog
                 (util/bind-catalog {::my-old-error-queue  ::new-error-queue
                                     ::features/tx-queue   ::new-tx-queue
                                     ::features/undo-queue ::new-undo-queue}))}

This makes graph definitions easier to reuse.

Errors and Exactly Once Message Delivery

Cues provides persistent, brokerless, and fault tolerant exactly once message delivery for graph processors, but the approach depends on whether a processor has side-effects or not.

For pure processors that do not have side effects, exactly once delivery semantics work out of the box. You do not have to do anything.

For processors that do have side-effects, like sink processors, Cues provides at least once delivery semantics on the processor, while also exposing a special delivery hash to user code.

This delivery hash is unique to the set of input messages being delivered, and is invariant across multiple delivery attempts. Processors can then use the hash to implement idempotency or exactly once delivery semantics for their side effects:

(defmethod q/processor ::sink
  [{:keys [delivery-hash] :as process} msgs]
  ;; Use delivery-hash to enforce idempotency or exactly once delivery
  ;; on side-effects.

For example, consider a sink processor that takes messages from several input queues, combines them, and writes a result to a database. If this fails at any point, the processor will attempt to re-deliver these messages at least once more.

To ensure the result is written to the database exactly once, the user code can collocate the delivery hash with the result in the db using transactional semantics, checking that the transaction has not already been written.

There are other approaches for ensuring exactly once delivery on side-effects, but all of them would leverage the delivery hash.

Code Changes

For processors with no side-effects, exactly once delivery semantics still hold even if the user code in the processor has changed between failure and restart. The new code will be used to complete the delivery.

For processors with side-effects, this really depends on the changes that are made to any user code that leverages the delivery hash.

However changes to the topology of the graph (the connections between processors) make exactly once delivery semantics inherently ambiguous.

In such cases you might see the following log output on restart:

2023-03-17T19:34:52.085Z user INFO [cues.queue:734] - Topology changed, no snapshot for tailer :some-generated/id

This is not necessarily an error, just informing you that after the topology change the input tailer has lost its recovery context.

Message Delivery: Handled versus Unhandled Errors

By default, Cues does not handle any exceptions that bubble up from the processor. Instead, they are treated as failed delivery attempts, and the processor immediately quits.

On restart, exactly once delivery semantics will ensure that messages are not lost and delivery is retried. However this is still not very robust and you probably want to handle those exceptions.

While you can always handle errors directly in the processor code, you can also configure Cues to handle exceptions for you. Just provide an :errors queue to either the graph or an individual processor:

(defn graph
  {:id         ::example
   :errors     ::graph-errors
   :processors [{:id ::source}
                {:id     ::inc-x
                 :in     {:input ::source}
                 :out    {:output ::tx}
                 :errors ::inc-x-errors}
                {:id   ::store-x
                 :in   {:input ::tx}
                 :opts {:db db}}]})

When configured in this way, any uncaught exceptions that are not of type java.lang.InterruptedException or java.lang.Error that bubble up from the processor will be serialized and delivered to the error queue.

Error messages are considered "delivered" according to exactly once delivery semantics, and the processor will not retry. In other words: a message will be delivered exactly once either to an output queue, or to an error queue once, but never both.

You can then read back errors on the error queues:

(q/graph-messages g ::inc-x-errors)
({:q/type            :q.type.err/processor
  :err.proc/config   {:id       ::inc-x
                      :in       {:input ::source}
                      :out      {:output ::tx}
                      :errors   ::inc-x-errors
                      :strategy ::q/exactly-once}
  :err.proc/messages {::source {:x 1}}
  :err/cause         {:via   [{:type    java.lang.Exception
                               :message "Oops"
                               :at      [$eval77208$fn__77210 invoke "build.clj" 11]}]
                      [[$eval77208$fn__77210 invoke "build.clj" 11]
                       [cues.queue$wrap_select_processor$fn__75200 invoke "queue.clj" 1061]
                       [cues.queue$wrap_imperative$fn__75194 invoke "queue.clj" 1046]
                       [java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor runWorker "" 1128]
                       [java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker run "" 628]
                       [java.lang.Thread run "" 829]]
                      :cause "Oops"}})

By default, Cues creates a generic error message like the one above, which contains the processor's configuration, a stacktrace, and the input message that triggered the error.

However, you can provide additional context to raised errors with the cues.error/wrap-error macro:

(require '[cues.errors :as err])

(defmethod q/processor ::inc-x
  [process {msg :input}]
  (err/wrap-error {:q/type       :my-error-type
                   :more-context context
                   :more-data    data}

The wrap-error macro merges the provided context into the raised error, then re-throws it.

Of course, you can always catch and handle errors yourself, and place them on arbitrary queues of your choice. Ultimately handled errors are just like any other data in the graph.

At Most Once Message Delivery

There are generally three strategies that exist for message delivery in systems where failure is a possibility:

  1. At most once
  2. At least once
  3. Exactly once

Cues provides ::q/exactly-once message delivery by default, but you can optionally configure graphs to use ::q/at-most-once delivery semantics instead:

(require '[cues.queue :as q])

(defn example-graph
  {:id         ::example
   :strategy   ::q/at-most-once
   :processors [{:id ::source}

With at most once semantics any processor step is only ever attempted once, and never retried. While failures may result in dropped messages, this provides two modest benefits if that is not a problem:

  1. Approximately 30-40% faster graph performance
  2. You can avoid implementing idempotency on side-effects using the delivery hash: processor steps are simply never retried

In contrast at least once semantics pose no meaningful benefits with respect to exactly once delivery, and so outside of processors with side-effects (where it is the default and explained previously) that strategy is not provided.

Queue Configuration

Whether used as primitives or as part of a graph, the following queue properties are configurable:

  1. Path of the queue data on disk
  2. Message metadata
  3. Queue data expiration and cycle handlers

For primitives these are passed as an options map to the queue constructor:

(def q (q/queue ::queue-id {:queue-path "data/example"
                            :queue-meta #{:q/t :q/time}
                            :transient  true}))

The default path for all queues is "data/queues" in your project root.

The same options can be passed to queues that participate in a graph using the queue id:

(defn example-graph
  {:id         ::example
   :queue-opts {::queue-id {:queue-path "data/example"
                            :queue-meta #{:q/t :q/time}
                            :transient  true}
                ::source   {...}
                ::tx       {...}}
   :processors [{:id ::source}
                {:id  ::inc-x
                 :in  {:input ::source}
                 :out {:output ::tx}}

For graphs, you can specify a set of default queue options. The options for specific queues will be merged with the defaults:

(require '[cues.queue :as q])

(defn example-graph
  {:id         ::example
   :queue-opts {::q/default {:queue-path "data/default-path"
                             :queue-meta #{:q/t}}
                ::source    {:queue-path "data/other"}      ; merge ::q/default ::source
                ::tx        {...}}                          ; merge ::q/default ::tx
   :processors [{:id ::source}
                {:id  ::inc-x
                 :in  {:input ::source}
                 :out {:output ::tx}}

The full set of options are:

  1. :queue-path: The path on disk where the queue data files are stored. It is perfectly fine for multiple queues to share the same :queue-path.

  2. :queue-meta: Normally messages are unchanged by the implementation when written to disk. However, setting this option can ensure three built-in metadata attributes are automatically added on write.

    The three attributes, #{:q/t :q/time :tx/t}, are discussed in the next section. But the following shows how the :q/t attribute could be configured for all queues, and all three attributes for the ::tx queue:

    (defn example-graph
      {:id         ::example
       :queue-opts {::q/default {:queue-path "data/example"
                                 :queue-meta #{:q/t}}
                    ::tx        {:queue-meta #{:q/t :q/time :tx/t}}}
       :processors [{:id ::source}
                    {:id  ::inc-x
                     :in  {:input ::source}
                     :out {:output ::tx}}

    You can also set :queue-meta to false, in which case that queue will actively remove all metadata from any message before writing it to disk.

  3. :transient: By default all messages written to disk persist forever. Setting :transient true will configure the roll-cycle of queue data files to be daily, and for data files to be deleted after 10 cycles (10 days). With :transient true you are only ever storing 10 days of data.

  4. All the options supported by Tape's underlying implementation are also configurable. This includes direct control over the roll cycle and cycle handlers. For example, if the pre-defined :transient configuration is not suitable to your needs, you could use these settings to define new roll-cycle behaviour. See the doc-string in the link for details.

Queue Metadata

You can always model, manage and propagate message metadata yourself. However Cues provides some built-in metadata functionality that should cover many use cases.

There are three metadata attributes :q/t, :q/time, and :tx/t. Each of these is added to the body of the message under the root :q/meta attribute:

(first (q/graph-messages g ::tx))
;; =>
{:x      2
 :q/meta {:q/queue {::source {:q/t    83318070575102
                              :q/time #object[java.time.Instant 0x6805b000 "2023-02-11T22:58:26.650462Z"]}
                    ::tx     {:q/t    83318070575104
                              :q/time #object[java.time.Instant 0x40cfaf7b "2023-02-11T22:58:26.655232Z"]}}
          :tx/t    83318070575104}}
  • :q/t is the index on the queue at which the message was written. This is a per queue metadata attribute. If :q/t is enabled on multiple queues, the provenance of each message will accumulate as it passes from one queue to the next. You would typically use :q/t for audit or debugging purposes.

  • :q/time is similar, except instead of an index, it collects the time instant at which the message was written to that queue.

  • :tx/t is pretty much identical to :q/t: it is also derived from the index on the queue at which the message was written. However unlike :q/t the semantics of :tx/t are meant to be a global transaction t that can be used to achieve serializability (in the transactional sense) of messages anywhere in the graph.

    Typically you would enable :tx/t on one queue, and use this as your source of truth throughout the rest of the graph. However achieving serializability also depends to a great extent on the topology of the graph, and the nature of the processors. Simply enabling :tx/t will not by itself be enough to ensure serializability. You need to understand how the properties of your graph and processors determine serializability.

Graph Metadata

Graph processors also have metadata semantics. Processors will automatically propagate the merged :q/meta from all input messages into any output messages on queues that have any metadata attributes configured. This means that you do not need to explicitly propagate :q/meta data in your processor functions.

Utility Functions

There some utility functions in cues.queue that are worth mentioning.

If you already have a tailer, q/messages will return a lazy list of messages:

(->> (q/messages tailer)
     (map do-something-to-message)

There are also functions that will process messages eagerly from queues. Be careful, these load all the messages on the queue into memory:

;; get all message from queue object
(q/all-messages queue)

;; get all messages from a queue in a graph object
(q/graph-messages graph ::queue-id)

;; get all messages from a graph object
(q/all-graph-messages graph)

There are also a set of functions for managing queue files. By default data file deletion will prompt you to confirm:

;; Close and delete the queue's data files
(q/delete-queue! queue)

;; Close and delete all queues in a graph
(q/delete-graph-queues! g)

;; Delete all queues in default queue path, or in the path
;; provided.
(q/delete-all-queues "data/example")

Runway: Developing Stateful Systems

Managing the lifecycle of any stateful application requires care, especially in a live coding environment. With processor threads and stateful resources running in the background, a Cues graph is no different. And while you can certainly manage Cues graphs manually from the REPL, it is easier to let a framework to manage your graph's lifecycle for you.

This repository demonstrates how you might do this with Runway, a com.stuartsierra.component reloadable build library for managing the lifecycles of complex applications.

See the deps.edn file for how to configure Runway aliases, and the namespace for the com.stuartsierra.component example Cues graph.

Data Serialization

Data serialization is done via the excellent Nippy library. It is very fast, and you can extend support for custom types and records using nippy/extend-freeze and nippy/extend-thaw. See the Nippy documentation for more details.

Java 11 & 17

Chronicle Queue works under both Java 11 and 17. However some JVM options need to be set:

{:cues/j17 {:jvm-opts ["--add-exports=java.base/jdk.internal.ref=ALL-UNNAMED"

See the Cues deps.edn file for what this looks like as an alias.

Chronicle Queue Analytics (disabled by default)

Chronicle Queue is a great open source product, but it enables analytics collection by default (opt-out) to improve its product.

Cues changes this by removing and disabling analytics by default, making it opt-in.

If for some reason you want analytics enabled, you can add the following into your deps.edn file:

net.openhft/chronicle-analytics {:mvn/version "2.24ea0"}

When enabled, the analytics engine will emit a message the first time software is run, and generate a ~/ file in the user's home directory.

Getting Help

First you probably want to check out the Chronicle Queue documentation, as well as their FAQ.

Otherwise you can either submit an issue here on Github, or tag me (@zalky) with your question in the #clojure channel on the Clojurians slack.


Cues is distributed under the terms of the Apache License 2.0.