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An easy way for Developers to display "What's New" for the end users.

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New (Core) Features Version
Mesh Gradient and Linear Gradient Background 5.3.0
Apple visionOS & Vision Pro 4.1.0
Auto trigger/pop-up .sheet when Version / Build changes 4.0.0
Version Number in x.y.z and/or x.y 4.0.0
Remote Drop Notification 3.5.0
Firebase Real-Time Database 3.0.0
Remote JSON File 3.0.0
Versioning + View History 2.0.0
Allows for ALL Use Cases including Commercial / Non-profit -
Simple Model, Easy to Modify and Reuse -
Simple Binding and Passing Data -
Instant Loading from Local Storage -


IMG_3472 IMG_3471
Light Native Dark Native
Simulator Screen Shot - iPhone 13 Pro Max CleanShot 2022-12-11 at 12 46 30@2x CleanShot 2022-12-11 at 12 49 12@2x
History View (2.0.0) App Icon (3.9.6) [Vertical / Horizontal]
CleanShot 2023-06-22 at 14 24 07@2x Screenshot 2024-07-01 at 10 18 33 PM
Support VisionOS (4.1.0 or above) Mesh Gradient Background (5.3.0 or above)


Path: ./Demo (Xcode Project with SwiftUI)


GitHub release (latest by date) GitHub release (latest by date including pre-releases)



Xcode Local

Tested on Latest Compatible
iOS 18.4 > 14
iPadOS 18.2 > 14
macOS 15.2 > 11
visionOS 2 > 1

Xcode Cloud

Tested on Compatible
Xcode > 13.4 (13F17a)
macOS > 12.3.1 (21E258)

Get Started

Tutorial available on Medium: or below.


Steps Description Screenshot
1 Navigate to root project CleanShot 2022-06-11 at 17 39 39@2x
2 Select Project CleanShot 2022-06-11 at 17 39 48@2x
3 Select Package Dependencies CleanShot 2022-06-11 at 17 39 53@2x
4 Click + and paste to the searchbox CleanShot 2022-06-11 at 17 39 32@2x
5L Create a new local file called data.json You may copy this JSON sample.
5R You can use remote JSON / firebase realtime database too. Sample:

Major Usage

  1. Import SwiftNEWKit.
import SwiftNEW
  1. Add States before body or any some View.


var Suggested Options Type
showNew * false false, true Bool
align .center .leading, .center, .trailing HorizontalAlignment
color .accentColor All Colors Supported Color
size "simple" "invisible", "mini", "simple" String
labelColor UIColor.systemBackground or NSColor.windowBackgroundColor All Colors Supported Color
label "Show Release Note" All Strings String
labelImage "" All SF Symbols String
history true true, false Bool
data "data" or "https://.../{}.json" "{LOCAL_JSON_FILE}" or Remote String
showDrop false false, true Bool
mesh true false, true Bool
// Required
@State var showNew: Bool = false

// Optional (5.2.0 or above)
@State var align: HorizontalAlignment = .center
@State var color: Color = .accentColor
@State var size: String = "normal"
#if os(iOS)
@State var labelColor: Color = Color(UIColor.systemBackground)
#elseif os(macOS)
@State var labelColor: Color = Color(NSColor.windowBackgroundColor)
@State var label: String = "Show Release Note"
@State var labelImage: String = ""
@State var history: Bool = true
@State var data: String = "data"
@State var showDrop: Bool = false
@State var mesh: Bool = false
  1. Then, paste this code inside body or any some View.
// Simplified with default options in 5.2.0 or above
SwiftNEW(show: $showNew)

// 5.1.0 or below
SwiftNEW(show: $showNew, align: $align, color: $color, size: $size, labelColor: $labelColor, label: $label, labelImage: $labelImage, history: $history, data: $data, showDrop: $showDrop)

Instead of using separate states, inline states work too. (No longer required after 5.2.0)

*Show Bool cannot be inline.

SwiftNEW(show: $showNew, align: .constant(.center), color: .constant(.accentColor), size: .constant("normal"), labelColor: .constant(Color(UIColor.systemBackground)), label: .constant("Show Release Note"), labelImage: .constant(""), history: .constant(true), data: .constant("data"), showDrop: .constant(false))
  1. Your code should look similar to the following, including the minimum features and default styles.
struct ContentView: View {
    @State var showNew: Bool = false
    var body: some View {
        SwiftNEW(show: $showNew)


Structure / Model (REF)

  • The below code is just for reference only. You don't need to copy the structure or model.
public struct Vmodel: Codable, Hashable {
    var version: String
    var new: [Model]
public struct Model: Codable, Hashable {
    var icon: String
    var title: String
    var subtitle: String
    var body: String


Copy the JSON sample to data.json file (If you don't have it, create a new file.)


    "version": "1.2",
    "new": [
        "body": "Available for iOS 16, iPadOS 16, macOS 13",
        "icon": "hammer.fill",
        "subtitle": "Broken UI",
        "title": "Bug fixes"
        "body": "Direct load via remote storage. Easy!",
        "icon": "square.and.arrow.down.fill",
        "subtitle": "Supported",
        "title": "Firebase Remote"
        "body": "Free and open source! Created by Ming with ❤️‍🔥",
        "icon": "macpro.gen3.server",
        "subtitle": "Design",
        "title": "Serverless"
        "body": "Pull requests and make it better for everyone!",
        "icon": "arrow.triangle.pull",
        "subtitle": "Together",
        "title": "Contribute"
   "version": "1.1",
    "new": [
        "body": "Available for iOS 16, iPadOS 16, macOS 13",
        "icon": "hammer.fill",
        "subtitle": "Broken UI",
        "title": "Bug fixes"
        "body": "Direct load via local storage. Super fast!",
        "icon": "square.and.arrow.down.fill",
        "subtitle": "Supported",
        "title": "Local File"
        "body": "Free and open source! Created by Ming with ❤️‍🔥",
        "icon": "macpro.gen3.server",
        "subtitle": "Design",
        "title": "Serverless"
        "body": "Pull requests and make it better for everyone!",
        "icon": "arrow.triangle.pull",
        "subtitle": "Together",
        "title": "Contribute"

Translation (i18n) Sample Available in v3.9.7 or above

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Developer Note

  • Please report bugs in the Issues section.
  • If you want to discuss future roadmap or contribution, please find on Discussions.


Q1. Why didn’t the sheet pop up, show loading, or display a blank screen?
A1. First, ensure that the latest version in JSON matches your app version. If you are using a local data.json file, check for any missing commas(,) or typos that could make the JSON invalid. If you are using remote data (such as Firebase), confirm that the JSON structure is the same as the provided example.
Q2. How can I contribute to the project?
A2. Simply pull a request, and the admin will review your code. If everything is okay, your changes will be merged and reflected in the next minor version.
Q3. Can I use it in Educational (include Student's Homework, Class's demo) or NGO or Commerical Projects?
A3. YES. This project is under the license of MIT. Feel free to play it :)



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Show "What's New" with SwiftUI. [ AI Assistant available below ]




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