A messaging application client for ADAMANT Blockchain. See ADAMANT Project at adamant.im.
ADAMANT is a decentralized anonymous messenger based on the blockchain system. It’s independent of any governments or corporations, and even developers due to the distributed network infrastructure that contains an open-source code.
The ADAMANT blockchain system belongs to its users. Nobody can control, block, deactivate, restrict or censor accounts. Users take full responsibility for their content, messages, media, and goals and intentions of using the messenger.
Privacy is the main concept of ADAMANT: neither phone numbers nor emails are required. Apps have no access to the contact list or geotags, IPs are hidden from chatters and paranoids can use Tor app.
All the messages are encrypted with the Diffie-Hellman Curve25519, Salsa20, Poly1305 algorithms and signed by SHA-256 + Ed25519 EdDSA. Private keys are never transferred to the network. The sequence of messages and their authenticity is guaranteed by the blockchain.
ADAMANT includes crypto wallets for ADAMANT (ADM), Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Lisk (LSK), Dogecoin (DOGE) and Dash (DASH). Private keys for the wallets are derived from an ADAMANT passphrase. You can export the keys and use them in other wallets.
This application deployed at msg.adamant.im and available as standalone apps for macOS, Windows and Linux. Feel free to run your own messenger using this code and Build Setup.
ADAMANT Messenger has built-in crypto Exchanger and Adelina, an AI chat assistant based on ChatGPT.
Clone the repository:
git clone --recursive https://github.com/Adamant-im/adamant-im.git
Install the dependencies:
npm install
Note: Lisk libraries may ask for specific Node.js version, you can ignore this with npm install --ignore-engines
npm run dev
npm run https
npm run build
npm run serve
npm run lint
npm run electron:dev
npm run electron:build
APPLE_NOTARIZE=true npm run electron:build
npm run electron:serve
$ npm run android:open
$ npm run android:run
Note: You must have an Android emulator or a connected device to run the app.
$ cp capacitor.env.example capacitor.env # replace ENV values before build
$ npm run android:build
Download pre-build apps for macOS, Windows and Linux.
To build on Windows you must install build tools for windows, it is easier to do this with windows-build-tools npm package.
For detailed explanation on how things work, checkout the guide and docs for vue-loader.
If you are unable to access adm.im (e.g., due to censorship), you can run a self-hosted version of ADAMANT Messenger. We always encourage people to build it from source.
You can build and deploy the app to GitHub Pages. Follow the instructions below.
- Fork the repository.
- Go to the repository Settings.
- Navigate to the Pages tab.
- Set the source as GitHub Actions.
- Go to the Actions tab.
- Enable workflows.
- Select the GitHub Pages workflow.
- Click Run workflow.
- Wait until the build succeeds.
- Open ADAMANT Messenger at