tsdot is a template engine for JavaScript. It is similar to Mustache, EJS, Handlebars, and many others. This is a fork of the original doT.js template engine.
- 🔥 Super fast and super small
- ⚡️ Compile-time valuation
- ❇️ Custom delimiters, partials, conditionals, array iterators, encoding, white-space control, and much more.
The only new changes after the fork are:
- 🚀 First-class typescript support (more modern wow!)
- 💪 Works in the Browser, Node.js Bun, and Deno.
- 🤓 Better Docs :D (no, really)
- 🥳 More fun! (wow emojies)
npm install tsdot
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/tsdot@latest/dist/index.global.js"></script>
import tsdot from "tsdot";
const template = `
<div class="container">
<h1>Hello, {{=it.name}}!</h1>
// 1. Compile the template
const compiledTemplate = tsdot.compile(template);
// 2. Render the template with data
const result = compiledTemplate({ name: "World" });
// <div class="container">
// <h1>Hello, World!</h1>
// </div>
const template = `
<div class="container">
<h1>Hello, {{=it.name}}!</h1>
const compiledTemplate = tsdot.compile(template);
// 2. Render the template with data
const result = compiledTemplate({ name: "World" });
Work in progress, feel free to contribute a PR for examples/code snippets.
I think each of these need examples.
{{ }} - evaluation
{{= }} - interpolation
{{! }} - interpolation with encoding
{{# }} - compile-time evaluation/includes and partials
{{## #}} - compile-time defines
{{? }} - conditionals
{{~ }} - array iteration
// Compiles a template.
// - `tmpl`: The template string.
// - `c`: The template settings.
// - `def`: The template default values. (I think)
Dot.template<T>(tmpl: string, c?: TemplateSettings | null, def?: Record<string, any>): RenderFunction<T>
// Function returned by Dot.template(). Use this to render the template.
RenderFunction<T = Record<string, any>> = (data: T): string // Function returned by Dot.template(). Use this to render the template.
// For express apparently.
Dot.compile(tmpl: string, def?: Record<string, any>): RenderFunction
- doT.js - Original by by Laura Doktorova. However, it's been super outdated and I couldn't install it properly without TypeScript complaining hard. Hence, motivated this fork with better tools like tsup nowadays.
- Handlebars - OG templating with great devx.
- Mustache - Logic-less templates.