A Payload CMS 3 plugin for integrating Auth.js 5 (beta).
⚠ This plugin and Auth.js 5 is in beta and may have some bugs. Please report any issues you find.
This plugin
- creates a
collection in Payload CMS. - use an custom Database Adapter for Auth.js to store the users in the Payload CMS database.
- use a custom Auth Strategy for Payload CMS to retrieve the session from Auth.js.
Install the plugin using any JavaScript package manager such as PNPM, NPM, or Yarn:
pnpm i payload-authjs
First of all, this plugin only integrates Auth.js into Payload CMS by getting the user session from Auth.js. It doesn't handle the Auth.js stuff. First, you need to setup Auth.js before you can use this plugin. You can follow the Auth.js guide.
⚠ Make sure you define your config in a separate file (e.g.
) than where you create the NextAuth instance (e.g.auth.ts
) to avoid circular dependencies. ⚠
// auth.config.ts
import github from "next-auth/providers/github";
export const authConfig: NextAuthConfig = {
providers: [
github, // <-- Add your provider here
Once you have configured Auth.js, you can integrate it with Payload CMS.
To do this, wrap your Auth.js configuration with the withPayload
function before creating the NextAuth instance:
// auth.ts
import payloadConfig from "@payload-config";
import NextAuth from "next-auth";
import { withPayload } from "payload-authjs";
import { authConfig } from "./auth.config"; // ⚠ Import the config from a separate file
export const { handlers, signIn, signOut, auth } = NextAuth(
withPayload(authConfig, {
And add the authjsPlugin
to your Payload configuration file:
// payload.config.ts
import { authjsPlugin } from "payload-authjs";
import { authConfig } from "./auth.config";
export const config = buildConfig({
plugins: [
authjsConfig: authConfig,
And that's it! Now you can sign-in via Auth.js and you are automatically authenticated in Payload CMS. Nice 🎉
You don't need to create a users collection. This plugin automatically creates a collection with the slug
This plugin also provides some utility functions to get the current payload session/user within your Next.js application.
Instead of using the auth
function of Auth.js, you can use the getPayloadSession
function to get the current session in the server-side code (e.g. in RSC or API routes):
// ServerComponentExample.tsx
import { getPayloadSession } from "payload-authjs";
const ServerComponentExample = async () => {
const session = await getPayloadSession();
return (
<h3>Payload CMS User:</h3>
Instead of using the useSession
hook of Auth.js, you can use the usePayloadSession
hook to get the current session in the client-side code:
Before you can use the usePayloadSession
hook, you need to wrap your app with the PayloadSessionProvider
// layout.tsx
import { PayloadSessionProvider } from "payload-authjs/client";
import { getPayloadSession } from "payload-authjs";
const Layout: React.FC<{ children: React.ReactNode }> = async ({ children }) => {
return (
<html lang="en">
<PayloadSessionProvider session={await getPayloadSession()}>
export default Layout;
ℹ️ Passing the session to the
is optional, but it can be useful to avoid loading states.
You are now ready to use the usePayloadSession
hook in your client-side code:
// ClientComponentExample.tsx
"use client";
import { usePayloadSession } from "payload-authjs/client";
export const ClientComponentExample = () => {
const { session } = usePayloadSession();
return (
<h3>Payload CMS User:</h3>
Click to expand
If you want to access the current user in the Payload admin panel e.g. in a custom component. You can use the useAuth
hook from Payload CMS:
"use client";
import { Banner, useAuth } from "@payloadcms/ui";
import { type User } from "payload/generated-types";
export const CustomAdminComponent = () => {
const { user } = useAuth<User>();
if (!user) {
return null;
return <Banner type="success">Hi, {user.name}</Banner>;
Simply use the req.user
object to determine the current user:
const Examples: CollectionConfig = {
slug: "examples",
access: {
read: ({ req: { user } }) => {
return Boolean(user) // <-- Check if the user is authenticated
fields: [
Simply use the req.user
object to determine the current user:
const Examples: CollectionConfig = {
slug: "examples",
fields: [
endpoints: [
method: "get",
path: "/example",
handler: (req) => {
return Response.json(req.user); // <-- Return the user object
If you want to customize the users collection, you can create a collection with the slug users
and add your customizations there.
// users.ts
const Users: CollectionConfig = {
slug: "users",
fields: [],
Click to expand
You can customize the existing fields in the users collection by adding the field to the collection and modifying the field. The fields are merged together.
// users.ts
const Users: CollectionConfig = {
slug: "users",
fields: [
name: "id",
type: "text",
label: "Identifier", // <-- Add a label to the id field
admin: {
hidden: true, // <-- Hide id field in admin panel
name: "accounts",
type: "array",
fields: [
name: "provider",
type: "text",
label: "Account Provider", // <-- Add label to provider field
You can also add additional fields to the users collection.
Click to expand
There are 2 ways to add additional fields. It depends on the data you want to store and your Auth.js session strategy (session.strategy
If you want to store additional data in the database, you can add a new field to the users collection and extend your Auth.js provider to include the new field in the user.
For example, you could add a locale
field to the users collection:
// users.ts
const Users: CollectionConfig = {
slug: "users",
fields: [
// Add custom field for 'locale'
name: "locale",
type: "text",
Next, you need to extend the user object returned by your Auth.js provider. You can do this as shown in this example:
// auth.config.ts
const authConfig: NextAuthConfig = {
providers: [
* Add additional fields to the user on first sign in
profile(profile) {
return {
// Default fields from keycloak provider
id: profile.sub,
name: profile.name,
email: profile.email,
image: profile.picture,
// Custom fields
locale: profile.locale, // <-- Add your custom field (e.g. get locale from the profile)
⚠ Note that Auth.js doesn't update the user after the first sign-in. If you want to update the user on every sign-in, you can use the
event. (See Events)
If you are using the Auth.js jwt
session strategy (it's the default), you can use a virtual field to add additional data that should not be stored in the database.
This plugin extracts the virtual fields from your Auth.js jwt session (if available) and adds them to the user object.
For example, you could add a roles
field to the users collection:
// users.ts
const Users: CollectionConfig = {
slug: "users",
fields: [
// Add custom field for 'roles'
name: "roles",
type: "json",
virtual: true, // <-- Make the field virtual
admin: {
hidden: true,
This plugin can only get the virtual fields, if they are included in the Auth.js session. So you need to extend your Auth.js token and session with your field.
You can do this as shown in this example:
// auth.config.ts
const authConfig: NextAuthConfig = {
callbacks: {
jwt: ({ token, trigger }) => {
// Add the virtual field to the token only on signIn/signUp (jwt callback will be called multiple times)
if (trigger === "signIn" || trigger === "signUp") {
token.roles = ["example-role"]; // <-- Add your virtual field to the token
return token;
session: ({ session, token }) => {
if (token) {
session.user.roles = token.roles; // <-- Forward the virtual field from the token to the session
return session;
At this point, you can implement your own logic to extend the session. For example extract from profile, fetch from a server, or something else.
More information about extending your session can be found in the Auth.js documentation.
Now you can access your custom field, e.g. in the access control operations or elsewhere:
const Examples: CollectionConfig = {
slug: "examples",
access: {
read: ({ req: { user } }) => {
return user?.roles?.includes("user") ?? false; // <-- Check if the user has the role "user"
fields: [
If you are using typescript you can declare your Auth.js user type as shown in the following example:
// auth.config.ts
import type { PayloadAuthjsUser } from "payload-authjs";
import type { User as PayloadUser } from "payload/generated-types";
declare module "next-auth" {
interface User extends PayloadAuthjsUser<PayloadUser> {}
More information about typescript can be found in the Auth.js documentation.
Auth.js emits some events that you can listen to. This plugin extends the events with additional parameters such as the adapter
and payload
More information about the events can be found in the Auth.js documentation.
The following events are available:
- signIn
- signOut
- createUser
- updateUser
- linkAccount
- session
The signIn
event is fired when a user successfully signs in. For example, you could use this event to update the user's name on every sign-in:
// auth.ts
export const { handlers, signIn, signOut, auth } = NextAuth(
withPayload(authConfig, {
events: {
* Update user 'name' on every sign in
signIn: async ({ adapter, user, profile }) => {
if (!user.id || !profile) {
await adapter.updateUser!({
id: user.id,
name: profile.name ?? (profile.login as string | undefined),