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Multistage Graph

  • Multistage graph is a directed graph in which vertices can be divided in sets ( stages) such that vertices on same stage do not have edges between them and can't have a edge from present stage to previous stage .
  • Given a source and destination for which shortest path is to be find.

Multistage Graph


    cost[n] =0;
    for (i : n-2 to 1) do
    { cost[n-1] = INT_MAX
        for(j : 1 to n ) do
            if (graph[i][j] = INT_MAX) then continue
            cost[i] = min(cost[i],graph[i][j]+cost[j]);

    return cost[0]


  • Time Complexity : O(n^2) ,where n is number of vertices
  • Auxiliary Space : O(n^2) ,where n is number of vertices


  • More efficient as overlapping of sub problem stored and use.


  • Take more space as have to store the repeated overlapped subproblem.

Ford - Fulkerson Algorithm

It is a algorithm which is based in greedy approach for finding the maximum flow in a graph.

We can visualize the algorithm using a pipeline system in which every pipe have the different capacities and for a instance their is some water in each pipe and using algorithm we have to find amount of liquid flowed from source to sink.



  • Augmenting Path :- The path available in a flow of the network.
  • Residual Graph :- It shows the network of flow with additional possible flow.
  • Residual Capacity :- Capacity of edge after taking out the flow from the max capacity/weighted edge.

How algorithm works?

  1. Firstly , Initialize the edges in a flow with 0.
  2. While there is an augmenting path in between f source and sink , add this path to the flow of the edge graph.
  3. At last keep updating the residual graph.


  • All the edges is 0 at the beginning.
  • Select any one of the arbitrary path from source S to T end. The selected path is S-A-B-T.
  • The minimum capacity among the three edges is 2 (B-T). Taking this in account update the flow/Capacity for each path.
  • Select another path S-D-C-T. The min capacity between the 3 edges S-D.
  • After that we consider the reverse-path lets take B-D and also selecting the path S-A-B-D-C-T. The min residual capacity amoung the edges is D-C.
  • After adding the all flows we get 6 which is the max possible flow on the network of edges or graph.

Time and Space Complexity

  • Time Complexity :- O(E*F) where E are the number of edges anf F is maximum number flow that is possible.
  • Space Complexity :- O(E*N) where E are the number of edges anf N is number of nodes.


  1. Water distribution pipeline
  2. Bipartite matching problem
  3. Circulation with demands