- connected components in a undirected graph ia a subgraph in which each pair of node in the subgraph have path between them .
1. initialized all vertices as unchecked
2. for all vertices
- if not checked than apply dfs by calling dfs(v,checked[]) function .
1. mark v as checked and diaplay it
2. for neighbouring vertex
- if not checked apply dfs to unchecked neighbouring vertex
Time Complexity: O(V+E), where V is the number of vertices and E is total number edges in a graph.
Space Complexity: O(n) , where n is total number of vertices in graph .
- use in the social networking sites, connected components are used to depict the group of people who are friends of each other or who have any common interest
- It can also be used to convert a graph into a Direct Acyclic graph of strongly connected components .