🐘 Hrflow API PHP Wrapper
composer require hrflow/hrflow-php-api
To authenticate against the api, get your API SECRET KEY from your hrflow
Then create a new Hrflow
object with this key:
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
// Authentication to api
$client = new Client('yourShinyKey');
// Now, you can use the api, Congrats !
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
// Authentication to api
$client = new Client('yourShinyKey');
$profile = $client->profile->parsing->get("a62ae2d5560fca7b34bb6c0c389a378f99bcdd52",new ProfileId("597b16789ba389cbc67a638d808b8f40220ba988"));
$name = $profile['name']['text'];
$profile_id = $profile['profile_id'];
echo "Profile '$profile_id' is named '$name', a beautiful name actually";
If an error occurs while an operation an exception of type HrflowApiException
is raised.
Methods that needs an profile id or reference takes a ProfileID
or a ProfileReference
, they are interchangeable.
$profile_id = new ProfileID('102b6aa635fnf8ar70e7888ee63c0jde0c753dtg');
$profile_reference = new ProfileReference('reference01');
$source_id = '34566aa635fnrtar70e7568ee6345jde0c75ert4';
// This:
$client->profile->parsing->get($profile_id, $source_id);
// Works as much as:
$client->profile->parsing->get($profile_reference, $source_id);
It's works the same way as profile.
and *_reference
are marked as *_ident
for simplicity.
- Get all job for given team account :
$jobs = $client->job->searching->get();
- Get job's information associated with job id :
$job = $client->job->parsing->get(new JobID("399329b780feda71db57957d24ec9ee87d3b55a9"));
Retrieve the profiles information associated with some source ids :
$profiles = $client->profile->searching->get(array $source_ids, $name=null, $email=null, $location_geopoint=[], $location_distance=null, $summary_keywords=[], $text_keywords=[], $experience_keywords=[], $experience_location_geopoint=[], $experience_location_distance=null, $experiences_duration_min=null, $experiences_duration_max=null, $education_keywords=[], $education_location_geopoint=[], $education_location_distance=null, $educations_duration_min=null, $educations_duration_max=null, $skills_dict=[], $languages_dict=[], $interests_dict=null, $labels_dict=null, $date_start="1494539999", $date_end=null, $page=1, $limit=30, $sort_by='date_reception', $order_by='asc');
Retrieve list of profile'score for given job :
$client->profile->scoring->get(array $source_ids, $job_id=null, $stage=null, $use_agent=null, $name=null, $email=null, $location_geopoint=[], $location_distance=null, $summary_keywords=[], $text_keywords=[], $experience_keywords=[], $experience_location_geopoint=[], $experience_location_distance=null, $experiences_duration_min=null, $experiences_duration_max=null, $education_keywords=[], $education_location_geopoint=[], $education_location_distance=null, $educations_duration_min=null, $educations_duration_max=null, $skills_dict=[], $languages_dict=[], $interests_dict=null, $labels_dict=null, $date_start="1494539999", $date_end=null, $page=1, $limit=30, $sort_by='date_reception', $order_by='asc');
Add a resume to a sourced id :
$client->profile->add_file(string $source_id, $profile_file, $profile_content_type=null, $profile_reference=null, $timestamp_reception=null, $profile_labels=[], $profile_tags=[], $profile_metadatas=[], $sync_parsing=0);
is a binary: $profile_file = fopen("/path/2/file", "rb");
- Add a json to a sourced id :
$client->profile->add_json($source_id, $profile_data, $profile_reference, $timestamp_reception, $profile_labels=[], $profile_tags=[], $profile_metadatas=[]);
is an array like this:
$profile_data = {
"name" => "Harry Potter",
"email" => "harry.potter@gmail.com",
"address" => "1 rue streeling",
"info" => {
"name" => "Harry Potter",
"email" => "harry.potter@gmail.com",
"phone" => "0202",
"location" => "somewhere",
"urls" => {
"from_resume" => [],
"linkedin" => "",
"twitter" => "",
"facebook" => "",
"github" => "",
"picture" => ""},
"location" => {"text" => ""}},
"summary" => "test summary",
"experiences" => [{
"start" => "15/02/1900",
"end" => "",
"title" => "Lead",
"company" => "Mathematic Departement",
"location" => {"text" => "Paris"},
"description" => "Developping."
"educations" => [{
"start" => "12540",
"end" => "12550",
"title" => "Mathematicien",
"school" => "University",
"description" => "Description",
"location" => {"text" => "Scotland"}
"skills" => ["manual skill", "Creative spirit", "Writing skills", "Communication"],
"languages" => ["english"],
"interests" => ["football"],
"tags" => [],
"metadatas" => [],
"labels" => ["stage":"yes","job_id":"job_id"]
} ;
- Add all resume from a directory to a sourced id, use
to enable recursive mode :add_folder(string $source_id, string $dir_path, bool $recurs=false, $timestamp_reception=null, $sync_parsing=0)
It returns an array like: result[filename] = server_reponse
Can throw HrflowApiProfileUploadException
- Get the profile information associated with both profile id and source id :
$client->profile->parsing->get($source_id, $profile_ident);
- Retrieve the profile documents associated with both profile id and source id :
$client->profile->attachment->list($source_id, $profile_ident);
- Retrieve the profile tags associated with both profile id and source id :
$client->profile->tag->list($source_id, $profile_ident);
- Retrieve the profile metadata associated with both profile id and source id :
$client->profile->metadata->list($source_id, $profile_ident);
- Retrieve the profile parsing data associated with both profile id and source id :
$client->profile->parsing->get($profile_ident, $source_ident);
- Reveal the profile interpretability data associated with both profile id and source id related with the filter :
$client->profile->revealing->get($profile_ident, $job_ident, $source_id);
- Get all sources for given team account:
$client->source->list('python', 1, 1);
- Get the source information associated with source id:
This package supplies webhooks support as well.
Check for webhooks integration:
Set an handler for an event (listed with HrflowEvents constants)
$client->webhooks->setHandler($eventName, $callback);
Check if the event has an handler
Remove handler for an event
Handle the incoming webhooks request, you need to put as argument HTTP_RIMINDER_SIGNATURE as an argument.
Example on how to handle webhooks
$client = new Client('api_key', 'webhook_key'); // Set an handler for webhooks event. // Event name argument is actually not mandatory $callback = function($webhook_data, $event_name) { print($event_name); var_dump($webhook_data); } // HrflowEvents contants can be use as well as string for event name // for example here HrflowEvents::PROFILE_PARSE_SUCCESS can be replaced // by 'profile.parse.success' $client->webhooks->setHandler(HrflowEvents::PROFILE_PARSE_SUCCESS, $callback); // Get the header of the request sent by the webhook. $encoded_header = [HTTP-RIMINDER-SIGNATURE => 'some encoded datas']; // Handle the webhook $client->webhooks->handle($encoded_header);
Contains to fill profile'sargs
array for /profiles constants.HrflowSortBy
Contains sorting options constants.HrflowOrderBy
Contains order options constants.HrflowEvents
Constains event name for webhooks
parent of all thrown exception. Thrown when an error occurs.HrflowApiResponseException
thrown when response http code is not a valid one.getHttpCode()
to get the http code of the response.getHttpMessage()
to get the reason of response error.
thrown when an invalid argument is pass to a methodHrflowApiProfileUploadException
thrown when an error occurs during file upload.getFailedFiles()
to get not sended files list.getFailedFilesWithTheirExp()
to get not sended files with their exception (like:exception_occured_during_tranfert = failed_file_list[filename]
to get successfuly sended files with their response from server (like:server_reponse_for_sucessful_upload = sucess_file_list[filename]
For details about method's arguments and return values see api's documentation