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TO-DO List Application

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TO DO List Application

This Python TODO List Application allows users to manage tasks by adding, viewing, and deleting them through a simple command-line interface.


The application provides basic functionality to manipulate tasks:

  • Add Task: Allows users to input a task which gets added to the task list.
  • View Tasks: Displays all tasks currently stored in the list.
  • Delete Task: Removes a task based on its index in the list.
  • Exit: Terminates the application.


  1. Clone the Repository:
               git clone
               cd todo-list
  1. No Additional Modules Required: This application only uses Python's standard library, so no additional modules need to be installed.

How to Run the Script

After cloning the repository and navigating to the project directory:


Follow the on-screen prompts to interact with the TODO List Application.

Script Overview

The '' script implements a menu-driven interface where users can perform various operations on tasks:

  • Add Task: Input a task to add it to the list.
  • View Tasks: Display all tasks currently stored.
  • Delete Task: Remove a task by specifying its index.
  • Exit: Quit the application

Example Usage

                $ python

                TODO List Application
                1. Add Task
                2. View Tasks
                3. Delete Task
                4. Exit

                Enter your choice: 1
                Enter task: Complete assignment
                Task 'Complete assignment' added.

                2. View Tasks
                3. Delete Task
                4. Exit

                Enter your choice: 2
                1. Complete assignment

                3. Delete Task
                4. Exit

                Enter your choice: 3
                Enter index of task to delete: 1
                Deleted task: 'Complete assignment'

                2. View Tasks
                3. Delete Task
                4. Exit

                Enter your choice: 4
                Exiting program.