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Add-on for ansible-boshrelease to manage Cloud Foundry Organizations, Spaces, Users, Quotas, Security Groups, Environment variables and feature flags


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Add-on BOSH Release for ansible-boshrelease

Add-on release with ansible playbooks to manage Cloud Foundry resources: users, security groups, quotas, feature flags, environment variables, organizations and spaces

The core functionality is provided by, this is just an add-on to run the that ansible role in a Bosh errand.


This is and add-on release, it will work only if it is deployed together with the ansible-boshrelease on the nodes, in particular with ansible-deploy job. Have a look at ansible-boshrelease for the requirements and to see how it works.

Considering v2 manifest style, this could be an example:

name: cfsetup
# replace with `bosh status --uuid`
director_uuid: 1c799a52-154b-4fb3-b181-d81ec5f3c97b

- name: ansible
  version: latest
- name: ansible-cfsetup
  version: latest

- alias: trusty
  name: bosh-vsphere-esxi-ubuntu-trusty-go_agent
  version: latest

- name: ansible-cfsetup
  lifecycle: errand
  instances: 1
  vm_type: medium
  stemcell: trusty
  vm_extensions: []
  - Online
  - name: online
  - name: ansible-deploy
    release: ansible
  - name: ansible-cfsetup
    release: ansible-cfsetup
      - name: test
        api: ""
        admin: "admin"
        password: "password"
      - name: user_org_creation
        value: true
      - name: HOLA
        value: hola
      - name: ADIOS
        value: bye
      - name: sec1
        state: present
        context: running
        context_state: present
        - name: "allow-proxy"
          protocol: tcp
          destination: ""
          ports: "8080"
      - name: quota1
        state: present
        total_services: 100
        total_routes: 1000
        memory_limit: 1000
      - name:
        state: present
        password: hola
        given_name: Pepe
        family_name: Family
      - name:
        state: present
        password: hola
        given_name: Claudio
        family_name: Family
      - name: org1
        quota: quota1
        state: present
        - name:
        - name:
        - name: test
        - name: second
      - name: org2
        state: present
        quota: quota1
        - name: live
          state: present
          - name:
          - name: sec1

  canaries: 1
  max_in_flight: 1
  serial: false
  canary_watch_time: 1000-60000
  update_watch_time: 1000-60000

You can add more Cloud Foundry environments in credentials to apply the same settings to all of them (see also the parallel parameter to control the serialization/parallelism.

and that's all!, run bosh-deploy. Once the release has been deployed, you can run it as a errand:

# bosh errands

| Name            |
| ansible-cfsetup |

And then run the errand:

# bosh run errand ansible-cfsetup
Acting as user 'admin' on deployment 'cfsetup' on 'pe-dogo-01'

Director task 2964
  Started preparing deployment > Preparing deployment. Done (00:00:00)

  Started preparing package compilation > Finding packages to compile. Done (00:00:00)

  Started creating missing vms > ansible-cfsetup/26fb59a0-2866-49f6-8644-fcd0e1d85b75 (0). Done (00:02:14)

  Started updating instance ansible-cfsetup > ansible-cfsetup/26fb59a0-2866-49f6-8644-fcd0e1d85b75 (0) (canary). Done (00:00:24)

  Started running errand > ansible-cfsetup/0. Done (00:00:07)

  Started fetching logs for ansible-cfsetup/26fb59a0-2866-49f6-8644-fcd0e1d85b75 (0) > Finding and packing log files. Done (00:00:01)

  Started deleting errand instances ansible-cfsetup > ansible-cfsetup/26fb59a0-2866-49f6-8644-fcd0e1d85b75 (0). Done (00:00:18)

Task 2964 done

Started         2016-12-06 23:27:58 UTC
Finished        2016-12-06 23:31:02 UTC
Duration        00:03:04

* 6637: /var/vcap/packages/ansible/bin/ansible-playbook  -i /var/vcap/jobs/ansible-cfsetup/ansible/inventory /var/vcap/jobs/ansible-cfsetup/ansible/deploy.yml

PLAY [Cloud Foundry settings playbook] *****************************************

TASK [cf : Check PIP dependencies for ansible modules] *************************
ok: [ -> localhost] => (item={'key': u'cfconfigurator', 'value': u'0.2.1'})

TASK [cf : Config - Set global feature flags] **********************************
ok: [ -> localhost] => (item={u'name': u'user_org_creation', u'value': True})

TASK [cf : Config - Set global running environment variables group] ************
ok: [ -> localhost] => (item={u'name': u'HOLA', u'value': u'hola'})
ok: [ -> localhost] => (item={u'name': u'ADIOS', u'value': u'bye'})

TASK [cf : Config - Set global staging environment variables group] ************

TASK [cf : Config - Set global shared domains] *********************************

TASK [cf : Secgroups - Setting global security groups] *************************
included: /var/vcap/data/packages/ansible-cfsetup/130e121141cce7268e2651986b21eae4d6af91c9.1-bfdc6e9241b17fb425b68848d61379589ebb49e6/roles/cf/tasks/secgroup.yml for

TASK [cf : Secgroup - Procesing security group sec1] ***************************
ok: [ -> localhost]

TASK [cf : Secgroup - Facts] ***************************************************
ok: [ -> localhost]

TASK [cf : Secgroup - Managing security group sec1: present] *******************
changed: [ -> localhost]

TASK [cf : Secgroup - Setting up security group rules] *************************
changed: [ -> localhost] => (item=(0, {u'destination': u'', u'protocol': u'tcp', u'name': u'allow-proxy', u'ports': u'8080'}))

TASK [cf : Secgroup - Managing sec1 in space] **********************************

TASK [cf : Secgroups - Managing default security groups] ***********************
changed: [ -> localhost] => (item={u'rules': [{u'destination': u'', u'protocol': u'tcp', u'name': u'allow-proxy', u'ports': u'8080'}], u'state': u'present', u'name': u'sec1'
, u'context': u'running', u'context_state': u'present'})

TASK [cf : Quotas - Processing quota definitions] ******************************
changed: [ -> localhost] => (item={u'memory_limit': 1000, u'state': u'present', u'total_routes': 1000, u'name': u'quota1', u'total_services': 100})

TASK [cf : Users - Managing users] *********************************************
changed: [ -> localhost] => (item={u'family_name': u'Family', u'state': u'present', u'password': u'hola', u'name': u'', u'given_name': u'Pepe'})
changed: [ -> localhost] => (item={u'family_name': u'Family', u'state': u'present', u'password': u'hola', u'name': u'', u'given_name': u'Claudio'})

TASK [cf : Orgs - Setting up organizations] ************************************
included: /var/vcap/data/packages/ansible-cfsetup/130e121141cce7268e2651986b21eae4d6af91c9.1-bfdc6e9241b17fb425b68848d61379589ebb49e6/roles/cf/tasks/org.yml for
included: /var/vcap/data/packages/ansible-cfsetup/130e121141cce7268e2651986b21eae4d6af91c9.1-bfdc6e9241b17fb425b68848d61379589ebb49e6/roles/cf/tasks/org.yml for

TASK [cf : Org - Procesing organization org1] **********************************
ok: [ -> localhost]

TASK [cf : Org - Facts] ********************************************************
ok: [ -> localhost]

TASK [cf : Org - Defining organization org1] ***********************************
changed: [ -> localhost]

TASK [cf : Org - Managing spaces for org1] *************************************
included: /var/vcap/data/packages/ansible-cfsetup/130e121141cce7268e2651986b21eae4d6af91c9.1-bfdc6e9241b17fb425b68848d61379589ebb49e6/roles/cf/tasks/space.yml for
included: /var/vcap/data/packages/ansible-cfsetup/130e121141cce7268e2651986b21eae4d6af91c9.1-bfdc6e9241b17fb425b68848d61379589ebb49e6/roles/cf/tasks/space.yml for

TASK [cf : Space - Procesing space test in org1 organization] ******************
ok: [ -> localhost]

TASK [cf : Space - Facts] ******************************************************
ok: [ -> localhost]

TASK [cf : Space - Managing space org1:test present] ***************************
changed: [ -> localhost]

TASK [cf : Space - Managing security groups for org1:test] *********************

TASK [cf : Space - Assigning developers to org1:test] **************************

TASK [cf : Space - Assigning managers to space org1:test] **********************

TASK [cf : Space - Assigning auditors to space org1:test] **********************

TASK [cf : Space - Procesing space second in org1 organization] ****************
ok: [ -> localhost]

TASK [cf : Space - Facts] ******************************************************
ok: [ -> localhost]

TASK [cf : Space - Managing space org1:second present] *************************
changed: [ -> localhost]

TASK [cf : Space - Managing security groups for org1:second] *******************

TASK [cf : Space - Assigning developers to org1:second] ************************

TASK [cf : Space - Assigning managers to space org1:second] ********************

TASK [cf : Space - Assigning auditors to space org1:second] ********************

TASK [cf : Org - Deleting spaces for org1] *************************************

TASK [cf : Org - Deleting organization org1] ***********************************

TASK [cf : Org - Create private domains to organization org1] ******************

TASK [cf : Org - Assigning users to organization org1] *************************
changed: [ -> localhost] => (item={u'name': u''})
changed: [ -> localhost] => (item={u'name': u''})

TASK [cf : Org - Assigning managers to organization org1] **********************
changed: [ -> localhost] => (item={u'name': u''})

TASK [cf : Org - Assigning auditors to organization org1] **********************

TASK [cf : Org - Assigning billing_managers to organization org1] **************

TASK [cf : Org - Assigning default organization org1 for requested users] ******

TASK [cf : Org - Procesing organization org2] **********************************
ok: [ -> localhost]

TASK [cf : Org - Facts] ********************************************************
ok: [ -> localhost]

TASK [cf : Org - Defining organization org2] ***********************************
changed: [ -> localhost]

TASK [cf : Org - Managing spaces for org2] *************************************
included: /var/vcap/data/packages/ansible-cfsetup/130e121141cce7268e2651986b21eae4d6af91c9.1-bfdc6e9241b17fb425b68848d61379589ebb49e6/roles/cf/tasks/space.yml for

TASK [cf : Space - Procesing space live in org2 organization] ******************
ok: [ -> localhost]

TASK [cf : Space - Facts] ******************************************************
ok: [ -> localhost]

TASK [cf : Space - Managing space org2:live present] ***************************
changed: [ -> localhost]

TASK [cf : Space - Managing security groups for org2:live] *********************
included: /var/vcap/data/packages/ansible-cfsetup/130e121141cce7268e2651986b21eae4d6af91c9.1-bfdc6e9241b17fb425b68848d61379589ebb49e6/roles/cf/tasks/secgroup.yml for

TASK [cf : Secgroup - Procesing security group sec1] ***************************
ok: [ -> localhost]

TASK [cf : Secgroup - Facts] ***************************************************
ok: [ -> localhost]

TASK [cf : Secgroup - Managing security group sec1: present] *******************

TASK [cf : Secgroup - Setting up security group rules] *************************

TASK [cf : Secgroup - Managing sec1 in space live] *****************************
changed: [ -> localhost]

TASK [cf : Space - Assigning developers to org2:live] **************************

TASK [cf : Space - Assigning managers to space org2:live] **********************
changed: [ -> localhost] => (item={u'name': u''})

TASK [cf : Space - Assigning auditors to space org2:live] **********************

TASK [cf : Org - Deleting spaces for org2] *************************************

TASK [cf : Org - Deleting organization org2] ***********************************

TASK [cf : Org - Create private domains to organization org2] ******************

TASK [cf : Org - Assigning users to organization org2] *************************

TASK [cf : Org - Assigning managers to organization org2] **********************

TASK [cf : Org - Assigning auditors to organization org2] **********************

TASK [cf : Org - Assigning billing_managers to organization org2] **************

TASK [cf : Org - Assigning default organization org2 for requested users] ******

PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************* : ok=38   changed=14   unreachable=0    failed=0

Playbook run took 0 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes, 16 seconds


Errand 'ansible-cfsetup' completed successfully (exit code 0)

Of course, you can include the errand in the Cloud Foundry manifest, in the same way as the smoke tests.

Updating the role

The source code is a submodule of this repo, get it by running:

git submodule init
git submodule update

All the functionality is provided by: The role is re-usable outside this release by re-defining a inventory with the variables and a group_vars folder. Have a look at the examples on its repository.

All actions/playbooks (thanks to ansible) are idempotent.

To create a final release run: ./bosh_final_release


SpringerNature Platform Engineering, José Riguera López (

Copyright 2017 Springer Nature


Apache 2.0 License


Add-on for ansible-boshrelease to manage Cloud Foundry Organizations, Spaces, Users, Quotas, Security Groups, Environment variables and feature flags








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