Add-on BOSH Release for ansible-boshrelease
Add-on release with ansible playbooks to manage Cloud Foundry resources: users, security groups, quotas, feature flags, environment variables, organizations and spaces
The core functionality is provided by, this is just an add-on to run the that ansible role in a Bosh errand.
This is and add-on release, it will work only if it is deployed together with the ansible-boshrelease on the nodes, in particular with ansible-deploy job. Have a look at ansible-boshrelease for the requirements and to see how it works.
Considering v2 manifest style, this could be an example:
name: cfsetup
# replace with `bosh status --uuid`
director_uuid: 1c799a52-154b-4fb3-b181-d81ec5f3c97b
- name: ansible
version: latest
- name: ansible-cfsetup
version: latest
- alias: trusty
name: bosh-vsphere-esxi-ubuntu-trusty-go_agent
version: latest
- name: ansible-cfsetup
lifecycle: errand
instances: 1
vm_type: medium
stemcell: trusty
vm_extensions: []
- Online
- name: online
- name: ansible-deploy
release: ansible
- name: ansible-cfsetup
release: ansible-cfsetup
- name: test
api: ""
admin: "admin"
password: "password"
- name: user_org_creation
value: true
- name: HOLA
value: hola
- name: ADIOS
value: bye
- name: sec1
state: present
context: running
context_state: present
- name: "allow-proxy"
protocol: tcp
destination: ""
ports: "8080"
- name: quota1
state: present
total_services: 100
total_routes: 1000
memory_limit: 1000
- name:
state: present
password: hola
given_name: Pepe
family_name: Family
- name:
state: present
password: hola
given_name: Claudio
family_name: Family
- name: org1
quota: quota1
state: present
- name:
- name:
- name: test
- name: second
- name: org2
state: present
quota: quota1
- name: live
state: present
- name:
- name: sec1
canaries: 1
max_in_flight: 1
serial: false
canary_watch_time: 1000-60000
update_watch_time: 1000-60000
You can add more Cloud Foundry environments in credentials to apply the same
settings to all of them (see also the parallel
parameter to control the serialization/parallelism.
and that's all!, run bosh-deploy
. Once the release has been deployed, you can run it as a errand:
# bosh errands
| Name |
| ansible-cfsetup |
And then run the errand:
# bosh run errand ansible-cfsetup
Acting as user 'admin' on deployment 'cfsetup' on 'pe-dogo-01'
Director task 2964
Started preparing deployment > Preparing deployment. Done (00:00:00)
Started preparing package compilation > Finding packages to compile. Done (00:00:00)
Started creating missing vms > ansible-cfsetup/26fb59a0-2866-49f6-8644-fcd0e1d85b75 (0). Done (00:02:14)
Started updating instance ansible-cfsetup > ansible-cfsetup/26fb59a0-2866-49f6-8644-fcd0e1d85b75 (0) (canary). Done (00:00:24)
Started running errand > ansible-cfsetup/0. Done (00:00:07)
Started fetching logs for ansible-cfsetup/26fb59a0-2866-49f6-8644-fcd0e1d85b75 (0) > Finding and packing log files. Done (00:00:01)
Started deleting errand instances ansible-cfsetup > ansible-cfsetup/26fb59a0-2866-49f6-8644-fcd0e1d85b75 (0). Done (00:00:18)
Task 2964 done
Started 2016-12-06 23:27:58 UTC
Finished 2016-12-06 23:31:02 UTC
Duration 00:03:04
* 6637: /var/vcap/packages/ansible/bin/ansible-playbook -i /var/vcap/jobs/ansible-cfsetup/ansible/inventory /var/vcap/jobs/ansible-cfsetup/ansible/deploy.yml
PLAY [Cloud Foundry settings playbook] *****************************************
TASK [cf : Check PIP dependencies for ansible modules] *************************
ok: [ -> localhost] => (item={'key': u'cfconfigurator', 'value': u'0.2.1'})
TASK [cf : Config - Set global feature flags] **********************************
ok: [ -> localhost] => (item={u'name': u'user_org_creation', u'value': True})
TASK [cf : Config - Set global running environment variables group] ************
ok: [ -> localhost] => (item={u'name': u'HOLA', u'value': u'hola'})
ok: [ -> localhost] => (item={u'name': u'ADIOS', u'value': u'bye'})
TASK [cf : Config - Set global staging environment variables group] ************
TASK [cf : Config - Set global shared domains] *********************************
TASK [cf : Secgroups - Setting global security groups] *************************
included: /var/vcap/data/packages/ansible-cfsetup/130e121141cce7268e2651986b21eae4d6af91c9.1-bfdc6e9241b17fb425b68848d61379589ebb49e6/roles/cf/tasks/secgroup.yml for
TASK [cf : Secgroup - Procesing security group sec1] ***************************
ok: [ -> localhost]
TASK [cf : Secgroup - Facts] ***************************************************
ok: [ -> localhost]
TASK [cf : Secgroup - Managing security group sec1: present] *******************
changed: [ -> localhost]
TASK [cf : Secgroup - Setting up security group rules] *************************
changed: [ -> localhost] => (item=(0, {u'destination': u'', u'protocol': u'tcp', u'name': u'allow-proxy', u'ports': u'8080'}))
TASK [cf : Secgroup - Managing sec1 in space] **********************************
TASK [cf : Secgroups - Managing default security groups] ***********************
changed: [ -> localhost] => (item={u'rules': [{u'destination': u'', u'protocol': u'tcp', u'name': u'allow-proxy', u'ports': u'8080'}], u'state': u'present', u'name': u'sec1'
, u'context': u'running', u'context_state': u'present'})
TASK [cf : Quotas - Processing quota definitions] ******************************
changed: [ -> localhost] => (item={u'memory_limit': 1000, u'state': u'present', u'total_routes': 1000, u'name': u'quota1', u'total_services': 100})
TASK [cf : Users - Managing users] *********************************************
changed: [ -> localhost] => (item={u'family_name': u'Family', u'state': u'present', u'password': u'hola', u'name': u'', u'given_name': u'Pepe'})
changed: [ -> localhost] => (item={u'family_name': u'Family', u'state': u'present', u'password': u'hola', u'name': u'', u'given_name': u'Claudio'})
TASK [cf : Orgs - Setting up organizations] ************************************
included: /var/vcap/data/packages/ansible-cfsetup/130e121141cce7268e2651986b21eae4d6af91c9.1-bfdc6e9241b17fb425b68848d61379589ebb49e6/roles/cf/tasks/org.yml for
included: /var/vcap/data/packages/ansible-cfsetup/130e121141cce7268e2651986b21eae4d6af91c9.1-bfdc6e9241b17fb425b68848d61379589ebb49e6/roles/cf/tasks/org.yml for
TASK [cf : Org - Procesing organization org1] **********************************
ok: [ -> localhost]
TASK [cf : Org - Facts] ********************************************************
ok: [ -> localhost]
TASK [cf : Org - Defining organization org1] ***********************************
changed: [ -> localhost]
TASK [cf : Org - Managing spaces for org1] *************************************
included: /var/vcap/data/packages/ansible-cfsetup/130e121141cce7268e2651986b21eae4d6af91c9.1-bfdc6e9241b17fb425b68848d61379589ebb49e6/roles/cf/tasks/space.yml for
included: /var/vcap/data/packages/ansible-cfsetup/130e121141cce7268e2651986b21eae4d6af91c9.1-bfdc6e9241b17fb425b68848d61379589ebb49e6/roles/cf/tasks/space.yml for
TASK [cf : Space - Procesing space test in org1 organization] ******************
ok: [ -> localhost]
TASK [cf : Space - Facts] ******************************************************
ok: [ -> localhost]
TASK [cf : Space - Managing space org1:test present] ***************************
changed: [ -> localhost]
TASK [cf : Space - Managing security groups for org1:test] *********************
TASK [cf : Space - Assigning developers to org1:test] **************************
TASK [cf : Space - Assigning managers to space org1:test] **********************
TASK [cf : Space - Assigning auditors to space org1:test] **********************
TASK [cf : Space - Procesing space second in org1 organization] ****************
ok: [ -> localhost]
TASK [cf : Space - Facts] ******************************************************
ok: [ -> localhost]
TASK [cf : Space - Managing space org1:second present] *************************
changed: [ -> localhost]
TASK [cf : Space - Managing security groups for org1:second] *******************
TASK [cf : Space - Assigning developers to org1:second] ************************
TASK [cf : Space - Assigning managers to space org1:second] ********************
TASK [cf : Space - Assigning auditors to space org1:second] ********************
TASK [cf : Org - Deleting spaces for org1] *************************************
TASK [cf : Org - Deleting organization org1] ***********************************
TASK [cf : Org - Create private domains to organization org1] ******************
TASK [cf : Org - Assigning users to organization org1] *************************
changed: [ -> localhost] => (item={u'name': u''})
changed: [ -> localhost] => (item={u'name': u''})
TASK [cf : Org - Assigning managers to organization org1] **********************
changed: [ -> localhost] => (item={u'name': u''})
TASK [cf : Org - Assigning auditors to organization org1] **********************
TASK [cf : Org - Assigning billing_managers to organization org1] **************
TASK [cf : Org - Assigning default organization org1 for requested users] ******
TASK [cf : Org - Procesing organization org2] **********************************
ok: [ -> localhost]
TASK [cf : Org - Facts] ********************************************************
ok: [ -> localhost]
TASK [cf : Org - Defining organization org2] ***********************************
changed: [ -> localhost]
TASK [cf : Org - Managing spaces for org2] *************************************
included: /var/vcap/data/packages/ansible-cfsetup/130e121141cce7268e2651986b21eae4d6af91c9.1-bfdc6e9241b17fb425b68848d61379589ebb49e6/roles/cf/tasks/space.yml for
TASK [cf : Space - Procesing space live in org2 organization] ******************
ok: [ -> localhost]
TASK [cf : Space - Facts] ******************************************************
ok: [ -> localhost]
TASK [cf : Space - Managing space org2:live present] ***************************
changed: [ -> localhost]
TASK [cf : Space - Managing security groups for org2:live] *********************
included: /var/vcap/data/packages/ansible-cfsetup/130e121141cce7268e2651986b21eae4d6af91c9.1-bfdc6e9241b17fb425b68848d61379589ebb49e6/roles/cf/tasks/secgroup.yml for
TASK [cf : Secgroup - Procesing security group sec1] ***************************
ok: [ -> localhost]
TASK [cf : Secgroup - Facts] ***************************************************
ok: [ -> localhost]
TASK [cf : Secgroup - Managing security group sec1: present] *******************
TASK [cf : Secgroup - Setting up security group rules] *************************
TASK [cf : Secgroup - Managing sec1 in space live] *****************************
changed: [ -> localhost]
TASK [cf : Space - Assigning developers to org2:live] **************************
TASK [cf : Space - Assigning managers to space org2:live] **********************
changed: [ -> localhost] => (item={u'name': u''})
TASK [cf : Space - Assigning auditors to space org2:live] **********************
TASK [cf : Org - Deleting spaces for org2] *************************************
TASK [cf : Org - Deleting organization org2] ***********************************
TASK [cf : Org - Create private domains to organization org2] ******************
TASK [cf : Org - Assigning users to organization org2] *************************
TASK [cf : Org - Assigning managers to organization org2] **********************
TASK [cf : Org - Assigning auditors to organization org2] **********************
TASK [cf : Org - Assigning billing_managers to organization org2] **************
TASK [cf : Org - Assigning default organization org2 for requested users] ******
PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************* : ok=38 changed=14 unreachable=0 failed=0
Playbook run took 0 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes, 16 seconds
Errand 'ansible-cfsetup' completed successfully (exit code 0)
Of course, you can include the errand in the Cloud Foundry manifest, in the same way as the smoke tests.
The source code is a submodule of this repo, get it by running:
git submodule init
git submodule update
All the functionality is provided by: The role is re-usable outside this release by re-defining a inventory with the variables and a group_vars folder. Have a look at the examples on its repository.
All actions/playbooks (thanks to ansible) are idempotent.
To create a final release run: ./bosh_final_release
SpringerNature Platform Engineering, José Riguera López (
Copyright 2017 Springer Nature
Apache 2.0 License