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TriliumNext Notes

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TriliumNext Notes is an open-source, cross-platform hierarchical note taking application with focus on building large personal knowledge bases.

See screenshots for quick overview:

Trilium Screenshot

⚠️ Why TriliumNext?

The original Trilium project is in maintenance mode

Migrating from Trilium?

There are no special migration steps to migrate from a zadam/Trilium instance to a TriliumNext/Notes instance. Just upgrade your Trilium instance to the latest version and install TriliumNext/Notes as usual

Versions up to and including v0.90.4 are compatible with the latest zadam/trilium version of v0.63.7. Any later versions of TriliumNext have their sync versions incremented.

💬 Discuss with us

Feel free to join our official conversations. We would love to hear what features, suggestions, or issues you may have!

  • Matrix (For synchronous discussions)
    • The General Matrix room is also bridged to XMPP
  • Github Discussions (For Asynchronous discussions)
  • Wiki (For common how-to questions and user guides)

🎁 Features

✨ Check out the following third-party resources/communities for more TriliumNext related goodies:

🏗 Installation


To use TriliumNext on your desktop machine (Linux, MacOS, and Windows) you have a few options:

  • Download the binary release for your platform from the latest release page, unzip the package and run the trilium executable.
  • Access TriliumNext via the web interface of a server installation (see below)
    • Currently only the latest versions of Chrome & Firefox are supported (and tested).
  • (Coming Soon) TriliumNext will also be provided as a Flatpak


Currently when running TriliumNext/Notes on MacOS, you may get the following error:

Apple could not verify "TriliumNext Notes" is free of malware and may harm your Mac or compromise your privacy.

You will need to run the command on your shell to resolve the error (documented here):

xattr -c "/path/to/Trilium"


To use TriliumNext on a mobile device, you can use a mobile web browser to access the mobile interface of a server installation (see below).

If you prefer a native Android app, you can use TriliumDroid. Report bugs and missing features at their repository.

See issue #72 for more information on mobile app support.


To install TriliumNext on your own server (including via Docker from Dockerhub) follow the server installation docs.

📝 Documentation

See wiki for complete list of documentation pages.

You can also read Patterns of personal knowledge base to get some inspiration on how you might use TriliumNext.

💻 Contribute


git clone
cd Notes
npm install
npm run server:start


We are currently transitioning to a new documentation mechanism. Meanwhile you can still view the archived Docs repository.

👏 Shoutouts

  • CKEditor 5 - best WYSIWYG editor on the market, very interactive and listening team
  • FancyTree - very feature rich tree library without real competition. TriliumNext Notes would not be the same without it.
  • CodeMirror - code editor with support for huge amount of languages
  • jsPlumb - visual connectivity library without competition. Used in relation maps and link maps

🤝 Support

Support for the TriliumNext organization will be possible in the near future. For now, you can:

  • Support continued development on TriliumNext by supporting our developers: eliandoran (See the repository insights for a full list)
  • Show a token of gratitude to the original Trilium developer (zadam) via PayPal or Bitcoin (bitcoin:bc1qv3svjn40v89mnkre5vyvs2xw6y8phaltl385d2).

🔑 License

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.