self-check: What's the difference between normal array and resizable array? answer
First we need to know the difference between Array Resizable Array. In the interveiw problems we recommand you to use resizable array when solving array problem, they are as fast as native array, and you don't have to worry about memory management.
- Look up by index O(1)
- Update O(1)
- Swap O(1)
- Insert O(n)
- Insert from the back O(1)
- Deletion O(n)
- Delete from the back O(1)
self-check: Why is it so expensive to perform insertion and deletion?
Be really careful with off by one error
self-check: What's the result of the following code?
int i, counter = 0, n = 10;
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
int j, n = 10, counter2 = n;
for (j = n; j <= 0; --j) {
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