Authors: | Mike Dirolf <>, Chris Triolo, and everyone listed in the Credits section below |
nginx-gridfs is an Nginx module to serve content directly from MongoDB's GridFS. Added range support.
The minor version will be incremented with each release until a stable 1.0 is reached. To check out a particular version:
$ git checkout v0.8
nginx-gridfs requires the Mongo-C-Driver which is a submodule to this repository. To check out the submodule (after cloning this repository), run:
$ git submodule init $ git submodule update
Installing Nginx modules requires rebuilding Nginx from source:
Grab the Nginx source and unpack it.
Clone this repository somewhere on your machine.
Check out the required submodule, as described above.
Change to the directory containing the Nginx source.
Now build:
$ ./configure --add-module=/path/to/nginx-gridfs/source/ $ make $ make install
syntax: | gridfs DB_NAME [root_collection=ROOT] [field=QUERY_FIELD] [type=QUERY_TYPE] [user=USERNAME] [pass=PASSWORD] |
default: | NONE |
context: | location |
This directive enables the nginx-gridfs module at a given location. The only required parameter is DB_NAME to specify the database to serve files from.
- root_collection= specify the root_collection(prefix) of the GridFS. default: fs
- field= specify the field to query. Supported fields include _id and filename. default: _id
- type= specify the type to query. Supported types include objectid, string and int. default: objectid
- user= specify a username if your mongo database requires authentication. default: NULL
- pass= specify a password if your mongo database requires authentication. default: NULL
When connecting to a single server:
:syntax: *mongo MONGOD_HOST* :default: ** :context: location
When connecting to a replica set:
:syntax: *mongo REPLICA_SET_NAME* *MONGOD_SEED_1* *MONGOD_SEED_2* :default: ** :context: location
This directive specifies a mongod or replica set to connect to. MONGOD_HOST should be in the form of hostname:port. REPLICA_SET_NAME should be the name of the replica set to connect to.
If this directive is not provided, the module will attempt to connect to a MongoDB server at
Here is a sample configuration in the relevant section of an nginx.conf:
location /gridfs/ { gridfs my_app; }
This will set up Nginx to serve the file in gridfs with _id ObjectId("a12...") for any request to /gridfs/a12...
Here is another configuration:
location /gridfs/ { gridfs my_app field=filename type=string; mongo; }
This will set up Nginx to serve the file in gridfs with filename foo for any request to /gridfs/foo
Here's how to connect to a replica set called "foo" with two seed nodes:
location /gridfs/ { gridfs my_app field=filename type=string; mongo "foo"; }
Here is another configuration:
location /gridfs/ { gridfs my_app root_collection=pics field=_id type=int user=foo pass=bar; mongo; }
This will set up Nginx to communicate with the mongod at and authenticate use of database my_app with username/password combo foo/bar. The gridfs root_collection is specified as pics. Nginx will then serve the file in gridfs with _id 123... for any request to /gridfs/123...
- HTTP range support for partial downloads
- Better error handling / logging
- Sho Fukamachi (sho) - towards compatibility with newer boost versions
- Olivier Bregeras (stunti) - better handling of binary content
- Chris Heald (cheald) - better handling of binary content
- Paul Dlug (pdlug) - mongo authentication
- Todd Zusman (toddzinc) - gzip handling
- Kyle Banker (banker) - replica set support
nginx-gridfs is dual licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 and the GNU General Public License, either version 2 or (at your option) any later version. See LICENSE for details.