Container (
padding: const EdgeInsets .all (0.0 ),
color: Colors .cyanAccent,
width: 80.0 ,
height: 80.0 ,
Note: The below example is with
Row (
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment .center,
mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize .max,
crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment .center,
children: < Widget > [
Container (
padding: const EdgeInsets .all (0.0 ),
color: Colors .cyanAccent,
width: 80.0 ,
height: 80.0 ,
Container (
padding: const EdgeInsets .all (0.0 ),
color: Colors .blueAccent,
width: 80.0 ,
height: 80.0 ,
Container (
padding: const EdgeInsets .all (0.0 ),
color: Colors .orangeAccent,
width: 80.0 ,
height: 80.0 ,
Note: The below example is with
Column (
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment .center,
mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize .max,
crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment .center,
children: < Widget > [
Container (
padding: const EdgeInsets .all (0.0 ),
color: Colors .cyanAccent,
width: 80.0 ,
height: 80.0 ,
Container (
padding: const EdgeInsets .all (0.0 ),
color: Colors .blueAccent,
width: 80.0 ,
height: 80.0 ,
Container (
padding: const EdgeInsets .all (0.0 ),
color: Colors .orangeAccent,
width: 80.0 ,
height: 80.0 ,
Center (child: Container (
padding: const EdgeInsets .all (0.0 ),
color: Colors .cyanAccent,
width: 80.0 ,
height: 80.0 ,
Note: Center wraps any widget to center to its parent widget. (i.e orange is the parent widget)
Align (
alignment: Alignment .center,
child: Container (
padding: const EdgeInsets .all (0.0 ),
color: Colors .cyanAccent,
width: 80.0 ,
height: 80.0 ,
Note: Align wraps any widget based on the Alignment direction to its parent widget. The default alignment for Align is center.
Padding (
padding: EdgeInsets .fromLTRB (24 , 32 , 24 , 32 ) ,
child: Container (
padding: const EdgeInsets .all (0.0 ),
color: Colors .cyanAccent,
width: 80.0 ,
height: 80.0 ,
SizedBox (
width: 200.0 ,
height: 100.0 ,
child: Card (
color: Colors .indigoAccent,
child: Center (
child: Text ('SizedBox' ,
style: TextStyle (color: Colors .white)
Note: SizedBox constraints its child widget to match based on specific size of width and height.
Row (
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment .center,
mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize .max,
crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment .center,
children: < Widget > [
Expanded (
child: Container (color: Colors .cyan, height: 80 ),
flex: 2 ,
Expanded (
child: Container (color: Colors .indigoAccent, height: 80 ),
flex: 3 ,
Expanded (
child: Container (color: Colors .orange, height: 80 ),
flex: 4 ,
Row (
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment .center,
mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize .max,
crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment .center,
children: < Widget > [
Flexible (
child: Container (color: Colors .cyanAccent, height: 80 , width: 80 ),
flex: 2 ,
Flexible (
child: Container (color: Colors .indigoAccent, height: 80 , width: 80 ),
flex: 3 ,
Flexible (
child: Container (color: Colors .orange, height: 80 , width: 80 ),
flex: 4 ,
To make Flexible behave similar to Expanded, then add fit: FlexFit.tight
By default fit type for Flexible is fit: FlexFit.loose
Expand with Height
BoxConstraints.expand(height: 100)
BoxConstraints.tight(Size(125, 100))
BoxConstraints.loose(Size(125, 100))
ConstrainedBox (
constraints: BoxConstraints .expand (height: 100 ),
child: Container (
color: Colors .orange,
child: Padding (padding: EdgeInsets .all (16 ), child: Text ('Box Constraint' , style: TextStyle (color: Colors .white),)),
Stack (
alignment: AlignmentDirectional .center,
children: [
Container (
height: 200.0 ,
width: 200.0 ,
color: Colors .red,
Container (
height: 150.0 ,
width: 150.0 ,
color: Colors .blue,
Container (
height: 100.0 ,
width: 100.0 ,
color: Colors .green,
Container (
height: 50.0 ,
width: 50.0 ,
color: Colors .yellow,
Credits: Fore more detailed blog post for this. Please visit
Wrap (
spacing: 4.0 , // gap between lines
children: < Widget > [
Chip (
avatar: CircleAvatar (backgroundColor: Colors .orange, child: Text ('C' , style: TextStyle (color: Colors .white))),
label: Text ('Cupcake' ),
backgroundColor: Colors .white,
Chip (
avatar: CircleAvatar (backgroundColor: Colors .cyanAccent, child: Text ('D' , style: TextStyle (color: Colors .black45))),
label: Text ('Donut' ),
backgroundColor: Colors .white,
Chip (
avatar: CircleAvatar (backgroundColor: Colors .indigoAccent, child: Text ('E' , style: TextStyle (color: Colors .white))),
label: Text ('Eclair' ),
backgroundColor: Colors .white,
Chip (
avatar: CircleAvatar (backgroundColor: Colors .yellowAccent, child: Text ('F' , style: TextStyle (color: Colors .black45))),
label: Text ('Froyo' ),
backgroundColor: Colors .white,
Chip (
avatar: CircleAvatar (backgroundColor: Colors .green, child: Text ('G' , style: TextStyle (color: Colors .white))),
label: Text ('Gingerbread' ),
backgroundColor: Colors .white,
Chip (
avatar: CircleAvatar (backgroundColor: Colors .redAccent, child: Text ('H' , style: TextStyle (color: Colors .white))),
label: Text ('Honeycomb' ),
backgroundColor: Colors .white,
Chip (
avatar: CircleAvatar (backgroundColor: Colors .greenAccent, child: Text ('I' , style: TextStyle (color: Colors .black45))),
label: Text ('Ice cream Sandwich' ),
backgroundColor: Colors .white,
Chip (
avatar: CircleAvatar (backgroundColor: Colors .deepOrangeAccent, child: Text ('J' , style: TextStyle (color: Colors .white))),
label: Text ('Jelly Bean' ),
backgroundColor: Colors .white,
Chip (
avatar: CircleAvatar (backgroundColor: Colors .indigo, child: Text ('K' , style: TextStyle (color: Colors .white))),
label: Text ('Kit Kat' ),
backgroundColor: Colors .white,
Chip (
avatar: CircleAvatar (backgroundColor: Colors .tealAccent, child: Text ('L' , style: TextStyle (color: Colors .black45))),
label: Text ('Lollipop' ),
backgroundColor: Colors .white,
Chip (
avatar: CircleAvatar (backgroundColor: Colors .amberAccent, child: Text ('M' , style: TextStyle (color: Colors .white))),
label: Text ('Marshmallow' ),
backgroundColor: Colors .white,
Chip (
avatar: CircleAvatar (backgroundColor: Colors .cyan, child: Text ('N' , style: TextStyle (color: Colors .white))),
label: Text ('Nougat' ),
backgroundColor: Colors .white,
Chip (
avatar: CircleAvatar (backgroundColor: Colors .red, child: Text ('O' , style: TextStyle (color: Colors .white))),
label: Text ('Oreo' ),
backgroundColor: Colors .white,
Chip (
avatar: CircleAvatar (backgroundColor: Colors .greenAccent, child: Text ('P' , style: TextStyle (color: Colors .black45))),
label: Text ('Pie' ),
backgroundColor: Colors .white,
ConstrainedBox (
constraints: BoxConstraints .tight (Size (double .infinity, 256 )),
child: Stack (
alignment: AlignmentDirectional .center,
children: < Widget > [
Positioned (
top: 0.0 ,
child: Icon (Icons .calendar_today,
size: 128.0 , color: Colors .lightBlueAccent),
Positioned (
top: 4 ,
right: 110 ,
child: CircleAvatar (radius: 16 , backgroundColor: Colors .red)),
Widget build (BuildContext context) {
List <String > names = ['Alpha' , 'Beta' , 'Cupcake' , 'Donut' , 'Eclair' ,
'Froyo' , 'Ginger bread' , 'Honey comb' , 'Ice cream sandwich' , 'Jelly bean' ,
'Kitkat' , 'Lollipop' , 'Marshmallow' , 'Nougat' , 'Oreo' , 'Pie'
return MaterialApp (
debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false ,
home: Scaffold (
appBar: AppBar (title: Text ('ListView' )),
body: Center (
ListView .builder (
itemCount: names.length,
itemBuilder: (BuildContext context, int position) {
var name = names[position];
return ListTile (title: Text (name));
ListView .separated (
itemBuilder: (BuildContext context, int position) {
var name = names[position];
return ListTile (title: Text (name));
separatorBuilder: (BuildContext context, int index) =>
Divider (),
itemCount: names.length),
ListView .builder (
itemCount: names.length,
itemBuilder: (BuildContext context, int position) {
var name = names[position];
return Card (margin: EdgeInsets .fromLTRB (8 , 4 , 8 , 4 ),child: ListTile (title: Text (name)));
Text (
"Flutter is Awesome" ,
style: TextStyle (
fontSize: 18.0 ,
color: Colors .greenAccent,
fontWeight: FontWeight .w500,
fontFamily: "Roboto" ),
new Icon (Icons .flight_takeoff, color: Colors .blueAccent, size: 96.0 ),
MaterialButton (
onPressed: () {
debugPrint ('I am a material button' );
shape: const StadiumBorder (),
textColor: Colors .black,
color: Colors .blue[300 ],
splashColor: Colors .blue[900 ],
disabledColor: Colors .grey,
disabledTextColor: Colors .white,
child: Text ('Material Button' ),
FlatButton (
onPressed: () {
debugPrint ('I am Awesome' );
textColor: Colors .white,
color: Colors .blueAccent,
disabledColor: Colors .grey,
disabledTextColor: Colors .white,
highlightColor: Colors .orangeAccent,
child: Text ('Flat Button' ),
RaisedButton (
onPressed: () {
debugPrint ('I am Awesome' );
textColor: Colors .white,
color: Colors .blueAccent,
disabledColor: Colors .grey,
disabledTextColor: Colors .white,
highlightColor: Colors .orangeAccent,
elevation: 4.0 ,
child: Text ('Raised Button' ),
IconButton (
onPressed: () {
debugPrint ("Starred Me!" );
color: Colors .orangeAccent,
icon: Icon (Icons .star),
disabledColor: Colors .grey,
highlightColor: Colors .black38,
mini: true
Scaffold (
floatingActionButton: new FloatingActionButton (
mini: true ,
child: new Icon (Icons .add),
onPressed: () {},
import 'package:flutter/material.dart' ;
class CustomDropDownWidget extends StatefulWidget {
ChangeBGColorDropdownState createState () {
return new ChangeBGColorDropdownState ();
class ChangeBGColorDropdownState extends State <CustomDropDownWidget > {
List <DropDownItemModel > _dropDownItemModelList = [
DropDownItemModel (versionName: "Cupcake" ),
DropDownItemModel (versionName: "Donut" ),
DropDownItemModel (versionName: "Eclair" ),
DropDownItemModel (versionName: "Froyo" ),
DropDownItemModel _dropDownItemModel;
void initState () {
super .initState ();
_dropDownItemModel = _dropDownItemModelList[0 ];
Widget build (BuildContext context) {
return MaterialApp (
home: Scaffold (
body: Center (
child: Container (
padding: EdgeInsets .fromLTRB (16 , 0 , 16 , 0 ),
color: Colors .orangeAccent,
child: DropdownButton <DropDownItemModel >(
underline: Container (
decoration: const BoxDecoration (
border: Border (bottom: BorderSide (color: Colors .transparent))
iconEnabledColor: Colors .white,
items: _dropDownItemModelList
.map ((dropDownItemModel) =>
DropdownMenuItem <DropDownItemModel >(
child: Text (dropDownItemModel.versionName),
value: dropDownItemModel,
.toList (),
onChanged: (DropDownItemModel dropDownItemModel) {
setState (() => _dropDownItemModel = dropDownItemModel);
hint: Text (
style: TextStyle (color: Colors .white),
class DropDownItemModel {
String versionName;
DropDownItemModel ({this .versionName});
import 'package:flutter/material.dart' ;
enum Gender { MALE , FEMALE , OTHER }
class RadioButton extends StatefulWidget {
_RadioButtonState createState () => _RadioButtonState ();
class _RadioButtonState extends State <RadioButton > {
Gender _genderValue = Gender .MALE ;
Widget build (BuildContext context) {
return MaterialApp (
home: Scaffold (
body: Column (
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment .center,
crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment .center,
children: < Widget > [
RadioListTile (
title: const Text ('Male' ),
value: Gender .MALE ,
groupValue: _genderValue,
onChanged: (Gender value) {
setState (() {
_genderValue = value;
RadioListTile (
title: const Text ('Female' ),
value: Gender .FEMALE ,
groupValue: _genderValue,
onChanged: (Gender value) {
setState (() {
_genderValue = value;
RadioListTile (
title: const Text ('Other' ),
value: Gender .OTHER ,
groupValue: _genderValue,
onChanged: (Gender value) {
setState (() {
_genderValue = value;
import 'package:flutter/material.dart' ;
enum Gender { MALE , FEMALE , OTHER }
class RadioButtonHorizontal extends StatefulWidget {
_RadioButtonHorizontalState createState () => _RadioButtonHorizontalState ();
class _RadioButtonHorizontalState extends State <RadioButtonHorizontal > {
Gender _genderValue = Gender .MALE ;
Widget build (BuildContext context) {
return MaterialApp (
home: Scaffold (
body: Center (
child: Row (
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment .center,
crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment .center,
children: < Widget > [
FlatButton .icon (
label: const Text ('Male' ),
icon: Radio (
value: Gender .MALE ,
groupValue: _genderValue,
onChanged: (Gender value) {
setState (() {
_genderValue = value;
onPressed: () {
setState (() {
_genderValue = Gender .MALE ;
FlatButton .icon (
label: const Text ('Female' ),
icon: Radio (
value: Gender .FEMALE ,
groupValue: _genderValue,
onChanged: (Gender value) {
setState (() {
_genderValue = value;
onPressed: () {
setState (() {
_genderValue = Gender .FEMALE ;
FlatButton .icon (
label: const Text ('Others' ),
icon: Radio (
value: Gender .OTHER ,
groupValue: _genderValue,
onChanged: (Gender value) {
setState (() {
_genderValue = value;
onPressed: () {
setState (() {
_genderValue = Gender .OTHER ;
Widget build (BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold (
appBar: AppBar (
backgroundColor: AppColors .gradient_purple_begin,
title: Text ("XSpends" )),
drawer: new Drawer (
child: new ListView (
children: < Widget > [
new UserAccountsDrawerHeader (
accountName: new Text ("TakeoffAndroid" ),
accountEmail: new Text ("" ),
currentAccountPicture: CircleAvatar (
backgroundColor: Colors .yellow,
child: Text ('T' , style: TextStyle (color: Colors .black87))
decoration: new BoxDecoration (
gradient: LinearGradient (
begin: Alignment .centerLeft,
end: Alignment .centerRight,
colors: [
AppColors .gradient_purple_begin,
AppColors .gradient_purple_end
new ListTile (
leading: Icon (Icons .home),
title: new Text ("Home" ),
onTap: () {
Navigator .pop (context);
new ListTile (
leading: Icon (Icons .person),
title: new Text ("Friends" ),
onTap: () {
Navigator .pop (context);
new ListTile (
leading: Icon (Icons .share),
title: new Text ("Share" ),
onTap: () {
Navigator .pop (context);
new Divider (),
new ListTile (
leading: Icon (Icons .settings),
title: new Text ("Settings" ),
onTap: () {
Navigator .pop (context);
new ListTile (
leading: Icon (Icons .power_settings_new),
title: new Text ("Logout" ),
onTap: () {
Navigator .pop (context);
(Text box or Edit Text)
TextField (
decoration: InputDecoration (
hintText: "Enter your name!" ,
hintStyle: TextStyle (fontWeight: FontWeight .w300, color: Colors .blue),
enabledBorder: new UnderlineInputBorder (
borderSide: new BorderSide (color: Colors .blue)),
focusedBorder: UnderlineInputBorder (
borderSide: BorderSide (color: Colors .orange),
InputDecoration(icon: Icon(Icons.account_circle, color:
InputDecoration(prefixIcon: Icon(Icons.account_circle, color:
InputDecoration(suffixIcon: Icon(Icons.account_circle, color:
TextField (
decoration: InputDecoration (
hintText: "Enter your name!" ,
hintStyle: TextStyle (fontWeight: FontWeight .w300, color: Colors .blue),
enabledBorder: new OutlineInputBorder (
borderSide: new BorderSide (color: Colors .blue)),
focusedBorder: OutlineInputBorder (
borderSide: BorderSide (color: Colors .orange),
Note: Icon, Prefix Icon and Suffix Icon are similar to Underline TextField
TextFormField (
style: TextStyle (color: Colors .white),
obscureText: true , // Use secure text for passwords.
decoration: InputDecoration (
enabledBorder: UnderlineInputBorder (borderSide: BorderSide (color: Colors .white)),
focusedBorder: UnderlineInputBorder (
borderSide: BorderSide (color: Colors .yellow)
hintText: 'Password' ,
hintStyle: TextStyle (color: Colors .white),
labelText: 'Type your password' ,
labelStyle: TextStyle (color: Colors .yellow))
SliverList takes a delegate parameter which provides the items in the list as they scroll into view.
You can specify the actual list of children with a SliverChildListDelegate Or build them lazily with a SliverChildBuilderDelegate.
delegate: SliverChildListDelegate(
Container(color:, height: 150.0),
Container(color: Colors.purple, height: 150.0),
Container(color:, height: 150.0),
// This builds an infinite scrollable list of differently colored
// Containers.
delegate: SliverChildBuilderDelegate((BuildContext context, int index) {
// To convert this infinite list to a list with three items,
// uncomment the following line:
// if (index > 3) return null;
return Container(color: getRandomColor(), height: 150.0);
// Or, uncomment the following line:
// childCount: 3,
Creates Color Utils
class AppColors {
static const Color colorPrimary = Color .fromARGB (255 , 51 , 51 , 51 );
static const Color colorPrimaryDark = Color .fromARGB (255 , 41 , 41 , 41 );
static const Color colorAccent = Color .fromARGB (255 , 30 , 198 , 89 );
static const Color yellow = Color .fromARGB (255 , 252 , 163 , 38 );
static const Color orange = Color .fromARGB (255 , 252 , 109 , 38 );
static const Color grey_unselected = Color .fromARGB (255 , 96 , 96 , 96 );
static const Color white_card = Color .fromARGB (255 , 250 , 250 , 250 );
static const Color chrome_grey = Color .fromARGB (255 , 240 , 240 , 240 );
static const Color white = Color .fromARGB (255 , 255 , 255 , 255 );
static const Color white_secondary = Color .fromARGB (255 , 220 , 220 , 220 );
static const Color white_un_selected = Color .fromARGB (255 , 180 , 180 , 180 );
static const Color indigo = Color .fromARGB (255 , 51 , 105 , 231 );
static const Color primary_text = Color .fromARGB (255 , 51 , 51 , 51 );
static const Color secondary_text = Color .fromARGB (255 , 114 , 114 , 114 );
static const Color grey = Color .fromARGB (255 , 188 , 187 , 187 );