- custom cz plugins now support bumping version
- changed stdout statements
- schema: command logic removed from commitizen base
- info: command logic removed from commitizen base
- example: command logic removed from commitizen base
- commit: moved most of the commit logic to the commit command
- bump: commit message now fits better with semver
- conventional commit 'breaking change' in body instead of title
- new working bump command
- create version tag
- update given files with new version
- config: new set key, used to set version to cfg
- support for pyproject.toml
- first semantic version bump implementation
- removed all from commit
- fix config file not working
- added commands folder, better integration with decli
- removed delegator, added decli and many tests
- API is stable
- py3 only, tests and conventional commits 1.0
- config: load config reads in order without failing if there is no commitizen section
- parse scope (this is my punishment for not having tests)
- parse scope empty
- scope: parse correctly again
- scope: parse correctly
- conventionalCommit: moved filters to questions instead of message
- manifest: included missing files
- config: home path for python versions between 3.0 and 3.5
- cli: added version
- committer: conventional commit is a bit more intelligent now
- renamed conventional_changelog to conventional_commits, not backward compatible
- setup.py: future is now required for every python version