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Graph Theory

Id Name Done Resources Problems Code Difficulty
117 DFS and BFS
1 2 1 1
118 0/1 BFS
1 1 1
119 Dial's algorithm
1 2
120 Inverse Graph
1 1 2 code 1
121 LCA
1 1 code 1
122 LCA in O(1)
1 1 code 2
123 SCC
1 1 code 1
124 Incremental SCC
1 2 3
125 DFS Tree
1 1
126 Rerooting Technique
1 1
127 Articulation Bridges and Bridge Tree
1 2 1 2 code 1
128 Online Articulation Bridges
1 code 3
129 Strong Orientation
1 1 1
130 Articulation Points.
1 1 code 1
131 Block Cut Tree
1 1 code 2
132 Three Edge Connectivity
1 1 2 code 3
133 Four Edge Connectivity
1 3
134 Dynamic K-Connectivity
1 3
135 Prim's MST
1 1 code 1
136 Krushkal's MST
1 1 code 1
137 Steiner Tree Problem
1 1 code 2
138 Boruvka's Algorithm
1 1 code 2
139 Minimum Diameter Spanning Tree
1 1 2 code 3
140 Manhattan MST
1 code 3
141 Euclidean MST
1 3
142 Directed MST
1 1 code 3
143 Dynamic MST
1 1 code 3
144 Dijkstra's Algorithm
1 1 code 1
145 Dijkstra on Segment Tree
1 code 2
146 Bellman Ford
1 1 code 1
147 Floyd Warshall
1 1 code 1
148 Johnsons Alogrithm
1 1 code 2
149 SPFA
1 1 code 1
150 Cycle Detection
1 1 code 1
151 Minimum Weight Cycle For Each Vertex
1 code 2
152 Minimum Weight Cycle For Each Edge
1 code 2
153 Dominator tree
1 1 code 2
154 2 SAT
1 1 2 code 1
155 3 SAT
code 3
156 Maximum Clique
1 2 1 code 1
157 Number of Different Cliques
code 2
158 Maximum Independent Set
1 code 1
159 Eulerian Path on a Directed Graph
1 1 code 1
160 Eulerian Path on an Undirected Graph
1 1 code 1
161 Path Union
1 2 code 2
162 Path Intersection
1 code 2
163 Virtual Tree
1 1 2 3 code 2
164 Welsh-Powell Algorithm
1 2 2
165 Chromatic Number
1 1 code 1
166 Chromatic Polynoimial ft Number of DAGs
1 code 3
167 Dynamic DAG Reachability
1 1 code 3
168 Minimum Mean Weight Cycle
1 code 3
169 Number of 3 and 4 length Cycles
1 code 3
170 Counting Labeled Graphs
1 code 1
171 Chordal Graph
1 1 code 2
172 Cactus Graph
1 2 1 2
173 Edge Coloring of Simple Graph
1 2 code 3
174 Edge Coloring of Bipartite Graph
code code 3
175 Dynamic Diameter Online
1 code 3
176 Tree Orientation to Maximize Pairs of Reachable Nodes
1 1 code 3
177 Number of Arborescences with n Nodes
code 2
178 Kirchoffs Theorem ft Number of MSTs
1 1 code 2
179 Tuttes Theorem ft Arborescences in a Graph
1 1 code 2
180 BEST Theorem
1 2
181 System Of Difference Constraints
1 1 code 2
182 Prufer Code
1 1 code 1
183 Number of Ways to Make a Graph Connected
1 1
184 Tree Isomorphism
1 1 2 3 code 1
185 Number of Paths of Each Length in a Tree
code 2
186 Ear Decomposition
1 1 2
187 Eppsteins Algorithm
1 1 code 3
188 Hamiltonian Path Heuristic Algorithm
1 3
189 Erdos Gallai Theorem
1 2
190 Havel Hakimi Algorithm
1 2 2
191 Dinics Algorithm
1 1 code 1
192 Push Relabel Algorithm
1 code 2
193 Min Cost Max Flow
1 1 2 code 2
194 Min Cost Max Flow with Negative Cycles
code 3
195 Maximum Closure Problem
1 1 2 code 2
196 Min Cut in a Planar Graph
1 1 code 2
197 Max Cut in a Planar Graph
1 3
198 Unique Min Cut
1 1 code 2
199 L-R Flow
1 1 2 code code 2
200 Gomory-Hu Tree
1 1 code 3
201 Gomory Hu Tree of a Planar Graph
1 code 3
202 Stoer Wagner Algorithm
1 1 code 3
203 HopCroft Karp Algorithm
1 code 1
204 Kuhns Algorithm
1 1 code 1
205 Hungarian Algorithm
1 1 code 1
206 Blossom Algorithm
1 1 code 2
207 Blossom Algorithm Weighted
1 code 3
208 Chinese Postman Problem
1 1 code 1
209 ST-numbering
1 code 3
210 POSET ft Dilworths and Mirskys Theorem
1 2 1 2
211 Stable Marriage Problem
1 1 code 2
212 Halls Theorem
1 1 1
213 Maximum Density Subgraph
1 1 code 3
214 Randomized Matching
code code 2
215 Number of Perfect Matchings in a Graph
1 1 code 3
216 Planarity Check
1 2 3