Source: Array JavaScript - Udacity Front End Web Development Nanodegree
- a. What is an Array?
- b. Create an Array
- c. Store different types of data
- d. Array Properties and Methods
- e. Property: .length
- f. push() method
- g. pop() method
- h. slice/splice() method
- i. Array Loops
- j. For Loop
- k. Map
- l. 2D Grid(nested array)
- An array
= ordered collection of elements, enclosed by square brackets []. - It is one of the most useful data structures in JavaScript, as it stores multiple values into a single, organized data structure.
- Define a new array by listing values separated with commas
between square brackets[]
. - Example: variable "myArray", assigned to an empty array:
const myArray = [];
- Each element in an array is referenced by a numeric key (
). - It starts from zero and increments by one for each additional element in the array.
- Example:
const fruits = ['apple', 'banana', 'orange', 'grape', 'lychee'];
// ['apple', 'banana', 'orange', 'grape', lychee
- To access the first (left-most) element in "fruits", access that element by its
//= 'apple'
- To access the last (right-most) element in "fruits",use its
//= 'lychee'
- Arrays[] can store different types of data, not only strings!
// Create a donuts
array with three strings
- A
var donuts = ["glazed", "powdered", "jelly"];
// Create a mixedData
array with mixed data types
- A
- A
var mixedData = ["abcd", 1, true, undefined, null, "all the things"];
// Create a arraysInArrays
array with three arrays:
- Another array
nested array
: store an array in an array to create anested array
var arraysInArrays = [[1, 2, 3], ["Julia", "James"], [true, false, true, false]];
- Nested arrays can be hard to read. So, write them on one line, using a newline after each comma:
var arraysInArrays = [
[1, 2, 3],
["Julia", "James"],
[true, false, true, false]
built-in methods
- Find the length of an array by using its length property.
- To access the length property, type the name of the array, followed by a period .
- The length property will then return the number of elements in the array.
var donuts = ["glazed", "powdered", "sprinkled"];
TIP: Strings have a length property too! Use it to get the length of any string. Example
returns 34.
- The two most common methods for modifying an array are
to add an element to the end of an Array[] =arr.push(element1[, ...[, elementN]])
- Example: Represent the spread of donuts using an array
var donuts = ["glazed", "chocolate frosted", "Boston creme", "glazed cruller", "cinnamon sugar", "sprinkled"];
// Push donuts onto the end of the array using the push() method= pushes "powdered" onto the end of the donuts
// the push()
method returns 7 because the donuts
array now has 7 elements
Returns: 7
donuts array: ["glazed", "chocolate frosted", "Boston creme", "glazed cruller", "cinnamon sugar", "sprinkled", "powdered"]
var donuts = ["glazed", "chocolate frosted", "Boston creme", "glazed cruller", "cinnamon sugar", "sprinkled"];
- with the
push() method
you need to pass the value of the element you want to add to the end of the array. - The
push() method
returns the length of the array after an element has been added.
to remove an element from the end of an Array[] =arr.pop()
- Example:
var donuts = ["glazed", "chocolate frosted", "Boston creme", "glazed cruller", "cinnamon sugar", "sprinkled", "powdered"];
donuts.pop(); // pops "powdered" off the end of the `donuts` array
donuts.pop(); // pops "sprinkled" off the end of the `donuts` array
donuts.pop(); // pops "cinnamon sugar" off the end of the `donuts` array
Returns: "cinnamon sugar"
donuts array: ["glazed", "chocolate frosted", "Boston creme", "glazed cruller"]
- With the pop() method there is NO need to pass a value
- pop() will always remove the last element from the end of the array.
- pop() returns the element that has been removed in case you need to use it.
var donuts = ["glazed", "chocolate frosted", "Boston creme", "glazed cruller", "cinnamon sugar", "sprinkled", "powdered"];
// the pop()
method returns "powdered" because "powdered" was the last element on the end of donuts
- Returns: "powdered"
- The
method = toadd and remove elements from anywhere within an array
. - It specify the index location to add new elements
- It specify the number of elements to delete (if any).
- The first argument represents the
starting index
from where to change the array - The second argument represents the
elements to remove
- The remaining arguments represent the
elements to add
. - Using the splice() method adds and removes elements from any location in an array.
- splice() is an incredibly powerful method that allows you to manipulate your arrays in a variety of ways.
- Any combination of adding or removing elements from an array can all be done in one simple line of code.
var donuts = ["glazed", "chocolate frosted", "Boston creme", "glazed cruller"];
donuts.splice(1, 1, "chocolate cruller", "creme de leche");
// removes "chocolate frosted" at index 1 and adds "chocolate cruller" and "creme de leche" starting at index 1
- Returns: ["chocolate frosted"]
donuts array: ["glazed", "chocolate cruller", "creme de leche", "Boston creme", "glazed cruller"]
Use a loop
= to efficiently access and manipulate each element in the array without writing repetitive code for each element.
var donuts = ["jelly donut", "chocolate donut", "glazed donut"];
// Manually= make all the same donut types, but only sell them as donut holes instead
donuts[0] += " hole";
donuts[1] += " hole";
donuts[2] += " hole";
donuts array: ["jelly donut hole", "chocolate donut hole", "glazed donut hole"]
- //or
Loop through an array
- //use a variable to represent the index in the array, and loop over that index to perform whatever manipulations desired.
var donuts = ["jelly donut", "chocolate donut", "glazed donut"];
- // the variable
is used to step through each element in the array - // As i is incremented, step over each element in the array starting from 0 until donuts.length - 1 (donuts.length is out of bounds).
for (var i = 0; i < donuts.length; i++) {
donuts[i] += " hole";
donuts[i] = donuts[i].toUpperCase();
- Arrays have special methods to help
iterate over
andperform operations
on collections of data. - The
forEach() method
gives an alternative way to iterate over an array, and manipulate each element in the array with an inline function expression.
var donuts = ["jelly donut", "chocolate donut", "glazed donut"];
- //donut corresponds to the element in the array itself.
donuts.forEach(function(donut) {
donut += " hole";
donut = donut.toUpperCase();
- GLAZED DONUT HOLE NOTE: the forEach() method iterates over the array without an explicitly defined index.
- This is different from a
orwhile loop
, where an index is used to access each element in the array:
for (var i = 0; i < donuts.length; i++) {
donuts[i] += " hole";
donuts[i] = donuts[i].toUpperCase();
- The function that you pass to the forEach() method can take up to three parameters (
, andarray
). - The
forEach() method
call this function once for each element in the array (forEach.) - Each time, it call the function with different arguments.
- The
parameter get = thevalue
of the array element. - The
parameter get = theindex
of the element (starting with zero). - The
parameter get =reference to the whole array
(to modify the elements). Example:
words = ["cat", "in", "hat"];
words.forEach(function(word, num, all) {
console.log("Word " + num + " in " + all.toString() + " is " + word);
- Word 0 in cat,in,hat is cat
- Word 1 in cat,in,hat is in
- Word 2 in cat,in,hat is hat _ NOTE_
- Using forEach() will not be useful if you want to permanently modify the original array.
- forEach() always returns undefined.
- Use the map() method, to create a new array from an existing array.
- To take an array, perform an operation on each element of the array, and return a new array.
- The map() method accepts one argument (=a
function expression
, to manipulate each element in the array). - No longer
iterate over the indices
, because the map() does all that already.
var donuts = ["jelly donut", "chocolate donut", "glazed donut"];
var improvedDonuts = {
donut += " hole";
donut = donut.toUpperCase();
return donut;
donuts array: ["jelly donut", "chocolate donut", "glazed donut"]
- Arrays can be nested= an array can contain another array as an element.
- Using this characteristic of JavaScript arrays,
multi-dimensional arrays
can be created.
The following code creates a two-dimensional array.
var a = new Array(4);
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
a[i] = new Array(4);
for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
a[i][j] = '[' + i + ', ' + j + ']';
This example creates an array with the following rows:
Row 0: [0, 0] [0, 1] [0, 2] [0, 3]
Row 1: [1, 0] [1, 1] [1, 2] [1, 3]
Row 2: [2, 0] [2, 1] [2, 2] [2, 3]
Row 3: [3, 0] [3, 1] [3, 2] [3, 3]
- Example:
- Use an array of arrays that has the name of each donut associated with its position in the box.
- //Create a two dimensional grid with rows and columns.
var donutBox = [
["glazed", "chocolate glazed", "cinnamon"],
["powdered", "sprinkled", "glazed cruller"],
["chocolate cruller", "Boston creme", "creme de leche"]
- //Loop over the donut box and display each donut (along with position in the box!)
- //step 1: Write a
for loop
to loop over each row of the box of donuts:
var donutBox = [
["glazed", "chocolate glazed", "cinnamon"],
["powdered", "sprinkled", "glazed cruller"],
["chocolate cruller", "Boston creme", "creme de leche"]
- // here, donutBox.length refers to the number of rows of donuts
for (var row = 0; row < donutBox.length; row++) {
_ Prints:
["glazed", "chocolate glazed", "cinnamon"]
["powdered", "sprinkled", "glazed cruller"]
["chocolate cruller", "Boston creme", "creme de leche"]
//step 2: Each row is an array of donuts. Set up an
to loop over each cell in the arrays.
for (var row = 0; row < donutBox.length; row++) {
- // here, donutBox[row].length refers to the length of the donut array currently being looped over
for (var column = 0; column < donutBox[row].length; column++) {
- Prints:
- "glazed"
- "chocolate glazed"
- "cinnamon"
- "powdered"
- "sprinkled"
- "glazed cruller"
- "chocolate cruller"
- "Boston creme"
- "creme de leche"
- An
= ordered collection of elements, enclosed by []. - It stores multiple values into a single, organized data structure.
method: add elements to the end of an arraypop()
method: remove elements from the end of an arraysplice()
method: add and remove elements from anywhere within an array.forEach() method
call the function once for each element in the array (forEach.), with different arguments:element
parameter get = thevalue
of the array element.index
parameter get = theindex
of the element (starting with zero).array
parameter get =reference to the whole array
(to modify the elements).
method: create a new array from an existing array.Arrays[]
can be nested= an array can contain another array as an element.