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[Experimental] Feast Web UI

Sample UI

This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.


There are three modes of usage:

  • via the feast ui CLI to view the current feature repository
  • importing the UI as a module
  • running the entire build as a React app.

Importing the UI as a module

This is the recommended way to use Feast UI for teams maintaining their own internal UI for their deployment of Feast.

Start with bootstrapping a React app with create-react-app

npx create-react-app your-feast-ui

Then, in your app folder, install Feast UI and optionally its peer dependencies. Assuming you use yarn

yarn add @feast-dev/feast-ui
# For custom UI using the Elastic UI Framework (optional):
yarn add @elastic/eui
# For general custom styling (optional):
yarn add @emotion/react

Edit index.js in the React app to use Feast UI.

import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import "./index.css";

import FeastUI from "@feast-dev/feast-ui";
import "@feast-dev/feast-ui/dist/feast-ui.css";

    <FeastUI />

When you start the React app, it will look for projects-list.json to find a list of your projects. The JSON should look something like this.

  "projects": [
      "name": "Credit Score Project",
      "description": "Project for credit scoring team and associated models.",
      "id": "credit_score_project",
      "registryPath": "/registry.json"
  • Note - registryPath only supports a file location or a url.
// Start the React App
yarn start


The advantage of importing Feast UI as a module is in the ease of customization. The <FeastUI> component exposes a feastUIConfigs prop thorough which you can customize the UI. Currently it supports a few parameters.

Fetching the Project List

By default, the Feast UI fetches the project list from the app root path. You can use projectListPromise to provide a promise that overrides where it's fetched from.

    projectListPromise: fetch(SOME_PATH, {
      headers: {
        "Content-Type": "application/json",
    }).then((res) => {
      return res.json();
Custom Tabs

You can add custom tabs for any of the core Feast objects through the tabsRegistry.

const tabsRegistry = {
  RegularFeatureViewCustomTabs: [
      label: "Custom Tab Demo", // Navigation Label for the tab
      path: "demo-tab", // Subpath for the tab
      Component: RFVDemoCustomTab, // a React Component

    tabsRegistry: tabsRegistry,

Examples of custom tabs can be found in the /custom-tabs folder.


On React and Create React App

This project was bootstrapped with Create React App, and uses its scripts to simplify UI development. You can learn more in the Create React App documentation.

To learn React, check out the React documentation.

Code Formatting

The code is formatted using Prettier. IDEs typically have Prettier addons or extensions that you can use for formatting, but you can also run:

  • yarn format to format all files
  • yarn format:check to check if files are formatted correctly without modifying them (used in GitHub Actions checks)