Using automation tools of your choice, create a method to provision the environment below.
- The POST method should save the time, user name and endpoint on a database of your choice.
- The GET request should read the data previously saved by the POST request.
- The permissions to read the data should be limited to the user that executed the POST request.
- Install all the code dependencies
- Pack and deploy the code automatically with no downtime.
- Everything must be run by 1 or 2 commands max.
- that explains your thinking process
- that describes how to setup and run the project
- that, if you created tests, describes how to run and execute the tests before deployment
- that describes what enhancements you would have made if you had more time.
- that lists known issues (if any)
We are not just interested in a solution to the above problem. What we are really interested is seeing the decisions taken and process followed to engineer the best and most elegant solution.
- You can use Rails/Sinatra, Python, Go, node.js or a shiny-new-framework X, as long as you can justify your choices
- Feel free to use whatever automation tool you like, provided we can run the set-up using on 1 or 2 commands
- Feel free to use whatever db you like; we suggest Postgres or DynamoDB for NoSql.
- Bonus points for security, specs, Lambda, API Gateway and DynamoDb
- In case you decide to go for Lambda, all the requirements of your project should be part of a layer
- We expect this project to take no more than 2 days to complete (but no rush, take your time and do your best!)
- Show your best thinking and don't frustrate yourself in case you don't finish the whole challenge. Show us what you achieved!
When ready to start, create a public repository and send the link back to us.