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JavaScript HTML DOM

What is DOM ?

DOM stands for Document Object Model. It's an API (application programming interface) for manipulating HTML and XML documents. The DOM represents a document as a tree of nodes. It allows programs and scripts to dynamically access and update the content, structure, and style of a document.

Below image shows a basic heirarchy in DOM :


Use of DOM in JavaScript

With the DOM, JavaScript gets all the power it needs to create dynamic web pages. With the DOM :

  • JavaScript can change all the HTML elements in the page
  • JavaScript can change all the HTML attributes in the page
  • JavaScript can change all the CSS styles in the page
  • JavaScript can remove existing HTML elements and attributes
  • JavaScript can add new HTML elements and attributes
  • JavaScript can react to all existing HTML events in the page
  • JavaScript can create new HTML events in the page

Document object in JavaScript

A web page or say HTML document can be imagined as a nested set of boxes. Tags such as head and body enclose other tags, which in turn contain other tags or text. For example a simple webpage can have following structure :


In the HTML DOM (Document Object Model), everything is a node:

  • The document itself is a document node
  • All HTML elements are element nodes
  • All HTML attributes are attribute nodes
  • Text inside HTML elements are text nodes
  • Comments are comment nodes.

The HTML DOM document object is the owner of all other nodes in a web page. It provides properties and methods to access all node objects, from within JavaScript.

Now let's talk about few DOM properties .

HTML | DOM head Property

The head property returns the <head> element of the current document and in case if there are more than one <head> element in the document, this property returns the first one.

var x= document.head ; // Assigns head element to x
console.log(x.innerHTML); // Prints text inside head element 

HTML | DOM body Property

It returns the content present in the <body> tag. This property is used to view or change the content present inside the <body> element and sets them with the new specified content.

 var x = document.body; // Assigns body element to x 
console.log(x.innerHTML); // Print text inside body element 

//New content inside body can also be added 
 x.innerHTML = "<h1>" + "New Heading added "+ "</h1>" + "<br>"
              + "<h2>"+ "New Content Added"+ "</h2>";

HTML | DOM forms Collection

The forms collection returns a collection of all <form> elements present in the document. Since there may be multiple forms on a page, the elements are sorted as they are present in the HTML source code.
E.g .

//Assigns forms collection to x
var x= document.forms ;

// Assigns numbers of form elements present  in the collection 
var len= x.length ; 

//To acsess any particular form element we can use indexing like arrays 
// Assigns 1st form element
var form1= x[0] ;

//Or we can also use the below method 
var form1 = x.item(0);

The name attribute which specifies the name of an <input> element is used to reference form elements in JavaScript, or to reference form data after a form is submitted.

<form name="myForm" action="/action_page.php" method="get">
//For the above HTML form element , We can access the form with name attribute as below

 var x= document.forms["myForm"];
 x.submit(); //Submits form

It is important to note that only form elements with a name attribute will have their values passed while submitting a form.
To access any particular element, DOM provides various methods. Some of them are as follows :

Methods Use
document.getElementById(id) Find an element by element id
document.getElementsByName(name) Finds any element by its name attribute
document.getElementsByTagName(name) Find elements by tag name
document.getElementsByClassName(name) Find elements by class name

Adding and Deleting Elements

DOM provides various methods to add and delete HTML elements via javascript . Some of them are as follows :

Method Description
document.createElement(element) Create an HTML element
document.removeChild(element) Remove an HTML element
document.appendChild(element) Add an HTML element
document.replaceChild(new, old) Replace an HTML element
document.write(text) Write into the HTML output stream

This was a brief note about DOM .Above methods are frequently used methods , apart from them DOM contains much more methods for manipulating HTML elements . To refer more about DOM , Please visit : DOM

Contributor: Manish Kumar Pandit