If you are not familiar with how elections work in the UK, please see this short BBC video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cRxUhGetEPQ
The results API presents a simple elections result service.
The domain for the election represents some key concepts:
- constituencyId a unique integer id to identify a location. E.g "Brent Central" is 90
- party is a short 3, or 4, letter code for a party for instance LAB = Labour, CON = Conservative etc.
- votes the number of votes gained by a party in a constituency
- share the % share of the total votes the party received
The API has 3 endpoints:
to get an elections result for a given id. - POST
to add a new result - GET
to get the running totals. This is unimplemented.
During your assessment we will ask you to work though the task in tasks.md
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Warning: If you make any changes to the code, please ensure you return it to its initial (HEAD) state before your assessment.
- Java 11
Please ensure that the project builds without error within your choice of IDE. This should require no changes to the files in this repository.
macOS / 'nix
./gradlew build
or ./mvnw install
gradlew.bat build
or ./mvnw.cmd install
macOS / 'nix
./gradlew bootRun
or ./mvnw spring-boot:run
gradlew.bat bootRun
or ./mvnw.cmd spring-boot:run
macOS / 'nix
./gradlew test
or ./mvnw test
gradlew.bat test
or ./mvnw.cmd test