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File metadata and controls

434 lines (382 loc) · 11 KB


InteractiveGraphProtocol(IGP) defines a set of graph interaction interfaces over HTTP protocol.

An IGP request is a HTTP POST request, which contains a command parameter in query string and a JSON parameter in request body, like:

curl 'http://localhost:9999/graphserver/connector-neodb?command=getNodesInfo' -d '{"nodeIds":[84]}'

Here, the command is getNodesInfo and the parameter is:

    "nodeIds": [84]

An IGP response is a HTTP response with a body in JSON format, like:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Content-Type: text/json;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 669
Date: Sun, 14 Oct 2018 03:22:37 GMT
  "infos": [
    "\u003cp align\u003dcenter\u003e  \u003cimg width\u003d150 src\u003d\"./images/photo/贾宝玉.jpg\"\u003e\u003cbr\u003e  \u003cb\u003e贾宝玉[84]\u003c/b\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp align\u003dleft\u003e\"荣国府衔玉而诞的公子,贾政与王夫人之次子,阖府捧为掌上明珠,对他寄予厚望,他却走上了叛逆之路,痛恨八股文,批判程朱理学,给那些读书做官的人起名“国贼禄蠹”。他不喜欢“正经书”,却偏爱《牡丹亭》《西厢记》之类的“杂书”。他终日与家里的女孩们厮混,爱她们美丽纯洁,伤悼她们的薄命悲剧。\"\u003c/p\u003e"

Here, a JSON object is returned within a infos property, which contains an array of informations of a set of requested nodes(nodeIds=[84]).

Each IGP response has a Content-Type header with value text/json;charset=utf-8. For cross-domain applications, a Access-Control-Allow-Origin header is often required.


Be requested when a client/browser is to connect to this server.

request parameter

This command requires no parameter, so pass an empty object is ok.



response body

name value type description example
product string product name of connector 'neo4j'
backendType string backend graphdb type, may be 'neo4j-db', 'neo4j-bolt' or 'neo4j-gson' 'neo4j-bolt'
nodesCount number number of nodes 327
edgesCount number number of edges 694
categories object categories of all nodes, in name-title pairs format {"person": "人物"}


  "edgesCount": 694,
  "nodesCount": 327,
  "backendType": "neo4j-db",
  "categories": {
    "person": "人物",
    "event": "事件",
    "location": "地点"
  "product": "neo4j"


Be requested when a client/browser is to load whole graph data, including nodes and edges.

request parameter

This command requires no parameter, so pass an empty object is ok.

response body

name value type description example
nodes array<NODE> all nodes number node id 0
NODE.label string short title of a node '共读西厢'
NODE.value number size of node 2 string node group 'event'
NODE.categories array<string> categories of node, a node may has serveral categories ['event']
edges array<EDGE> all edges number edge id 0
EDGE.label string short title of an edge '参与'
EDGE.from number edge incoming node id 84 number outgoing node id 0


  "nodes": [
      "label": "共读西厢",
      "id": 0,
      "categories": [
      "value": 2,
      "group": "event"
      "image": "./images/photo/贾宝玉.jpg",
      "label": "贾宝玉",
       "id": 84,
      "categories": [
      "value": 52,
      "group": "person"
  "edges": [
      "id": 33,
      "label": "参与",
      "from": 84,
      "to": 0


Be requested when a client/browser is to retrieve detailed information of a node.

request parameter

name value type description example
nodeIds array<number> node ids [84]



response body

name value type description example
infos array<object> informations of a set of requested nodes ["info in HTML format"]


  "infos": [
    "\u003cp align\u003dcenter\u003e  \u003cimg width\u003d150 src\u003d\"./images/photo/贾宝玉.jpg\"\u003e\u003cbr\u003e  \u003cb\u003e贾宝玉[84]\u003c/b\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp align\u003dleft\u003e\"荣国府衔玉而诞的公子,贾政与王夫人之次子,阖府捧为掌上明珠,对他寄予厚望,他却走上了叛逆之路,痛恨八股文,批判程朱理学,给那些读书做官的人起名“国贼禄蠹”。他不喜欢“正经书”,却偏爱《牡丹亭》《西厢记》之类的“杂书”。他终日与家里的女孩们厮混,爱她们美丽纯洁,伤悼她们的薄命悲剧。\"\u003c/p\u003e"


Be requested when a client/browser is to search nodes by keywords.

request parameter

name value type description example
expr string, or array<object> in full text search mode, expr is a search keyword; in strict match mode, expr is an array of object '贾', or [{'label':'贾宝玉'},{'label':'贾政借钱'}]
limit number limit number of results 20




    "expr": [

response body

name value type description example
nodes array<NODE> matched nodes


  "nodes": [
      "label": "贾政借钱",
        "id": 33,
      "categories": [
      "value": 2.0,
      "group": "event"
      "image": "./images/photo/贾宝玉.jpg",
      "label": "贾宝玉",
      "id": 84,
      "categories": [
      "value": 52.0,
      "group": "person"


Be requested when a client/browser is to get beighbour nodes and edges of current node.

request parameter

name value type description example
nodeIds array<number> node ids [84]



response body

name value type description example
neighbourNodes array<NODE> all neighbour nodes
neighbourEdges array<EDGE> all neighbour edges


  "neighbourEdges": [
      "id": 14,
      "label": "母亲",
      "from": 84,
      "to": 206
  "neighbourNodes": [
      "image": "./images/photo/王夫人.jpg",
      "label": "王夫人",
      "id": 206,
      "categories": [
      "value": 21.0,
      "group": "person"


Be requested when a client/browser is to start a FindRelation task.

request parameter

name value type description example
startNodeId number start node id 84
endNodeId number end node id 106
maxDepth number max search depth 3



response body

name value type description example
queryId number background query task id 1225


  "queryId": 1225


Be requested when a client/browser is to get found relations from a FindRelation task.

request parameter

name value type description example
queryId number background query task id 1225



response body

name value type description example
queryId number backend query task id 1225
completed boolean check if the query task is done false
paths array<PATH> found paths []
PATH.nodes array<NODE> nodes in found paths []
PATH.edges array<EDGE> edges in found paths []


  "queryResults": {
    "completed": true,
    "queryId": 1225,
    "paths": [
        "nodes": [
            "image": "./images/photo/贾宝玉.jpg",
            "label": "贾宝玉",
            "id": 84,
            "categories": [
            "value": 52.0,
            "group": "person"
            "label": "海棠诗社",
            "id": 2,
            "categories": [
            "value": 8.0,
            "group": "event"
        "edges": [
            "id": 35,
            "label": "参与",
            "from": 84,
            "to": 2
            "id": 362,
            "label": "参与",
            "from": 193,
            "to": 2


Be requested when a client/browser is to stop a FindRelation task.

request parameter

name value type description example
queryId number background query task id 1225



response body

name value type description example
queryId number backend query task id 1225
stopped boolean tells if the query task is stopped false


  "queryId": 1225,
  "stopped": true