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NF_RCP-F Workflow Information and Usage Instructions

General Workflow Info

Implementation Tools

The current GeneLab RNAseq consensus processing pipeline (RCP), GL-DPPD-7101-F, is implemented as a Nextflow DSL2 workflow and utilizes Singularity to run all tools in containers. This workflow (NF_RCP-F) is run using the command line interface (CLI) of any unix-based system. While knowledge of creating workflows in Nextflow is not required to run the workflow as is, the Nextflow documentation is a useful resource for users who want to modify and/or extend this workflow.

Workflow & Subworkflows

  • Click image to expand

The NF_RCP-F workflow is composed of three subworkflows as shown in the image above. Below is a description of each subworkflow and the additional output files generated that are not already indicated in the GL-DPPD-7101-F pipeline document:

  1. Analysis Staging Subworkflow

    • Description:
      • This subworkflow extracts the metadata parameters (e.g. organism, library layout) needed for processing from the OSD/GLDS ISA archive and retrieves the raw reads files hosted on the Open Science Data Repository (OSDR).

        OSD/GLDS ISA archive: ISA directory containing Investigation, Study, and Assay (ISA) metadata files for a respective GLDS dataset - the * file is located in the OSDR under 'Files' -> 'Study Metadata Files' for any GeneLab Data Set (GLDS) in the OSDR.

  2. RNASeq Consensus Pipeline Subworkflow

    • Description:
      • This subworkflow uses the staged raw data and metadata parameters from the Analysis Staging Subworkflow to generate processed data using version F of the GeneLab RCP.
  3. V&V Pipeline Subworkflow

    • Description:
      • This subworkflow performs validation and verification (V&V) on the raw and processed data files in real-time. It performs a series of checks on the output files generated and flags the results, using the flag codes indicated in the table below, which are outputted as a series of log files.

        V&V Flags:

        Flag Codes Flag Name Interpretation
        20 GREEN Indicates the check passed all validation conditions
        30 YELLOW Indicates the check was flagged for minor issues (e.g. slight outliers)
        50 RED Indicates the check was flagged for moderate issues (e.g. major outliers)
        80 HALT Indicates the check was flagged for severe issues that trigger a processing halt (e.g. missing data)

Utilizing the Workflow

  1. Install Nextflow and Singularity
    1a. Install Nextflow
    1b. Install Singularity
  2. Download the Workflow Files
  3. Fetch Singularity Images
  4. Run the Workflow
    4a. Approach 1: Run the workflow on a GeneLab RNAseq dataset with automatic retrieval of Ensembl reference fasta and gtf files
    4b. Approach 2: Run the workflow on a GeneLab RNAseq dataset using local Ensembl reference fasta and gtf files
    4c. Approach 3: Run the workflow on a non-GLDS dataset using a user-created runsheet
  5. Additional Output Files

1. Install Nextflow and Singularity

1a. Install Nextflow

Nextflow can be installed either through Anaconda or as documented on the Nextflow documentation page.

Note: If you want to install Anaconda, we recommend installing a Miniconda, Python3 version appropriate for your system, as instructed by Happy Belly Bioinformatics.

Once conda is installed on your system, you can install the latest version of Nextflow by running the following commands:

conda install -c bioconda nextflow
nextflow self-update

1b. Install Singularity

Singularity is a container platform that allows usage of containerized software. This enables the GeneLab RCP workflow to retrieve and use all software required for processing without the need to install the software directly on the user's system.

We recommend installing Singularity on a system wide level as per the associated documentation.

Note: Singularity is also available through Anaconda.

2. Download the Workflow Files

All files required for utilizing the NF_RCP-F GeneLab workflow for processing RNASeq data are in the workflow_code directory. To get a copy of latest NF_RCP-F version on to your system, the code can be downloaded as a zip file from the release page then unzipped after downloading by running the following commands:



3. Fetch Singularity Images

Although Nextflow can fetch Singularity images from a url, doing so may cause issues as detailed here.

To avoid this issue, run the following command to fetch the Singularity images prior to running the NF_RCP-F workflow:

Note: This command should be run in the location containing the NF_RCP-F_1.0.3 directory that was downloaded in step 2 above. Depending on your network speed, fetching the images will take ~20 minutes.

bash NF_RCP-F_1.0.3/bin/ NF_RCP-F_1.0.3/config/software/by_docker_image.config

Once complete, a singularity folder containing the Singularity images will be created. Run the following command to export this folder as a Nextflow configuration environment variable to ensure Nextflow can locate the fetched images:

export NXF_SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=$(pwd)/singularity

4. Run the Workflow

While in the location containing the NF_RCP-F_1.0.3 directory that was downloaded in step 2, you are now able to run the workflow. Below are three examples of how to run the NF_RCP-F workflow:

Note: Nextflow commands use both single hyphen arguments (e.g. -help) that denote general nextflow arguments and double hyphen arguments (e.g. --ensemblVersion) that denote workflow specific parameters. Take care to use the proper number of hyphens for each argument.

4a. Approach 1: Run the workflow on a GeneLab RNAseq dataset with automatic retrieval of Ensembl reference fasta and gtf files

nextflow run NF_RCP-F_1.0.3/ \ 
   -profile singularity \
   --gldsAccession GLDS-194 

4b. Approach 2: Run the workflow on a GeneLab RNAseq dataset using local reference fasta and gtf files

Note: The --ref_source and --ensemblVersion parameters should match the reference source and version number of the local reference fasta and gtf files used

nextflow run NF_RCP-F_1.0.3/ \ 
   -profile singularity \
   --gldsAccession GLDS-194 \
   --ensemblVersion 107 \
   --ref_source ensembl \ 
   --ref_fasta </path/to/fasta> \ 
   --ref_gtf </path/to/gtf> 

4c. Approach 3: Run the workflow on a non-GLDS dataset using a user-created runsheet

Note: Specifications for creating a runsheet manually are described here.

nextflow run NF_RCP-F_1.0.3/ \ 
   -profile singularity \
   --runsheetPath </path/to/runsheet> 

Required Parameters For All Approaches:

  • NF_RCP-F_1.0.3/ - Instructs Nextflow to run the NF_RCP-F workflow

  • -profile - Specifies the configuration profile(s) to load, singularity instructs Nextflow to setup and use singularity for all software called in the workflow

  • --gldsAccession GLDS-### – specifies the GLDS dataset to process through the RCP workflow (replace ### with the GLDS number)

    Note: A manually-generated runsheet can be supplied with the --runsheetPath option in place of the --gldsAccession GLDS-###, as indicated in Approach 3 above, to process a non-GLDS dataset.

Additional Required Parameters For Approach 2:

  • --ensemblVersion - specifies the Ensembl version to use for the reference genome (Ensembl release 107 is used in this example)

  • --ref_source - specifies the source of the reference files used (the source indicated in the Approach 2 example is ensembl)

  • --ref_fasta - specifices the path to a local fasta file

  • --ref_gtf - specifices the path to a local gtf file

    Note: If the local reference files specified are different than the Ensembl reference files used to create the GeneLab annotations table, additional gene annotations associated with any Ensembl/TAIR IDs from the specified files that are not shared in the GeneLab annotations will not be added to the DGE output table(s).

Optional Parameters:

  • --skipVV - skip the automated V&V processes (Default: the automated V&V processes are active)

  • --outputDir - specifies the directory to save the raw and processed data files (Default: files are saved in the launch directory)

  • --force_single_end - forces the analysis to use single end processing; for paired end datasets, this means only R1 is used; for single end datasets, this should have no effect

  • --stageLocal TRUE|FALSE - TRUE = download the raw reads files for the GLDS dataset indicated, FALSE = disable raw reads download and processing (Default: TRUE)

  • --referenceStorePath - specifies the directory to store the Ensembl fasta and gtf files (Default: within the directory structure created by default in the launch directory)

  • --derivedStorePath - specifies the directory to store the tool-specific indices created during processing (Default: within the directory structure created by default in the launch directory)

  • --runsheetPath - specifies the path to a local runsheet (Default: a runsheet is automatically generated using the metadata on the GeneLab Repository for the GLDS dataset being processed)

Additional Optional Parameters:

All parameters listed above and additional optional arguments for the RCP workflow, including debug related options that may not be immediately useful for most users, can be viewed by running the following command:

nextflow run NF_RCP-F_1.0.3/ --help

See nextflow run -h and Nextflow's CLI run command documentation for more options and details common to all nextflow workflows.

5. Additional Output Files

The outputs from the Analysis Staging and V&V Pipeline Subworkflows are described below:

Note: The outputs from the RNASeq Consensus Pipeline Subworkflow are documented in the GL-DPPD-7101-F processing protocol.

Analysis Staging Subworkflow

  • Output:
    • *_bulkRNASeq_v1_runsheet.csv (table containing metadata required for processing, including the raw reads files location)
    • * (the ISA archive of the GLDS datasets to be processed, downloaded from the OSDR)
    • *_metadata_table.txt (table that includes additional information about the GLDS dataset, not used for processing)

V&V Pipeline Subworkflow

  • Output:
    • VV_Logs/VV_log_final.tsv (table containing V&V flags for all checks performed)
    • VV_Logs/VV_log_final_only_issues.tsv (table containing V&V flags ONLY for checks that produced a flag code >= 30)
    • VV_Logs/VV_log_VV_RAW_READS.tsv (table containing V&V flags ONLY for raw reads checks)
    • VV_Logs/VV_log_VV_TRIMMED_READS.tsv (table containing V&V flags for trimmed reads checks ONLY)
    • VV_Logs/VV_log_VV_STAR_ALIGNMENTS.tsv (table containing V&V flags for alignment file checks ONLY)
    • VV_Logs/VV_log_VV_RSEQC.tsv (table containing V&V flags for RSeQC file checks ONLY)
    • VV_Logs/VV_log_VV_RSEM_COUNTS.tsv (table containing V&V flags for RSEM raw count file checks ONLY)
    • VV_Logs/VV_log_VV_DESEQ2_ANALYSIS.tsv (table containing V&V flags for DESeq2 Analysis output checks ONLY)

Standard Nextflow resource usage logs are also produced as follows:

Further details about these logs can also found within this Nextflow documentation page.

Nextflow Resource Usage Logs

  • Output:
    • Resource_Usage/execution_report_{timestamp}.html (an html report that includes metrics about the workflow execution including computational resources and exact workflow process commands)
    • Resource_Usage/execution_timeline_{timestamp}.html (an html timeline for all processes executed in the workflow)
    • Resource_Usage/execution_trace_{timestamp}.txt (an execution tracing file that contains information about each process executed in the workflow, including: submission time, start time, completion time, cpu and memory used, machine-readable output)