TensorFlow Lite Core ML Delegate enables running TensorFlow Lite models on Core ML framework, which results in faster model inference on iOS devices.
- iOS 12 and later. In the older iOS versions, Core ML delegate will automatically fallback to CPU.
- When running on iPhone Xs and later, it will use Neural Engine for faster inference.
Initialize TensorFlow Lite interpreter with Core ML delegate.
let coreMlDelegate = CoreMLDelegate()
let interpreter = try Interpreter(modelPath: modelPath,
delegates: [coreMLDelegate])
Include coreml_delegate.h
#include "tensorflow/lite/experimental/delegates/coreml/coreml_delegate.h"
Modify code following interpreter initialization to apply delegate.
// initializer interpreter with model.
tflite::InterpreterBuilder(*model, resolver)(&interpreter);
// Add following section to use Core ML delegate.
TfLiteCoreMlDelegateOptions options = {};
delegate = TfLiteCoreMlDelegateCreate(&options);
// ...
Add this code to the section where you dispose of the delegate (e.g. dealloc
of class).
Following ops are supported by the Core ML delegate.
- Add
- Only certain shapes are broadcastable. In Core ML tensor layout,
following tensor shapes are broadcastable.
[B, C, H, W]
,[B, C, 1, 1]
,[B, 1, H, W]
,[B, 1, 1, 1]
- Only certain shapes are broadcastable. In Core ML tensor layout,
following tensor shapes are broadcastable.
- AveragePool2D
- Concat
- Conv2D
- Weights and bias should be constant.
- DepthwiseConv2D
- Weights and bias should be constant.
- FullyConnected (aka Dense or InnerProduct)
- Weights and bias (if present) should be constant.
- Only supports single-batch case. Input dimensions should be 1, except the last dimension.
- Hardswish
- Logistic (aka Sigmoid)
- MaxPool2D
- MirrorPad
- Only 4D input with
mode is supported. Padding should be constant, and is only allowed for H and W dimensions.
- Only 4D input with
- Mul
- Only certain shapes are broadcastable. In Core ML tensor layout,
following tensor shapes are broadcastable.
[B, C, H, W]
,[B, C, 1, 1]
,[B, 1, H, W]
,[B, 1, 1, 1]
- Only certain shapes are broadcastable. In Core ML tensor layout,
following tensor shapes are broadcastable.
- Pad and PadV2
- Only 4D input is supported. Padding should be constant, and is only allowed for H and W dimensions.
- Relu
- ReluN1To1
- Relu6
- Reshape
- Only supported when target Core ML version is 2, not supported when targeting Core ML 3.
- ResizeBilinear
- SoftMax
- Tanh
- TransposeConv
- Weights should be constant.
- Does Core ML delegate support fallback to CPU if a graph contains unsupported
- Yes.
- Does Core ML delegate work on iOS Simulator?
- Yes. The library includes x86 and x86_64 targets so it can run on a simulator, but you will not see performance boost over CPU.
- Does TensorFlow Lite and Core ML delegate support macOS?
- TensorFlow Lite is only tested on iOS but not macOS.
- Are custom TF Lite ops supported?
- No, CoreML delegate does not support custom ops and they will fallback to CPU.
/// A delegate that uses the `Core ML` framework for performing
/// TensorFlow Lite graph operations.
/// - Important: This is an experimental interface that is subject to change.
public final class CoreMLDelegate: Delegate {
/// The configuration options for the `CoreMLDelegate`.
public let options: Options
// Conformance to the `Delegate` protocol.
public private(set) var cDelegate: CDelegate
* /// Creates a new instance configured with the given `options`.
/// - Parameters:
/// - options: Configurations for the delegate. The default is a new instance of
/// `CoreMLDelegate.Options` with the default configuration values.
public init(options: Options = Options()) {
self.options = options
var delegateOptions = TfLiteCoreMlDelegateOptions()
cDelegate = TfLiteCoreMlDelegateCreate(&delegateOptions)
deinit {
extension CoreMLDelegate {
/// Options for configuring the `CoreMLDelegate`.
public struct Options: Equatable, Hashable {
/// Creates a new instance with the default values.
public init() {}
typedef struct {
// Only create delegate when Neural Engine is available on the device.
TfLiteCoreMlDelegateEnabledDevices enabled_devices;
// Specifies target Core ML version for model conversion.
// Core ML 3 come with a lot more ops, but some ops (e.g. reshape) is not
// delegated due to input rank constraint.
// if not set to one of the valid versions, the delegate will use highest
// version possible in the platform.
// Valid versions: (2, 3)
int coreml_version;
// This sets the maximum number of Core ML delegates created.
// Each graph corresponds to one delegated node subset in the
// TFLite model. Set this to 0 to delegate all possible partitions.
int max_delegated_partitions;
// This sets the minimum number of nodes per partition delegated with
// Core ML delegate. Defaults to 2.
int min_nodes_per_partition;
// This sets the index of the first node that could be delegated.
int first_delegate_node_index;
// This sets the index of the last node that could be delegated.
int last_delegate_node_index;
} TfLiteCoreMlDelegateOptions;
// Return a delegate that uses CoreML for ops execution.
// Must outlive the interpreter.
TfLiteDelegate* TfLiteCoreMlDelegateCreate(
const TfLiteCoreMlDelegateOptions* options);
// Do any needed cleanup and delete 'delegate'.
void TfLiteCoreMlDelegateDelete(TfLiteDelegate* delegate);