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executable file
403 lines (281 loc) · 12.9 KB

File metadata and controls

executable file
403 lines (281 loc) · 12.9 KB


hoek provides several helpful methods for objects and arrays.

clone(obj, [options])

Clones an object or an array. A deep copy is made (duplicates everything, including values that are objects, as well as non-enumerable properties) where:

  • obj - the object to be cloned.
  • options - optional settings:
    • symbols - clone symbol properties. Defaults to true.
    • shallow - one of:
      • an array of object key strings (dot-separated or array-based key paths) to shallow copy from obj instead of deep.
      • true to shallow copy all object properties. Used to shallow copy an object with non-enumerable properties and prototype;
const nestedObj = {
        w: /^something$/ig,
        x: {
            a: [1, 2, 3],
            b: 123456,
            c: new Date()
        y: 'y',
        z: new Date()

const copy = Hoek.clone(nestedObj);

copy.x.b = 100;

console.log(copy.y);        // results in 'y'
console.log(nestedObj.x.b); // results in 123456
console.log(copy.x.b);      // results in 100

Clones an object or array excluding some keys which are shallow copied:

const nestedObj = {
        w: /^something$/ig,
        x: {
            a: [1, 2, 3],
            b: 123456,
            c: new Date()
        y: 'y',
        z: new Date()

const copy = Hoek.clone(nestedObj, { shallow: ['x'] });

copy.x.b = 100;

console.log(copy.y);        // results in 'y'
console.log(nestedObj.x.b); // results in 100
console.log(copy.x.b);      // results in 100

merge(target, source, [options])

Merge all the properties of source into target where:

  • target - the object onto which the properties of source are copied to.
  • source - the object copied onto target.
  • options - optional settings:
    • nullOverride - if true, a null value in the source overrides any existing value in the defaults. If false, null values in the source are ignored. Defaults to true.
    • mergeArrays - if true, array values from source are appended to existing array values in target. Defaults to true.
    • symbols - clone symbol properties. Defaults to true.

Note that source wins in conflict, and by default null and undefined from source are applied. Merge is destructive where the target is modified. For non destructive merge, use applyToDefaults.

const target = {a: 1, b : 2};
const source = {a: 0, c: 5};
const source2 = {a: null, c: 5};

Hoek.merge(target, source);         // results in {a: 0, b: 2, c: 5}
Hoek.merge(target, source2);        // results in {a: null, b: 2, c: 5}
Hoek.merge(target, source2, { nullOverride: false} ); // results in {a: 1, b: 2, c: 5}

const targetArray = [1, 2, 3];
const sourceArray = [4, 5];

Hoek.merge(targetArray, sourceArray);              // results in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
Hoek.merge(targetArray, sourceArray, { mergeArrays: false }); // results in [4, 5]

applyToDefaults(defaults, source, [options])

Apply source to a copy of the defaults where:

  • defaults - the default object to clone and then apply source onto.
  • source - the object applied to the defaults.
  • options - optional settings:
    • nullOverride - if true, a null value in the source overrides any existing value in the defaults. If false, null values in the source are ignored. Defaults to false.
    • shallow - an array of dot-separated or array-based key paths to shallow copy values in source.
const defaults = { host: "localhost", port: 8000 };
const source = { port: 8080 };

const config = Hoek.applyToDefaults(defaults, source); // results in { host: "localhost", port: 8080 }

Apply source with a null value to a copy of the defaults

const defaults = { host: "localhost", port: 8000 };
const source = { host: null, port: 8080 };

const config = Hoek.applyToDefaults(defaults, source, { nullOverride: true }); // results in { host: null, port: 8080 }

Apply source to a copy of the defaults where the shallow keys specified in the last parameter are shallow copied from source instead of merged

const defaults = {
    db: {
        server: {
            host: "localhost",
            port: 8000
        name: 'example'

const source = { db: { server: { port: 8080 } } };

const config = Hoek.applyToDefaults(defaults, source, { shallow: ['db.server'] });        // results in { db: { server: { port: 8080 }, name: 'example' } }
const config = Hoek.applyToDefaults(defaults, source, { shallow: [['db', 'server']] });   // results in { db: { server: { port: 8080 }, name: 'example' } }

deepEqual(a, b, [options])

Performs a deep comparison of the two values including support for circular dependencies, prototype, and enumerable properties, where:

  • a - the first value.
  • b - the second value.
  • options - optional settings:
    • deepFunction - when true, function values are deep compared using their source code and object properties. Defaults to false.
    • part - when true, allows a partial match where some of b is present in a. Defaults to false.
    • prototype - when false, prototype comparisons are skipped. Defaults to true`.
    • skip - an array of key name strings to skip comparing. The keys can be found in any level of the object. Note that both values must contain the key - only the value comparison is skipped. Only applies to plain objects and deep functions (not to map, sets, etc.). Defaults to no skipping.
    • symbols - when false, symbol properties are ignored. Defaults to true.
Hoek.deepEqual({ a: [1, 2], b: 'string', c: { d: true } }, { a: [1, 2], b: 'string', c: { d: true } }); //results in true
Hoek.deepEqual(Object.create(null), {}, { prototype: false }); //results in true
Hoek.deepEqual(Object.create(null), {}); //results in false

intersect(array1, array2, [options])

Find the common unique items betwee two arrays where:

  • array1 - the first array.
  • array2 - the second array.
  • options - optional settings:
    • first - if true, return only the first intersecting item. Defaults to false.
const array1 = [1, 2, 3];
const array2 = [1, 4, 5];

const newArray = Hoek.intersect(array1, array2); // results in [1]

contain(ref, values, [options])

Tests if the reference value contains the provided values where:

  • ref - the reference string, array, or object.
  • values - a single or array of values to find within the ref value. If ref is an object, values can be a key name, an array of key names, or an object with key-value pairs to compare.
  • options - an optional object with the following optional settings:
    • deep - if true, performed a deep comparison of the values.
    • once - if true, allows only one occurrence of each value.
    • only - if true, does not allow values not explicitly listed.
    • part - if true, allows partial match of the values (at least one must always match).
    • symbols - clone symbol properties. Defaults to true.

Note: comparing a string to overlapping values will result in failed comparison (e.g. contain('abc', ['ab', 'bc'])). Also, if an object key's value does not match the provided value, false is returned even when part is specified.

Hoek.contain('aaa', 'a', { only: true });							// true
Hoek.contain([{ a: 1 }], [{ a: 1 }], { deep: true });				// true
Hoek.contain([1, 2, 2], [1, 2], { once: true });					// false
Hoek.contain({ a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 }, { a: 1, d: 4 }, { part: true }); // true

flatten(array, [target])

Flatten an array

const array = [1, [2, 3]];

const flattenedArray = Hoek.flatten(array); // results in [1, 2, 3]

array = [1, [2, 3]];
target = [4, [5]];

flattenedArray = Hoek.flatten(array, target); // results in [4, [5], 1, 2, 3]

reach(obj, chain, [options])

Converts an object key chain string or array to reference

  • options - optional settings
    • separator - string to split chain path on, defaults to '.'
    • default - value to return if the path or value is not present, default is undefined
    • strict - if true, will throw an error on missing member, default is false
    • functions - if true, allow traversing functions for properties. false will throw an error if a function is part of the chain. Defaults to true.
    • iterables - if true, allows traversing Set and Map objects. false will result in undefined return value is the chain contains any Set or Map objects. Note that enabling iterables can impact performance by up to 10% for all calls regardless of the presence of Set or Map objects. Defaults to false.

A chain can be a string that will be split into key names using separator, or an array containing each individual key name.

A chain including negative numbers will work like negative indices on an array.

If chain is null, undefined or false, the object itself will be returned.

const chain = 'a.b.c';
const obj = {a : {b : { c : 1}}};

Hoek.reach(obj, chain); // returns 1

const chain = ['a', 'b', -1];
const obj = {a : {b : [2,3,6]}};

Hoek.reach(obj, chain); // returns 6

reachTemplate(obj, template, [options])

Replaces string parameters ({name}) with their corresponding object key values by applying the reach() method where:

  • obj - the context object used for key lookup.
  • template - a string containing {} parameters.
  • options - optional reach() options.
const template = '1+{a.b.c}=2';
const obj = { a: { b: { c: 1 } } };

Hoek.reachTemplate(obj, template); // returns '1+1=2'


Converts an object to string using the built-in JSON.stringify() method with the difference that any errors are caught and reported back in the form of the returned string. Used as a shortcut for displaying information to the console (e.g. in error message) without the need to worry about invalid conversion.

const a = {};
a.b = a;
Hoek.stringify(a);		// Returns '[Cannot display object: Converting circular structure to JSON]'


Same as Timer with the exception that ts stores the internal node clock which is not related to and cannot be used to display human-readable timestamps. More accurate for benchmarking or internal timers.

Escaping Characters

hoek provides convenient methods for escaping html characters. The escaped characters are as followed:

internals.htmlEscaped = {
    '&': '&',
    '<': '&lt;',
    '>': '&gt;',
    '"': '&quot;',
    "'": '&#x27;',
    '`': '&#x60;'


const string = '<html> hey </html>';
const escapedString = Hoek.escapeHtml(string); // returns &lt;html&gt; hey &lt;/html&gt;


Escape attribute value for use in HTTP header

const a = Hoek.escapeHeaderAttribute('I said "go w\\o me"');  //returns I said \"go w\\o me\"


Unicode escapes the characters <, >, and & to prevent mime-sniffing older browsers mistaking JSON as HTML, and escapes line and paragraph separators for JSONP and script contexts.

const lineSeparator = String.fromCharCode(0x2028);
const a = Hoek.escapeJson('I said <script>confirm(&).' + lineSeparator);  //returns I said \\u003cscript\\u003econfirm(\\u0026).\\u2028


Escape string for Regex construction

const a = Hoek.escapeRegex('4^f$s.4*5+-_?%=#!:@|~\\/`"(>)[<]d{}s,');  // returns 4\^f\$s\.4\*5\+\-_\?%\=#\!\:@\|~\\\/`"\(>\)\[<\]d\{\}s\,


assert(condition, message)

const a = 1, b = 2;

Hoek.assert(a === b, 'a should equal b');  // Throws 'a should equal b'

Note that you may also pass an already created Error object as the second parameter, and assert will throw that object.

const a = 1, b = 2;

Hoek.assert(a === b, new Error('a should equal b')); // Throws the given error object



Returns a new function that can be run multiple times, but makes sure fn is only run once.

const myFn = function () {
    console.log('Ran myFn');

const onceFn = Hoek.once(myFn);
onceFn(); // results in "Ran myFn"
onceFn(); // results in undefined


A simple no-op function. It does nothing at all.


wait(timeout, [returnValue])

Resolve the promise after timeout milliseconds with the provided returnValue.

await Hoek.wait(2000); // waits for 2 seconds
const timeout = Hoek.wait(1000, 'timeout'); // resolves after 1s with 'timeout'


A no-op Promise. Does nothing.


Determines if an item is a promise where:

  • promise - the item being tested.

Returns true is the item is a promise, otherwise false.