The anilist plugin lets you display your favorites animes, mangas and characters from your AniList account.
This plugin is composed of the following sections, which can be displayed or hidden through plugin_anilist_sections
will display your favorites mangas and animeswatching
will display animes currently in your watching listreading
will display manga currently in your reading listcharacters
will display characters you liked
These sections can also be filtered by media type, which can be either anime
, manga
or both.
➡️ Available options for this plugin
- uses: lowlighter/metrics@latest
# ... other options
plugin_anilist: yes
plugin_anilist_medias: anime, manga # Display both animes and mangas
plugin_anilist_sections: favorites, characters # Display only favorites and characters sections
plugin_anilist_limit: 2 # Limit to 2 entry per section (characters section excluded)
plugin_anilist_limit_characters: 22 # Limit to 22 characters in characters section
plugin_anilist_shuffle: yes # Shuffle data for more varied outputs
plugin_anilist_user: .user.login # Use same username as GitHub login