Setup a metrics instance on your server if you don't want to use GitHub Actions and See all supported options in settings.example.json.
Assuming your username is my-github-user
, you can then embed rendered metrics in your readme like below:

You'll need a server with a recent version of Docker.
From the Developer settings
of your account settings, select Personal access tokens
to create a new token.
No additional scopes are needed.
Fetch settings.example.json which contains all supported option.
Edit settings.json
to configure your instance.
//GitHub API token
//Other options...
If you plan to make your web instance public, it is advised to restrict its access thanks to rate limiter and access list.
Metrics docker images are published on GitHub Container Registry.
Configure the following variables (or hardcode them in the command in the next block):
# Select an existing docker image tag
# Path to configured `settings.json`
# Port used internally (use the same one than in `settings.json`)
# Port to publish
And start the container using the following command:
docker run -d --workdir=/metrics --entrypoint="" -p=$PUBLISHED_PORT:$SERVICE_PORT --volume=$SETTINGS:/metrics/settings.json$VERSION npm start
Edit your repository readme and add your metrics image from your server domain:

To ensure that your instance will restart if it reboots or crashes, you should set it up as a service. This is described below for Linux-like systems which support systemd.
Create a new service file /etc/systemd/system/github_metrics.service
and paste the following after editing paths inside:
ExecStart=(command to run as service)
Reload services, enable it, start it and check if it is up and running:
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl enable github_metrics
systemctl start github_metrics
systemctl status github_metrics
To run an instance without docker, you'll need to have NodeJS (see used version in Dockerfile) installed.
Clone repository, install dependencies and copy configuration example to settings.json
git clone
cd metrics/
npm install --only=prod
cp settings.example.json settings.json
Once you've finished configuring metrics, start your instance using the following command:
npm start
You should now be able to access your server with provided port in setting.json
from your browser.
Most of options from action.yml are actually supported by web instance, though syntax is slightly different.
All underscores (_
) must be replaced by dots (.
) and plugin_
prefixes must be dropped.
For example, to configure pagespeed plugin you'd use the following:
Note that url parameters must be encoded.
As for base
content, which is enabled by default, sections are available through "base.<section>
For example, to display only repositories
section, use: