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Steps to run index_prediction_app on local machine

  1. cd into index_prediction_app folder
  2. Install required libraries pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Inside the index_prediction_app folder run flask run and access the app in the browser.

Steps to run the index_prediction_app inside a container:

  1. Pull the image from docker hub sudo docker pull navin772/preds_dev:4.0 or you can build the image using the Dockerfile.
  2. Start a new container using the pulled image sudo docker run -p 7000:5000 <image_id>
  3. Access the flask app on localhost:7000

Steps for deploying on k8s cluster

  1. cd into k8s_deployment_yaml folder and run kubectl apply -k and kustomize will apply all the yaml files to the k8s cluster.
  2. Access the app on <NodeIP>:<NodePort>


This Kaggle notebook was sourced and modified from GILBERTO BERNAL

index_prediction_app/indexData.csv is licensed by Data files © Original Authors. Data sourced from Kaggle